/ Staff Council

Board of Trustees Budget, Finance and Investment Committee Representative Nomination Form

Nominee Name______Pronoun______

Date of Hire______FTE______Are you a grant-funded employee? ______

Job Title______Unit/Department______

University Address ______

University E-Mail ______University Phone ______

Please print the name of your direct supervisor______

Have you served on the Staff Council or as an Appointed Representative for Staff Council in the past? Yes No

If yes, when and it what capacity? ______

You must be a regular non-represented staff member to be eligible for this volunteer role.

Please answer the following questionsin 500 words or lesson a separate sheet of paper.

1.)Explain what motivates you to serve on the Board of Trustees BFI Committee?

2.) What specific skills and/or experiences do you have that prepare you for this opportunity?

Nominations are due no later than Wednesday, September 13th, 2017. All completed Nomination Forms should be sent to the Staff Council Office, University of Vermont, 313 Waterman Building, Burlington, VT 05405. You may also email your form as an attachment to

Appointments will be determined by the Staff Council President and Vice President and announced by Friday, September 22nd in accordance with our Appointed Representative Policy Statement.

The appointed individual will serve from October 2017 through the end of April 2018 and have the option of reappointment.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to the attention of Meryl St. John, Staff Council Office Administrator at or 802-656-8767. Examples of how to complete a Nomination Form can be foundhere.

I hereby confirm that I have read the duties and responsibilities outlined in this document and provided a copy of my completed Self-Nomination form to my direct supervisor to acknowledge my interest in this volunteer opportunity.


Signature Date

** Provide a copy of your completed nomination form to your direct supervisor. **

Board of Trustees Budget, Finance and Investment Committee Representative Nomination Information

The Committee shall have responsibility for overseeing the development of strategic, long-range institutional financial plans and related plan objectives. It shall engage in ongoing assessment of the current and long-range financial status of the institution.

The Committee shall oversee the formation and approval of annual budgets. It shall oversee the creation, implementation, and periodic review and revision of financial, treasury, investment and debt management policies.

The Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Board regarding student tuition and fee rates.

The Committee shall retain investment managers and financial advisors as necessary and desirable in the conduct of its work.

The Committee will exercise its charge in a manner consistent with University governance, including the Board’s reserved rights and delegations of authority.

For more information about Board of Trustees Budget, Finance and Investment Committee, please visit:

Staff Council is accepting nominations for one regular non-represented staff member to serve on the

Board of Trustees Budget, Finance, and Investment Committee

Time Commitment: This is a midterm appointment. The new representative will serve through April 2018 with the option of reappointment. The representative is expected to attend the three regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meetings held in October and February for 2-3 hours. The Committeealso meets in mid-April for a 3-hour off-cycle budget planning meeting.(Meeting dates are available at )

Responsibilities: The BFI Committee Representative will be expected to write a short summary after the Board of

Trustees meetings in Octoberand Februaryand the off-cycle meeting in mid-April for distribution among Staff Council and the UVM community. The Representative may also be requested to attend occasional Staff Council meetings.

Staff Council Office, 313 Waterman Bldg., 85 South Prospect Street, Burlington, Vermont 05405

Telephone: (802) 656-4493, Email: , Website: