Communications and Engagement Strategy update

Trust Board / Item: 16
Date: 26th July 2017 / Enclosure: J
Purpose of the Report:
This report provides an update on progress against the actions and activities set out in the Communications and Engagement Strategy, which was approved by the Trust Board in July 2016.
For: Informationü AssuranceDiscussion and input Decision/approval
Sponsor (Executive Lead): / Kelvin Cheatle – Director of Workforce
Author: / Lisa Ward – Head of Communications
Author Contact Details: /
Risk Implications – Link to Assurance Framework or Corporate Risk Register: / N/A
Legal / Regulatory / Reputation Implications: / To support and enhance the Trust’s reputation.
Link to Relevant CQC Domain:
Safe Effective Caring Responsive Well Led ü
Link to Relevant Corporate Objective: / Supports all Corporate Objectives.
Document Previously Considered By: / N/A
That the Board notes the progress and update.

Communications Strategy Progress Update

1.  Introduction

This is a progress update on the Communications Strategy, which was approved by the Board in July 2016.

2.  Overview of the Communications Strategy

This strategy set out how communications and engagement activities will support the Trust over the two years. The NHS regionally and nationally is busier than ever with an ambitious agenda to achieve including the delivery of performance targets and regional Sustainability and Transformation plans. The Trust is helping to shape the SW London plan and also has some key programmes of work that require high quality and robust communications support. This is includes the delivery of the actions following the Trust’s CQC inspection in January 2016; Estates transformation programme and the Trust’s Five year strategy and vision.

Key elements in the strategy include:

·  testing the effectiveness of internal channels to engage with staff and strengthening of those channels through a project to refresh the Trust’s intranet site.

·  building on the success and growing reputation of the Trust as an active user of social media to engage with a very wide audience.

·  placing features and case studies in national and trade media particularly highlighting our innovative use of IT to improve patient care, dementia care improvements and volunteering.

·  greater focus on stakeholder and partner engagement and communications.

3.  Progress against communications activities

3.1 Staff

The Trust’s staff communications fundamentally supports the delivery of Strategic Objective 2 - To have a committed, skilled and highly engaged workforce who feel valued, supported and developed and who work together to care for our patients.

3.1.1 Actions

The team has sustained two key planks of staff engagement - Team Brief (which is regularly attended by around 40 staff and the information cascaded throughout the organisation) and the Chief Executive’s weekly email which is a personal message for all staff. This is growing as a celebration tool – with more and more staff submitting news and information for inclusion in the weekly. Anecdotal evidence shows that the message is well received and the recent communications audit showed that it was always read by 67% of staff and 28% sometimes read it. The Trust held its second Annual Staff Awards ceremony in November 2016, which was attended by more than 200 staff and supporters.

Redevelopment of the Trust intranet is underway, with the new intranet expected to be launched by December 2017.

The Trust has additionally developed a comprehensive communications plan to support the key strategic priorities around productivity and improvement; workforce and health and wellbeing and the Trust’s journey to a CQC rating of Outstanding. Called ‘Our Hospital, Our Future’. This plan includes regular information in the Chief Executive’s weekly message; a monthly e-bulletin; blog and positive new stories.

3.2 External

The main planks of the Trust’s external communications are media relations, member and governor communications, events and patient information. The Trust continues to enjoy a good working relationship with the local and some parts of the national media, to ensure that we are always contacted to contribute to issues concerning the hospital. The team has regularly issued media releases on a range of announcements throughout the year and will continue to focus on proactive media coverage.

3.2.1 Actions

The Trust held its first Careers Fair in May 2017, which replaced the annual Open Day. A wide range of departments and services were represented at the Fair and visitors had the opportunity to hear from staff on what their job entails, including a Junior Doctor, Occupational Therapist and a Matron.

A number of members’ events have been held on a range of topics including Diabetes, Skin Cancer, Dementia and Sexual Health.

3.3  Digital

There are number of channels and resources in place for communicating with staff and the public. To enhance staff engagement and communications, a priority is the redevelopment of the intranet.

3.3.1 Actions

The website continues to be a very important platform for communicating with our key audiences and communications is working with the services to ensure that all the information is kept up to date and data is made available and a business case is being prepared to refresh the website.

There was a commitment in the strategy to continue to maximise the use of social media and the Trust twitter feed now has 9,500 followers, which compares very well with both neighbouring and Trusts in London. The facebook page is growing and an Instagram account has been launched.

The communications audit demonstrated low use of social media by staff and this will be addressed through the social media week in the Autumn.

3.4 Stakeholder/Partner engagement

The focus is on providing the tools and narrative to enable everyone in the organisation to play a part.

3.4.1 Actions

The engagement activities focused on continuing to build strong relationships with counterparts and introducing some additional means of regular communication. In addition to the actions in the progress tracker in Appendix 1, the Trust has continued to enter into national awards schemes.

4.  Conclusion

Very good progress has been made against the Strategy to date, but there is still much more to do during the remainder of 2017/18 and into the summer of 2018.The priorities include:

-  Redevelopment of the intranet

-  Our Hospital, Our Future communications plan

-  Website refresh business case

-  Launch of the stakeholder bulletin

-  Annual staff awards – November 2017

-  Social media week

-  Celebrating success

Appendix 1 – Progress Tracker

Staff Communications

What / Update
Communications Audit – Assess what works well; what staff want more and less of. / Carried out in January 2017 and achieved 267 responses. It showed that 99% of staff do not use the intranet and are keen to see it redeveloped; 67% of staff do not signpost patients to the website and 66% do not follow the Trust on social media. The intranet is already under redevelopment and the following actions are also being taken forward:
-  Business case to update the website and campaign to promote it internally
-  Social media week in the autumn – to highlight the Trust’s activity, benefits of social media and how to use it safely.
Development of internal social network – building on the success of twitter and high levels of staff engagement with it, the communications team will explore the use of Yammer with staff. This is currently being piloted in Maternity and we will learn from their experience before rolling out further. Test concept in the audit. / There was limited success with Yammer in maternity and the pilot in the Emergency Department was not successful. However, there are plans to trial a closed Facebook group for staff.
Intranet redevelopment – develop a business case for capital funding and seek external funding. The redevelopment of the intranet would provide a vital tool for the entire organisation to better engage with each other; share best practice and ideas; access information to make their lives easier and support a number of Corporate functions and processes. / This is at Invitation to Tender stage and an agency will be appointed in August. A project manager is in place to run the redevelopment.
Healthy lifestyles and wellbeing – work with Occupational Health and Workforce to promote services to staff on a regular basis and promote external NHS staff benefits on offer. / Working closely with the Head of Health and Wellbeing and the Director of Workforce to promote the Health and Wellbeing strategy and there is an ongoing plan as part of ‘Our Hospital, Our Future’.
CEO Coffee break - to further enhance visibility of the CEO and Executive team, a randomly selected group of staff will be invited for coffee and a catch up once a month. / Developed into an initiative launched by the Director of Workforce called ‘Coffee and Conversations’. An Executive and Non-Executive Director meet with a randomly selected group of staff once a month to discuss a range of issues.
Enhancing staff reward:
Ward/Team of the Month – an opportunity to enhance staff reward. Complement the Monthly values awards and will be agreed by the Executive team based on feedback and information received during the month.
Token of appreciation – all managers to receive notes and coffee/tea voucher to distribute as they wish to teams and individuals. These thank yous will also be shared to ensure there is wider recognition and awareness across the Trust. / This will be launched as part of ‘Our Hospital, Our Future’.
This has been replaced with a simple ‘thank you’ card scheme which will be rolled out at the end of August 2017.

External communications

What / Update
Development of Employer Brand – working in partnership with the Workforce team. / The website was launched at the beginning of 2017 and communications is continuing to work with Workforce to promote the trust as an employer of choice. This includes the launch of a Careers twitter feed.
Chief Executive’s weekly note – circulate to key stakeholders / This is in place and is sent to more than 50 stakeholders and partners every week.
National/Trade press coverage – sell in features and news stories to relevant trade and national press. To include technology/IT; dementia and maternity. / Working with Cerner on a number of IT related articles and the opening of Derwent ward is to be featured in the Alzheimer’s Society’s national magazine. Also seeking further opportunities.
Trust Magazine relaunch – seek sponsorship and advertising to cover the publication and circulation of a bi-annual magazine / The first issue of Buzz was launched in July 2017 and will be published three times a year.
Redesign and relaunch of Patient Information – to include an audit of existing information and a redesign to A4 format. Much easier to update and reproduce in-house. / This project has not yet started, but will be carried out in partnership with the Patient Experience lead.
Rolling Brief and Governors’ presentation / A presentation is available for Governors and an updated rolling brief will be available in August.

Digital Communications

Launch of Trust Instagram account – the Hospital generates strong imagery and this platform will enable to Trust to attract interest and engagement from users of Instagram. / This is in place and we are building up followers.
Launch of Trust LinkedIn page – this will provide an additional platform for marketing KHFT as an employer of choice and run targeted recruitment campaigns / In place and will be working with the Recruitment team to maximise its usage.
Tweetathons/Q&A – launch a series of tweetathons focusing on a service e.g. maternity; Emergency Dept; Paediatrics. In addition, opportunity for patients and public to ask an individual or team questions and find out more. / Not yet launched and will form part of the social media week in the Autumn.
Website audit and optimisation – meet with clinical specialties and teams to update web pages and maximise usage of the website / Some content updated and a business case is required to technically update the site and give it a refresh.
Launch of Child friendly Paediatrics Information – Section has been designed and written aimed at children being treated here in partnership with Momentum / In place

Stakeholder/Partner Engagement

What / Update
Strong relationships with counterparts - The Executive team and other senior leaders already have relationships on some level with colleagues carrying out similar roles in a number of our key partner organisations. Focusing on strengthening these relationships has to continue particularly with CCG, Community and Acute Trust colleagues. / All members of the Executive team continue to regular meet with and update key stakeholders and counterparts.
CEO Weekly – shared with partners and stakeholders / In place
Bi-Monthly stakeholder update – developed with the CEO and Chairman / This will be launched in September 2017.
MP/Local Cllr engagement – ensure regular briefings in the diary with key MPs and Chairs of HOSC/HOP / Chairman and CEO have met with the local MPs to brief on key issues and also with key council contacts.
GP engagement – work with the GP Liaison Manager to explore opportunities for greater senior engagement with GPs. / This work is ongoing with the Strategic Development team.


Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Trust Board – July 2017