April 15, 2011 LPC Meeting
Attending Members: Sandy Buchner, Angella Breitenbeck, Amy Vail, Mary Lenardson, Bob Avery, Geroge Krisztian
LPC 2011 Seminar
- Amy to inform Garret and ask him to prepare a 5-10 minute overview of his involvement in the spill before the panel question session
- Mary to speak with Chris and Cheryl about a 5-10 minute overview of their involvement in the spill before the panel question session (Angella spoke to both Chris and Cheryl earlier this month)
- Mark and Stephen to give keynote together
- Bob will pass out raffle tickets during registration
- Angella will mention to stop by registration desk to check to see if won a prize during opening comments, Mary will mention during closing comments
- Mary will mention that names will be drawn before the last break
- Sandy and Bob will draw names and put on white board during the final break
- Maybe have 2 laptops and 2 projectors, get mine setup so it works (may not be necessary)
- Need extension cords, remind Stella to have additional batteries for microphone and clicker
- Mary to follow up with Stella about vendors and special setup and tear down instructions, vendor raffle, and how many vendors are registered
- Amy and Angella to ask for permission to post presentations on MWEA website and cell phone numbers, waiting on OK’s from Greg Lundy and Mark DuCharme
- Create speaker bio form or confirmation form at next meeting for future use
- Ask Stella if it is possible to put the seminar notification into the newspaper in affected areas Marshall, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo (maybe put on public tv, community calendars) – MWEA office too busy to help at this time, MWEA suggested to see if Chris K. would be able to help
- Health departments may be able to broadcast it on a list serve – ask Mark for Calhoun County health dept.
- Make sure we have a chair for the panel facilitator and committee facilitator
- Confirm with Stella that Jerry will make opening comments – Jerry will be out of town and therefore unable to make opening comments
- Potential Questions:
1. Difference in cleanup criteria on navigable water (federal – sheen on water/state – criteria is much different) what are some of the main analytes being monitored to determine if it is clean?
2. Is warm weather releasing more oil, has drilling been done to determine saturation levels?
3. What is happening to/for the people living in Marshall?
4. What is the impact of the cleanup efforts on the environment (erosion, etc)
5. What happened to the oil that was hauled away? Was the oil recovered? Where is the waste going?
6. What did Kalamazoo actually take?
7. What are some of the other questions that you have been asked about on previous panel regarding this topic?
8. What are some lessons learned from this experience?
General Discussion
- Email George committee contacts
- Create speaker form at next meeting
- In June we will determine meeting dates for the rest of the year.
- Todd Knepper is the new Utility Director at City of Jackson WWTP
Upcoming Meetings
- May 10, 2011 Seminar
- June 10, 2011 Cadillac (Amy to Host)