Central High School Cheerleading

Expectations and Regulations


The CHS Cheerleading program expects academics to be each participant’s first priority. CHS cheerleaders are expected to earn C’s or better to participate and to follow the CHS rules for eligibility set forth by the IHSA. If a cheerleader is earning a D or F, they will be required to receive academic help after school at least 3x/week to participate in that week’s football game.


Attendance at all practices, games, competitions, fundraisers, and community events are mandatory.

The rule is simple: 1,2,3 = O U T. A participant who misses three (3) times during the school year may be dismissed from the squad for the remainder of the season (Work is not excused; and please try not to schedule doctors appointments during practices and games).

Excessive absences, sitting out for any reason, including ineligibility, or missing more than two games in a season could result in removal from the program.

If a cheerleader is absent the practice before a game they may be required to sit out that game and possibly the next game.

If a participant is absent from school on a practice or game day, she/he may not participate in any event. In the case of an extended illness, a parent/guardian must contact the coach. It is the responsibility of each girl/boy to report directly to her/his coach any illness or injury that would result in a missed game or practice. You must e-mail the coach and head coach to let them know you are sick.

Schedules will be given out at the beginning of the summer, fall, and winter seasons. However, cheerleaders will need to be flexible due to the need to add or change practices due to facilities, games, weather, competitions, pep assemblies, and other events.

Sports or activities that are not sponsored through CHS cannot replace a CHS Cheerleading event, practice, game, camp and/or any cheerleading function.

Vacations, doctor appointments, work and club sports during the season are not excused from practice. Cheering at games is the same as competing at a competition; You cannot miss. Excuses such as a family dinner, party or going skiing will not work. If you miss a game, you will be suspended and could be removed from the program.



NO JEWELRY including watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, and other pierced items

NO GLITTER including lotions, make-up etc. containing glitter

NO NAIL POLISH Nails should be trimmed to an athletic length (no acrylics: this goes for any school dances, etc.), not beyond the fingertips, to prevent injury.

NO GUM is allowed during practices or games


…And any additional IHSA mandated rules

Cheerleading Shoes, socks, shorts, t-shirt and a bow must be worn at ALL practices.


Practices are closed.

Proper attire for practice is: T-shirt, spandex shorts, bow, and cheer shoes. They must also have their own water bottle. Pants are not allowed to be worn at practice. Girls must have their hair pulled back and off their face. Black Spandex and no-show white socks to be purchased outside of school. All participants are expected to be in practice attire and ready to begin at the designated practice time. If a cheerleader is late to practice for academic reasons they must bring a pass/note from their teacher.


Proper uniform for all games is: Cheerleading uniform, briefs, cheer shoes, appropriate socks, hair bow, game face. Your hair must be up and off of your face. Warm-ups should be worn to and from games during cooler weather. No uniform skirt may be worn over warm-up pants. Flip-flops, boots and non cheerleading shoes are never to be worn with the uniform. Jewelry of any kind can never be worn. No gum is allowed.

Each cheerleader is responsible for the proper care of his/her uniform. Each cheerleader will be fully responsible for the replacement of any uniform in his/her care that becomes damaged or lost.

All cheerleaders should wear their CHS Cheerleading uniform with pride at all regular season games and tournament games (unless otherwise specified by the coach). If you are sitting out due to non co-curricular reasons, you will sit out in full uniform (This could be warm-ups, shirt & shorts, and/or uniform, it is up to the coaches discretion).


In order to achieve maximum success as a squad each individual must demonstrate a good work ethic, and be willing to work for the good of the squad. Respect for other squad members and the coaching staff is imperative. The same goes for parents towards other kids on the team and the coaching staff. Negative behavior may result in suspension from participation in one or more games or dismissal from the squad.

Parent participation is appreciated. Decisions about coaching and program management are solely the responsibility of the coaching staff.

Each participant will sign and adhere to the CHS Cheerleading Expectations & Regulations.


Cheerleading is a demanding activity and requires the same physical training and dedication as any other sport. CHS cheerleaders are expected to maintain physical fitness through full participation in all warm-up and conditioning activities.

Like other sports, the possibility of injury is present in cheerleading. Any injury occurring during practice or game is to be reported to the coach or athletic trainer immediately. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted.


If a cheerleader is sick or absent for any reason they must contact their coach via Email by 1:00pm. Failure to inform the coaching staff of any absences could result in sitting out a game(s), event(s), and/or dismissal from the squad. Practices, Games and or Competitions are NOT OPTIONS.

All correspondences and E-mails to cheerleaders, staff, parents, and third parties will come from the coaching staff, not parents (unless Boosters related).

All parent concerns should be directed to the Head Coach.


Cheerleaders must have a current physical and athletic permit on record with the Athletic Office.

During the game all squad members are required to sit together when not cheering.

The CHS Co-curricular Code will be strictly enforced.

All bills must be paid on time and in full.


Cheerleaders must ride the athletic bus to and from events. They must be in full uniform or warm-up to travel in. We do not travel to any cheerleading function in street clothes. If they do not have on the proper attire they will be sent home.


If a cheerleader quits, he/she is still responsible to pay for any pre-ordered items, re-choreography fee ($150), uniforms, and/or outstanding balances. There are no refunds for any camps/clinics, clothing and or anything else ordered and not received. If you sign up for a camp and decide not to go, there are no refunds. If you make one team and get moved to another, there are no refunds on camp. If you make Varsity and get moved down to JV, and you started the Varsity camp, there are no refunds. If a cheerleader loses any items, the coach will automatically order another, so additional costs may apply—this also goes for Practice Bows!

If a cheerleader needs to be set up on a payment plan they must sign an agreement with the Coach.


As a part of the CHS Cheerleading program, each member and parent will actively participate in fundraisers & volunteer work throughout the year. Parent and cheerleader attendance and participation is required and allows for successful fundraising. Failure to sell/achieve the required amount will result in fees added to the cheerleader’s personal account. Upcoming fundraisers will be determined at a later date.

Cheer Clinic

Cow Plop

Jacob Frazier Golf Outing


Any other deemed as necessary


Varsity Cheerleaders must be well-rounded in all aspects of cheer: motions, jumps, tumbling, stunting, dance, and spirit.

All cheerleaders must sign up and take an approved tumbling class. All cheerleaders will be required to turn in a receipt for tumbling classes and attendance will be spot-checked. Varsity cheerleaders are expected to be able perform tumbling skills. If this is not followed, they can be moved down to the Junior Varsity level. Both teams will take team tumbling at least once a week.

A cheerleader can be moved FROM VARSITY TO JV OR JV TO VARSITY at the coaching staff’s discretion at any time. If a cheerleader does not know the material or keep the required skills (i.e.-tumbling, stunting) up they can be removed from the program

If someone transfers to CHS in the summer and or fall, they can try out before school starts or the first week.

Cheerleaders cannot try out for other sports after they have made cheerleading. If you quit, you cannot try out for these groups and you cannot join another sport in season.