May 19, 2016

Regular Session--- 7:25 am

BMS Conference Room, 125 HWY 96 East, Bonaire, GA 31005

School Council Members Present:

Cindy RandallSerena Washington

Lee Ann Thrift Maria Cristina Tayag

Amy Byrd

Members Absent:Kelli BuchananRenee’ Daughtry

5members were present representing a quorum.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Mrs. Byrd called the meeting to order at 7:26a.m.
  1. Moment of Reflection / Inspiration
  2. Mrs. Byrd called for a moment of reflection.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. The pledge of allegiance was recited by all committee members.
  1. Recognition of Visitors
  2. No visitors were in attendance.
  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Agenda was read by council with nothing to add.
  3. Motion moved, seconded, and carried to approve the May School Council meeting agenda.

Motion: Maria Cristina Tayag

Second: Lee Ann Thrift

Vote: Unanimous 5-0

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Minutes from the April 5, 2016meeting were distributed at the beginning of the meeting.
  3. Motion moved, seconded, and carried to approve the April School Council minutes with no changes.

Motion: Lee Ann Thrift

Second: Maria Cristina Tayag

Vote: Unanimous5-0

  1. Report of the Principal
  1. School Staffing – due to the recent rezoning, we have lost five teaching slots. We also will be looking for an art teacher, a bookkeeper and a med tech. Mrs. Pat Pierce will replace Mrs. Kay Squires as our new secretary.
  2. BMS Happenings –

i.The eighth graders will be traveling Friday, May 20th, to Savannah, Georgia for their eighth grade trip.

ii.Our honors nights were held on May 12th and May 16th to celebrate the successes of our students.We recognized more students this year due to our change with the semester grading system.

iii.Relay for Life will be held this weekend. Mrs. Yeager is heading up this group and should have a wonderful time, although the rain has moved the venue inside at the Perry AgriCenter.

iv.7th Grade World Geography will be taught next year for all students for a high school credit. It was piloted this year with our honors class, taught by Mrs. Asaro. This curriculum is very similar to our present seventh grade Social Studies curriculum with a few additional units added from the sixth grade curriculum.

v.We have received our Milestones scores and our school did well. There were only 43 students that did not pass the reading portion of the eighth grade Milestones. On the math portion, there only 28 students that did not pass. We will be working on a plan this summer to implement next year to help with these students that struggle with reading. The scores will be sent home with the final report card for all students.

vi.The State Legislature has passed a bill that will decrease the amount of testing on the students. The students will not take the Science and Social Studies portions of the Milestones test. They will only be tested in Reading and Math, while the individual counties can decide what they want to do about testing for the Science and Social Studies. There has been talk of giving SLOs (Specific Learning Objectives) for those subjects within our county.

vii.Meet and Greet night will be Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

viii.Our Teacher of the Year is Mrs. Julie McCoy. She has done, and continues to do a fabulous job of teaching chorus, music and directing the school plays.

  1. Old Business
  2. There is no old business to discuss.
  1. New Business
  2. School Council Member election – Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the BMS media center. One parent representative and one parent/business owner will be elected.
  3. Mrs. Randall thanked Mrs. Byrd for her three years of service here at BMS on the council. Mrs. Byrd will be giving up her position on the board for the newly elected member in tonight’s meeting.
  1. Adjournment
  2. With no further business to come before the school council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25a.m. by unanimous consent.