Application Guide for ALP Practice II

(Overseas Training)

The Academic Leader Program (ALP) of the Innovator and Inventor Development Platform (IIDP) is offering "ALP Practice II (Overseas Training)" with the objective to enable doctoral students to develop their careers by gaining practical international research experience, which may contribute to an international joint research project, through overseas training over a period of, in principle, two weeks or more.

In addition, a student who belongs to ALP and enrolls in this course may submit an application (see application form attached) via his/her department to be considered for financial support for the portion of the international travel expenses that covers his/her training. When the application is approved, the support will be provided by IIDP within the available budget to the department. Students not belonging to ALP may also enroll in this course but are not eligible for the financial support.

Students wishing to conduct overseas research training through this course should, after registering for the course, submit the attached "Application Form for Overseas Training" to the IIDP office.

International Travel Expense Support Application: Please submit the attached "Application Form for Overseas Training Expense Support” to the following IIDP office.
To be submitted to: IIDP office (Room 406, Building 6, Ookayama Minami)
Email: , Mail Box Number: S6-1

○ ALP Training II (Overseas Training) (0-0-1 / A2D, A3D)


As a training course within the Academic Leader Program (ALP), this course encourages students to undertake practical training in international joint research projects and various other opportunities that arise with the internationalization of research. One credit will be granted for conducting practical research training at an overseas university, research institution, or equivalent for two weeks or more under the guidance of their professor(Lab.'s "Sensei"). Participation in international conferences, schools, etc. may be included in the training. (In exceptional cases, the ALP curriculum committee may decide that a credit be approved for overseas training of less than two weeks if some form of prior training is required.)


Students wishing to enroll in this course should submit the attached "Application Form for Overseas Training" via their professor(Lab.'s "Sensei")or department to the ALP curriculum committee and receive travel approval. Within two weeks of completing the travel, a training report should be submitted to the ALP curriculum committee.

Financial assistance

・The maximum financial assistance amount is 200,000 yen/person for this year.

・Training grants are considered as travel expenses not including daily allowances, and the lodging costs are taken to be about 60% of the amount stipulated in the travel expense regulations of Tokyo Tech (refer to the separate table).

・The financial assistance application is only available for 1 student per department (there is no limit for the number of students who want to take the course).

Financial assistance is granted for postdoctoral students enrolled in ALP who conduct research training at an overseas university, research institution, or equivalent for two weeks or more. Participation in international conferences, schools, etc. may be included in the training. In such cases, expenses (not including airfare) related to participating in the conference will be provided by the school/department.