Village of East Syracuse
May 1, 2017
Following the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Robert T. Tackman called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Village of East Syracuse Board of Trustees for Monday, May 1, 2017 to order at 7:03PM.
Present: Trustee Janet L. Mattox, Trustee Carol Para, and Mayor Robert T. Tackman.
Also Present: DPW Superintendent Ron Russell, III, Parks Director Tom Richardson, Village Clerk Patricia J. Derby, 1st Assistant Fire Chief Chris Shields, Fire Warden David Paul, and Village Attorney Robert Germain.
Excused: Trustee Daniel J. Wagner, and Deputy Mayor James E. Carr, Jr.
One Village resident attended.
Review of Correspondence A record of recent correspondence has been distributed to the Board of Trustees and all department heads to assist in monitoring activities.
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para - To accept the following vouchers for payment:
From Consolidated Fund Abstract, vouchers numbered 56253 through 56383 and Abstract in the amount of $624,744.66.
Discussion: Trustee Janet Mattox asked that voucher #56324 for the Fire Department be held until receipt of the audit report.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Tackman proposes Vito Morgese to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five (5) year term to expire January 2022.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Appointment carried.
Mayor Tackman designates Ellen Robb to continue to serve as Chairperson.
Mayor Tackman proposes Anthony (Tony) Albanese to the Planning Board for a seven (7) year term to expire January 2024
Polling the Board: All in favor. Appointment carried.
Mayor Tackman designates Ronald Gustafson continue to serve as Chairperson.
Contracts and Agreements
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para - To authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Germain & Germain to provide legal services and serve as Village Attorney for one year.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with O’Brien & Gere to provided engineering services and serve as Village Engineer for one year.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To authorize and retain F.J. Pompo & Company, Certified Public Accountant to perform an audit of the Court’s records for time period June 2016 to May 2017, as per agreement not to exceed $1,500.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To authorize and retain F.J. Pompo & Company, Certified Public Accountant to perform an audit of the Village’s records for time period June 2016 to May 2017, and prepared the NYS OSC AUD, as per agreement not to exceed $18,000.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To authorize the Mayor to execute agreement with C&S Companies to provide engineering services in connection with the Village of East Syracuse Hanlon Pool Facility for the 2017 season.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Levy taxes
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - That taxes for the fiscal year 2017/2016 be levied on a total taxable value for the General Fund of $190,384,108 ($6,167.698 more than last year’s $184,216,410) and for Sewer Fund of $218,094.70 ($66,154.98 less than last year’s $284,249.68) at rates, per thousand, as follows:
Sewer Maintenance Fee – at a rate of $.69 per thousand, to produce $150,531;
General Fund – at a rate of $12.45 per thousand, to produce $2,425,653.
Discussion: Additional charges totaling $3484 will also be added to the tax bills for:
Inspections 700
Grass cutting 2674
Trash pick-up 110
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Summer Hours – Municipal Building
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para -That normal hours of operations for the Municipal Building Offices, including Village Office, Justice Court Office, and Fire Department Administration be reduced to reflect a Noon closing on Fridays for thirteen (13) weeks from June 2nd through Labor Day (September 4th), except June 30th when the Office will be open until 4PM for tax collection (last day to pay taxes without penalties is Monday, July 3rd). This does not include DPW, Codes or Firehouse Caretakers.
Discussion: Goal is to have uniform hours of operations. Hourly employees may use earned benefit time to make up time for a full 40 week or accept reduced hours.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Memorial Day Parade
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To grant permission for the conducting of the annual Memorial Day Parade by the East Syracuse Arthur Butler Post 359 American Legion on Monday, May 29, 2017 stepping off at 9AM starting at Upton Street, traveling down Manlius Street to the monuments at West Yates Street.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Tackman asked that the DPW be available to set up barricades.
Sidewalk Program
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox – To adopt the following Resolution to continue the Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program:
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Village Board of Trustees does hereby adopt a sidewalk repair and replacement program, the cost of which will be shared by abutting property owners and the Village of East Syracuse;
The property owner will, in general, assume the material cost, and the Village of East Syracuse, in general, will assume the labor cost.
Property owners desiring to participate in this program shall make application to the Village Clerk. Such application should describe the condition, length, width, and location of the sidewalk to be repaired or replaced.
The Superintendent of Public Works will approve applications on the basis of need and condition.
A charge against the owner/applicant shall be made per running foot of sidewalk, for plain walk and reinforced walk forming part of a driveway, where dimensions are four feet wide. Charges per running foot shall be adjusted accordingly where dimensions deviate from four feet wide.
When applications have been approved, the owner/applicant will be notified and advised of their share of the cost. Such charge will be immediately due and must be paid over to the Village Clerk before any work will be started. This program is for residential property only.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all money paid to the Village with reference to the sidewalk program will be deposited in the General Fund and any payments made for materials and labor for sidewalk repair and replacement will come from this account prior to any money from the budget account.
Discussion: Rates for 2017/2018 year are: $12.00/sf for regular sidewalk and $14.00/sf for reinforced (driveways).
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para -To approve the attendance at training for Bill Cramer at NYSAFC Codes Training at Turning Stone on Wednesday, June 14th. Cost is $85. (Does not include any meals or mileage reimbursement)
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para - To approve the attendance at training for John Scheibel at Pilot Program – Decision Making for ICO’s at National Fire Academy June 24th & 25th. Cost is undetermined but should be minimal.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Mattox, seconded by Trustee Para - To approve he attendance at training for Nate Baker at EVT Certification Commission at Jerome Fire, Clay NY on Saturday, June 10th. Cost is $60. (Does not include any meals or mileage reimbursement.)
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To approve the posting of job opportunities in the DPW for:
Full-time Laborer/MEO at $15/hr. starting rate; and
4 position for Temporary Summer Help at $11/hr.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Turning Stone Trip
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To approve the offering program senior trip to Turning Stone Casino on Thursday, May 25th for adults 21+ years of age. Cost for Village residents is $15, $17 for non-residents. Trip includes motor coach transportation, $15 free play or $15 BINGO Bucks, and $5 lunch coupon. 22 spots will be reserved for Village residents, with 20 for non-residents. Pre-registration required. Payment due at sign-up. $5 fee charged for all refunds. No refund unless spot on bus can be filled. Bus leaves Heman St. at 9:45AM (pick-up Bennett Manor at 9:30AM) returns approximately 5PM.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Parks/Pool Summer Hiring
Motion – by Trustee Para, seconded by Trustee Mattox - To make an offer of employment, to the following, conditioned upon background investigation. Offer is made contingent upon successful completion American Red Cross Water Safety training, proof of certification and Pool Head Instructor test, where appropriate:
- To Steven Stevenson for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.) and WSI (at $12.00/hr.)
- To Josh O’Connor for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.) and WSI (at$12.00/hr.)
- To Sara Stevenson for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.) and WSI (at $12.00/hr.);
- To Madyson Palmer for Lifeguard ($11.50/hr.) and WSI (at $12.00/hr.
- To Michael Holcraft for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.) and WSI (at $12.00/hr.);
- To Kelly Bliss Parker for Lifeguard (at $11.00/hr.) and WSI (at $12.00/hr.)
- To Rebecca Scott for WSI (at $12.00/hr)
- To Mechele Bliss for WSI (at $12.00/hr)
- To Jena Cerlanek for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.)
- To Bridget Cain for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.)
- To Bajazit Boric for lifeguard (at $11.50/hr)
- To Bill Sauve for Lifeguard (at $11.50/hr.)
- To Emily Moziak for Parks receptionist/basket attendant (at $9.70/hr.);
- To Charlie Civeletto Pool supervisor (at 11.50/hr.)
- To Tara Muscolino Pool supervisor (at 11.50/hr)
Discussion: Parks Director Tom Richardson reports still looking to fill a few more positions.
Polling the Board: All in favor. Motion carried.
Parks/Pool Summer Activities
Parks Director Tom Richardson reviewed entire schedule of Park and Pool programs and activities; as follows:
– To offer senior program Monthly Pitch Card Party the 3rd Friday of each month from 10AM to 2PM at the Municipal Building 3rd floor senior room. Cost is $4 for Village residents, and $5 for non-residents, includes admission to the pitch tournament, refreshments, lunch and prizes.
-To host the Annual Ice Cream Social in conjunction with Community Weekend on Friday, July 7th at Ellis Field Park from 5:30 – 8:30
– To host the 12th Annual Taste of East Syracuse on Wednesday, August 2th at North Center Street from 5:00PM to 9PM. Food and refreshments will be sold by area business organizations. TheNoisy Boys will be the entertainment. 6th Annual Cook-off will be at 6:00PM. Annual
-To host the 2nd Annual Food Truck Rally on Thursday, August 17th from 5:30 – 8:00
At the ARC Parking Lot, 216 W Manlius Street
- To offer the following schedule for Concerts in the Gazebo at Ellis Field Wednesday evenings 6:30PM to 8:30PM. Food and refreshments will be sold.
June 21st What About Bob
June 28th Tuff Luck Horns
July 5th Fab Cats
July 12th Infinity
July 26th Grit & Grace
August 9th Headphones
-To offer the following senior day trips for adults 21 years and older. No sign ups before June 1st
Wednesday, June 7 Ellis Field Park Picnic $3/person
Picnic lunch pay at picnic
Thursday, June 16 39 Steps $37residents $42 non
Cortland Rep Theater, Ticket to
Show, lunch, Bus transportation
Thursday, June 29 Tioga Downs $28 residents $33 non
Motor –coach transportation,
$20.00 in free play, lunch
Thursday, July 11th Dinosaur Luncheon Cruise $30 residents $35 non
Skaneateles Luncheon Boat cruise
Bus Transportation. Food by Dinosaur
Thursday, July 27 Erie Canal Dinner Cruise $28residents $33non
Camillus Erie Canal Park, bus
Transportation, prime rib dinner
Tuesday, August 8 Mohegan Sun -Poconos $28 residents $33 non
$25 free play, $5 food coupon
Motor-coach transportation
Thursday, August 10 Senior Nutrition Day at the
Market $3.00/pay at door
Lunch, Bus Transportation,
Music by Stan Colella All-Star Band
Tuesday, August 15 Picnic –Marcellus Park $10 residents, $12 non
Picnic lunch, bingo, bocce ball
Bus transportation
Tuesday, August 29 New York State Fair $2.00/person
Bus transportation, free admission
Wednesday, Sept 6 Life Is But A Dream $37 residents $42 non
Cortland Rep Theater – ticket
To show, lunch, bus transportation
All trips reserve 22 spaces for Village residents. No refunds unless spot if filled. $5 fee for any refunds.
– To offer the following summer Pool programs:
Saturday, June 3rd Pool Opening Barbecue Free
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Saturday, July 1st Family Swim Night Free
6PM to 8PM
Thursday, July 13 DJ Music Pool Party Free
1PM to 3PM
Tuesday, July 25th Pizza Pool Party Free
12Noon to 2:30PM
-That registration for swim lessons for Village residents and Pool Members is Thursday, June 1st (6 – 7 pm Municipal Building). For Village residents and Non-residents Saturday June 3rd (9 – 10 am Hanlon Pool) and Thursday, June 9th (municipal Building) for session 1 and session 2 Mornings and Session 1 evenings and on Tuesday, July 18th (6 – 7 pm) and for non-residents on Thursday, July 20th from 6:00PM to 7:00P at Hanlon Pool from session 3 & 4 in morning and session 2 for evenings.
Swim Lessons Schedule
Session I June 26 thru July 7 Monday – Friday 8:30 to 10:30
Session II July 10 thru July 21 Monday – Friday 8:30 to 10:30
Session III July 24 – August 4 Monday – Friday 8:30 to 10:30
Session IV August 7 – August 18 Monday – Friday 8:30 to 10:30
Mon & Wed June 26 thru July 19 evenings 5:30 – 8:00 pm
Mon & Wed July 24 thru August 16 evenings 5:30 – 8:00 pm
– To offer Pool Pals classes for parents and ages 1 to 3 year olds designed to prepare them to learn to swim:
Session I June 26th thru July 19th Mon & Wed 6 to 6:30
Session II July 24 thru August 16th Mon & Wed 6 to 6:30
Session 1 – 4 See dates above Mon – Wed – Friday 10:30 – 11
– To offer Water Aerobics classes for adults 18 and older for 8 weeks Monday & Wednesdays 11:00 to 12:00PM, and Tuesdays & Thursdays 6PM to 7PM, beginning June 26th through August 17th .