Board of Director’s Meeting

November 10, 2015

Mission: To represent and promote, in partnership with our vendors and suppliers, the interests of those engaged in the ownership and/or operation of commercial or government properties through effective leadership, advocacy, exchange of information, and professional development.

1.Call to Order– Jon Kurth called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Those in attendance were Mike Quick, Jon Kurth, Kate Miller, Tricia Matthies, Scott Cooley and Dawn O’Connor.

2.Agenda Approval- Mike Quick made a motion to approve. Seconded by Tricia Matthies. Motion carried.

3.President’s Report - none

4.Consent Agenda Approval –Kate Millermade a motion to approve. Seconded by Scott Cooley. Motion carried.

Minutes – previous meeting

Program–Tuesday, November 17

Speaker: TJ Juskiewicz, Director at RAGBRAI

Jan – Iowa Caucuses
Feb – Kum & Go – New building
March – Convention & Visitors Bureau – NCAA Men’s Basketball

Communications & Correspondence–


2005Fed Prim 29 Fed Assoc 29 Allied Prim 84 Allied Assoc 28 Govt 5

Life 10 BAE 1 Natl 158 Total 186

2006Fed Prim 27 Fed Assoc 30 Allied Prim 83 Allied Assoc 27 Govt 3

Life 9 BAE 1 Natl 153 Total 180

2007Fed Prim 32 Fed Assoc 29 Allied Prim 83 Allied Assoc 31 Govt 1

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 153 Total 184

2008Fed Prim 34 Fed Assoc 28 Allied Prim 82 Allied Assoc 36 Govt 1

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 153 Total 189

2009Fed Prim 31 Fed Assoc 25 Allied Prim 74 Allied Assoc 29 Govt 2

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 140 Total 169

2010Fed Prim 26 Fed Assoc 25 Allied Prim 73 Allied Assoc 29 Govt 14

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 146 Total 175

2011Fed Prim 22 Fed Assoc 25 Allied Prim 65 Allied Assoc 23 Govt 12

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 134 Student 1 Total 158

2012Fed Prim 22 Fed Assoc 26 Allied Prim 66 Allied Assoc 26 Govt 13

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 135 Student 0 Total 161

2013Fed Prim 30 Fed Assoc 29 Allied Prim 60 Allied Assoc 28 Govt 12

Life 8 BAE 1 Natl 139 Student 0 Total 167

2014Fed Prim 30 Fed Assoc 30 Allied Prim 70 Allied Assoc 28 Govt 3

Life 10 BAE 1 Natl 143 Student 0 Total 171

2015Fed Prim 25 Fed Assoc 29 Allied Prim 56 Allied Assoc 28 Govt 4

Life 11 BAE 1 Natl 125 Student 0 Total 153

5.Applications for Membership – Renewals have been sent out. No new applications this month.

6.Treasurer’s Report

Tricia Matthies made a motion to approve. Seconded by Kate Miller. Motion carried.

Dawn will include the unrealized gain/loss on our investments, but not included it in the totals affecting income on the profit/loss budget performance report.

7.Social Committee

Holiday Party – 40 registered for the event. We will keep it in November since there are too many conflicts in December.

8.Old Business

Investment Policy – Wells Fargo–The board agreed to keep a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months of operating expenses in the checking/money market accounts. At the end of each year, adjustments for these accounts will be made based on board discussion. The investment mix that Jon proposed was agreed on by the board. Jon will put together a formal policy to be voted on at our December board meeting. The board is comfortable with staying with Wells Fargo.

Education Events - The final event was the Appreciation Breakfast. Otis Elevator and Larry’s Window Service sponsored breakfast and gave gift cards for drawings. EMC spoke about BOMA and BOMI education opportunities. Kevin Mauk talked about the Boilers License and Joe Zhou from the Iowa Energy Center spoke about classes they offer. There is also a Building Engineers Certification offered through DMACC. Kate will organize a CPR/First Aid program by American Red Cross if there are at least ten people interested. The cost will be passed along to the participants. She will ask if there is any interest at November luncheon.

Building Tour – Wells Fargo, Jordan Creek –Jon Kurth will get a date set for aThursday in the spring. Scott will help him organize the event. We will do the building tour at 4:00 p.m. and then have additional networking time at a nearby restaurant/bar.

Board Slate of Officers – The membership will vote on the proposed slate of officers at the November 17th luncheon.

November Luncheon - James Smith will formally thank Jon Kurth for his service on the board for the last seven years. Mike Quick will present James Smith with his President’s plaque.

9.New Business

The monthly luncheon location for January thru March 2016 will beDes Moines Golf & Country Club. The board thought it would be best to continue the buffet style and charge $30 to cover the cost of the meal. We will be back at Wakonda for the remainder of the year.

New signers for bank account –Kate Miller made a motion to add Mike Quick and Tricia Matthies as signers to the bank accounts; remove James Smith and Scott Cooley and keep Dawn O’Connor. Seconded by Scott Cooley. Motion carried.

10.BOMA International

If we register by the end of the year for the 2016 June convention, the registration fee is reduced slightly.

11.Adjournment–Mike Quickmade a motion to adjourn at 12:50 p.m. Seconded by Scott Cooley. Motion carried.