Date: July23, 2007

7:37 PM – 9:30 PM

Bob Fiordaliso, Acting for the absent President, called the board meeting to order.


Fiordaliso, Friedman, Goldenstein, Hennings, Rosenbloom, Iverson


Claver, Manning


Gary Garcia, Dave Hart, Jon Leiter, Victor Mendoza, Tony Perovic, Al Lopez

Paper copies of minutes not available for approval

Treasurer Report - Friedman:

  • $3,469.59 currently in Grant Fund (about $2,500 carried over from last year’s raffle)
  • Ended last year with $11,185.65 surplus plus $2,539.59 in grant fund
  • Have over $300K, including A/R, for current year

Old Business

Tournament Update: Goldenstein

  • Over 80 registered teams, including Grove United SA
  • Some ages need another team to complete the bracket

Coach/Manager/Trainer Document: Fiordaliso

  • Bob requested electronic feedback from all board members by next meeting

Final Coach/Manager/Trainer List:Fiordaliso

  • Bob requested Dave hart to send updated copy

New Business

Issue raised by Jon Leiter for U8 teams

  • Teams want Academy style training; want to start August 2nd
  • Parents are asking why there isn’t a trainer (minimally assistant trainer) for each U8 team
  • Parents want two trainers because each team has paid for a trainer
  • Parents don’t want current coaches (Rob and Jon) to manage games
  • Primary trainer was hired at $100/session – Willing to work for $75/session – don’t have a 2nd trainer, yet
  • Current 2nd trainer in mind doesn’t have a license
  • Budgeted training fee is $50/session
  • Two options were on the table; until decision is made, parent coach lead training beginning August 2nd

-Back to back training – Deal with game conflicts as they arise

-Hire 2nd trainer and implement academy style training (both teams together)

Victor Mendoza and Bernie Hennings Announced Retirement from Coaching the U16 Boys

  • Victor requested the board to approve Tony Perovic and Al Lopez as newhead coaches for the two U16 boys’ teams
  • Third U16 boys team will not be formed; several players backed out – there will be two teams with 18 players, each
  • Motion to approve Tony Perovic and Al Lopez as replacement head coaches for the two U16 Boys teams moved by Goldenstein, seconded by Rosenbloom

Yes, Friedman, Goldenstein, Hennings, Rosenbloom, Iverson

Abstain, Fiordaliso : Against - none

Refund Policy Approval - Rosenbloom

  • General Discussion – request to make use of Grove United Soccer Association (GUSA) consistent. Replace the word “situation” in the last word of the 1st paragraph with “request”.
  • Bernie noted that holding player passes until the fee are paid for those players wanting to leave a team to join another may not be enforceable; He thought that IYSA rules require clubs to return passes upon request by player.
  • Motion to approve the refund policy with minor word changes and using Grove United SA moved by Rosenbloom seconded by Iverson

Yes, Friedman, Goldenstein, Hennings, Rosenbloom, Iverson, Fiordaliso

Abstain – none : Against - none

Budget - Goldenstein

  • Extended discussion regarding what form of the budget (or other financial information) Grove United SA is obligated to share or should share with members; Terry Iverson volunteered to look into this to determine obligation.

July 30thBoard Workshop

  • Joel requested through Bob that that this be held after tournament – all board members concurred

Grant Fund - Iverson

  • Terry suggested that we need to implement a policy – between now and October, he may lose a player
  • Bernie suggested that there is one player on one of the U16 boys’ teams that is in the same situation
  • The board needs to implement a policy for distributing money in the Grant Fund

Action Items

Terry to investigate what form of the budget or other financial information that Grove United SA is obligated to share or should share with its members.

Motion to adjourn: Moved byHennings, Seconded by Friedman and passed with a voice vote.