Bolton Figure Skating Club
Parent Code of Conduct
The Bolton Figure Skating Club expects that its parents and their guests will adhere to its Code of Conduct, both on and off the ice, in and around the rink. Failure to do so may result in the violators being asked to leave the ice or the rink.
- Parents will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all skaters, coaches and officials at every practice session, competition, and test session.
- Parents will place the emotional and physical well being of their child ahead of any personal desire to win.
- Parents will treat any coach, official, judge, rink employee, guest and other parents with respect.
- Parents will encourage their child to treat coaches, fans, officials, and rink personnel with respect.
- Parents will encourage their child to skate safely and respectfully when sharing the ice with others.
- Parents will never ridicule or yell at their child or other participants for making a mistake or blame any teammate for placement in a competition.
- Parents will applaud good effort in both victory and defeat emphasizing the positive accomplishments and learning from the mistakes.
- Parents will teach their child to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
- Parents will resolve conflicts appropriately.
- Parents will go through appropriate channels (coach and the Bolton Figure
Skating Board) before contacting other clubs, officials and personnel responsible
for coordinating an event.
- Parents will conduct themselves in an appropriate and positive manner when in
and around the facility.
- Parents will be positive role models for their child and other skaters.
- Parents will respect their child’s coach and refrain from coaching their child or
other skaters during competitions and practices because it may conflict with the
coach’s plan or strategies.
- Parents will respect the decisions of officials and their authority during
competition and test sessions and teach their child to do likewise.
- Parents will show appreciation and recognize the importance of volunteers and
club officials.
- Parents will support all skaters and respect the rights of all skaters to participate.