It has been necessary to clarify issues relating to:

  1. CBSC Moorings Association agreement with the Crown Estate Commissioners
  2. Trot mooring
  3. Free standing moorings

1 The CBSC Moorings Association Agreement with the Crown Estate Commissioners

  • The sea bed is controlled by the Crown Estate and all tenants must pay an annual levy which is presently set at £45[1]. CBSC members would normally pay for moorings and crown estate fees along with their annual membership subscriptions.[2]
  • On payment of the annual levy, a tag will be provided which at all times must be attached to the surface buoy or pickup. Some years, new tags are not issued.
  • The CBSC Moorings Association will provide the Crown Estate with individual vessel and owner details.
  • If a tag is lost or removed a replacement tag can be obtained from the Crown Estate which may charge a fee for it. The Moorings Convenor will liaise between association members and the Crown Estate.
  • It is a requirement of the Crown Estate Commissioners’ Agreement with CBSC that all moorings are at all times kept in good and safe condition and that members of the CBSC Moorings Association are informed annually of this requirement.
  • All members of the association are required to have appropriate third party insurance.

2 Trot Moorings


  • The inner and outer trots[3] belong to the club.
  • Club members occupying points on the inner or outer trots are tenants. There are a maximum of 12 tenants on the inner trot and 8 on the outer.
  • Trot tenancy is determined by the Club Committee. Tenants therefore cannot sell, exchange, lend or lease their position on the trot.
  • The tenant is the owner of the riser gear[4]securing their vessel to the trot.

Maintenance of trots and riser gear

  • Riser gear must be inspected annually and serviced as necessary.
  • It is the tenant’s responsibility to annually inspect and service their riser gear.
  • Whilst the club owns the trot, the tenants are collectively responsible for annual inspection of the trot and any servicing that may arise.
  • Thus, the club has no responsibility for inspecting orservicing either the trots or any tenants’ riser gear attached to the trot.
  • Whilst the club has no responsibility for maintenance, in order to minimise tenants inconvenience and tenants’financial outlay, the club, via the moorings convener is willing to act as point of contact between an approved moorings contractor and trot tenants.
  • Those tenants who wish the moorings convener to facilitate inspection and servicing of their particular trot and their riser gear will pay an annual advance fee. Presently, this is £200 for inner trot tenants and £215 for outer trot tenants. This would normally be paid along with annual membership subscriptions. The costs of inspecting and servicing the trot and riser gear will be pooled across those wishing the club to facilitate maintenance. These charges will be revised annually. There will be no rebate, and any annual surplus will accumulate in a trot / riser maintenance fund. In exceptional circumstances, one-off top up charges agreed by the Club Committee might be required.
  • All tenants are free to make their own inspection and servicing arrangements. Those doing so must inform the Moorings Convenor of this at their earliest convenience.
  • Unless informed otherwise, the Moorings Convener will assume that trot tenants are content for the Club to facilitate maintenance.
  • Those tenants making their own arrangements for inspection and servicing of their riser gear will be required to pay an annual advance fee of £50 towards inspection and servicing of the trot.
  • Tenants making their own arrangements for inspection and servicing of their riser gear must use a contractor approved by the club.

Tenants Leaving the Trot

  • Tenants leaving the club, or no longer wishing to occupy the trot must inform the Moorings Convener at their earliest convenience.
  • The attached riser must be removed or offered for sale to the club. If neither of these options is undertaken before the next scheduled annual trot inspection, the riser gear will become club property.

Tenants Joining the Trot

  • A waiting list will be kept by the Moorings Convener and posted on the club notice board.
  • Members who wish a position on the trot should make application to the Committee via the Mooring Convenor.
  • Boat over 30 feet willonly be considered for the outer trot.
  • The prospective tenant is responsible for the provision of the riser gear and its attachment to the trot and any costs associated with this. In some instances (attached and unattached) riser gear might be available for purchase from the club.
  • Attachment to the trot must be undertaken by a contractor approved by the club. The Moorings Convener can provide advice as require.

Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in disconnection from the trot, with the former tenant’s riser gear being deposited in the dingy park. The costs of this will be borne by the former tenant.

3Club Members Free Standing Moorings

  • Owners of free standing mooringsare solely responsible for annual inspection and servicing of their mooring. This MUST be arranged and paid for by the owner.
  • The moorings convener can provide advice as required.

[1]To be reviewed 01/01/2017.

[2]Membership of the CBSC Moorings Association is restricted to CBSC members

[3] For the purposes of this document the trot included the sea bed ground chain and any associatedground anchor weights securing the chain to the sea bed.

[4]For the purposes of this document riser gear is all the including the shackle attaching to the ground chain and any chain rope, float, junk, pickup used to secure the vessel to the ground chain.