August 2, 2016

The Braxton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 6 p.m. at the

Board office. The following members were present:

Jill Cooper, President

Dave Hoover, Vice President

Shane Brown

Van Carr

Brad Shingler

There was a work session at 4:30.

Jill Cooper called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

Jill Cooper led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dave Hoover offered a non-denominational prayer.

Jennifer Grindo addressed the board as a delegation regarding heading in middle school

soccer. Ed Given spoke regarding open meetings. Josh and Kelly Lunceford spoke about

the basketball coach position at the high school. Beverly and Bobby Moore also spoke about

the basketball coach position. Luke Bonnett spoke about the 2017 BCHS Graduation date.

Van Carr moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the Consent Agenda Items

(Approval of July 18, 2016 Meeting Minutes, Payment of Bills, Budget Transfers and

Supplements, permission to be released from Braxton County Schools to Attend Calhoun

County Schools, permission to be released from Braxton County Schools to Attend Lewis

County Schools, permission to be released from Braxton County Schools to attend Gilmer

County Schools, permission to attend Braxton County Schools from Gilmer County Schools,

permission to be released from Braxton County Schools to attend Gilmer County Schools.)

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the following resignations –


1. Beth Sanfield – Math Teacher at BCHS effective retroactive July 15, 2016

2. Lauren Groseclose – Social Studies Teacher at BCHS effective August 3, 2016

3. Michael Cool – Physical Education Teacher at Little Birch Elementary effective

retroactive July 26, 2016

4. Suzanne McGowan – Occupational Therapist effective retroactive July 27, 2016

5. Muriel McDonough – School Psychologist effective August 7, 2016

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Shane Brown moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following resignation – Service:

Joey Sheppard – Bus Operator effective August 7, 2016

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved to convene into executive session under 6-9A-4 (2)(A) to discuss

legal, personnel and facilities matters. Shane Brown seconded the motion.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

The Board convened into executive session at 7:00 p.m.

Shane Brown moved and Dave Hoover seconded to reconvene into regular session.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:55 p.m.

Brad Shingler moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following employment/

reassignments – Professional:

1. Erin Bush – Elementary Music Teacher (Itinerant) effective beginning of 2016-17

school year

2. Michelle Gorby – Principal at BCMS effective August 3, 2016

3. Marinda Locke – Eagles Experience Teacher at BCHS effective beginning of 2016-17

school year

4. Everett Wine – Itinerant Physical Education/Health Teacher at BCMS effective the

beginning of the 2016-17 school year

5. Faith Harper – 6th Grade Teacher at Little Birch Elementary effective the beginning of

the 2016-17 school year

6. Lori Stover – Social Studies Teacher at BCHS effective the beginning of the 2016-17

school year

7. Linda Stout – Substitute Teacher effective the beginning of the 2016-17 school year

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded the following employment/reassignment –


Scotty Belknap – Bus Operator (Formerly Joey Sheppards’ Run) effective the beginning of the

2016-17 school year.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Van Carr moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the following determination of

employment dates:

1. Christina Bailey – July 28, 2016

2. Leatha Williams – July 14, 2016

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded to remove the following names from

the Substitute Teacher List due to expired certificates:

1. Robin Meadows Powers

2. Manuel Arambula

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the employment of Substitute

Teachers/Principals for the 2016-17 school year.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the employment of Substitute

Service Personnel for the 2016-17 school year.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Shane Brown moved and Van Carr seconded the following extracurricular assignments for

the 2016-17 sport season:

1. Dwight David Martin – Unpaid Assistant Basketball Coach at BCMS

2. Jeremy Jarrett – Unpaid Assistant Volleyball Coach at BCHS

3. Jarren Morlan – Unpaid Assistant Coach for Boys and Girls Cross Country at BCHS

4. MacKenzie Short – Unpaid Assistant Cheerleading Coach at BCHS

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the following request to

have name added to Substitute Occupational Therapist List effective the beginning of the

2016-17 school year:

Suzanne McGowan

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Van Carr moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve fundraisers for BCHS.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Van Carr moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the MOU with Glenville State

College US Department of Education Experimental Site Initiative Program.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded the Resolution and Order Ratifying,

Approving and Confirming Certain Continuing Disclosure Compliance Procedures

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to adjourn.

Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Board of Education will be held at 6:00

p.m. on August 9, 2016 at 98 Carter Braxton Drive, Sutton.

Others in Attendance:

Janet Six Tony Minney

Linda Sears Ernest Tingler

Ginger Altizer Kim Dennison

Gail Balcourt Tim Via

Brenda Wells Christina Bailey

Leatha Williams Jessica Lake

Michelle Gorby Andrew Tefft

Theresa Rose Kimberly Wade

Lori Dittman Allie Bonazzo

Josh Lunceford Tanya Shingler

Thomas Pritt Drew Taylor

Beverly Moore Kendra Lunceford

Bobby Moore Linda Stout

Jennifer Grindo Pamela Brown

Kelly Lunceford Robert Cutlip II

Emily Adkins Sandy Sonderman

Elizabeth Rexroad Gary Rexroad

Chris Stout Scott Cottrill

Pamela Cottrill Heath Cottrill

Shawnna Stout Jessica Pierson

Shawn Crow Lori Stover

Luke Bonnett Tayton Stout

Faith Harper Leslie Godfrey


President - Braxton County Board of Education


Secretary - Braxton County Board of Education