Results mustnot be released to students before Monday 6 August 2012


The VCAA is confident that all VCE providers have prepared appropriate procedures for the delivery of results and for follow-up advice to be provided to students. Schools may wish to consider the following advice based on feedback that the VCAA has received from schools:

a)Students should receive their results in a private and confidential manner. This may be achieved in a number of ways, e.g. personally addressed and sealed envelopes to be collected from the VCE Co-ordinator at the end of the school day.

b)All students should have the opportunity to discuss the possible implications of their results for post-VCE outcomes with appropriate school staff: Year Level Coordinator, Careers Teacher, House Teacher, Form Teacher or VCE Coordinator. Some schools have set aside periods for group and/or individual advice from selected staff. This opportunity should be available to all students undertaking Unit 3 & 4 studies.

c)Study teachers should emphasise the ways in which both individual students and whole classes can build on their results. One way is to discuss what lessons the results hold for the remaining assessments for the year.

d)Individual study teachers should not be placed in a position of defending or debating final grades awarded to students. All students and parents should be reminded that Graded Assessment results are the responsibility of the VCAA whether for examinations or School-assessed Tasks. All final grades have been arrived at following a rigorous process involving further marking where required.

e)In advising individual students who are disappointed with the initial results, schools should remind them that the VCE is a cumulative certificate. Results for Outcomes in Unit 4 count towards satisfactory completion; one set of disappointing Graded Assessment results does not mean that the whole year is lost. For all students, initial results at this time allow them to plan their selections for tertiary courses.

2.SPECIAL PROVISION - Derived Examination Scores (DES) for June Examinations

Results subject to later DES processingare prefixed with ‘d’ or ‘i’. The following reportsVCE Summary Anomalous Grades Report and School Statistics Graded Assessment Results will contain the trailing message:

‘d’ – Indicates a Derived Examination Score (DES) has been approved. The grade reported here represents the score achieved by the student in the examination. Derived Examination Scores will be calculated in December. If the DES is greater than the achieved score it will become the final score. A new grade will be reported if the DES is equivalent to a higher grade.

‘i’ – Indicates this grade is subject to an irregularity in the examination and has been approved for a Derived Examination Score (DES). The grade reported here represents the score achieved by the student in the examination. Derived Examination Scores will be calculated in December. If the DES is greater than the achieved score it will become the final score. A new grade will be reported if the DES is equivalent to a higher grade.

The final result for examinations for which a DES has been approved will be available to schools on VASS fromSunday 16 December,2012 and to students viamail and the Results Service on Monday 17 December, 2012.


A Statement of Marks/Inspection of Examination Scripts application form for the June 2012examination period is available as a download through the VASS menu:SYSTEM ADMIN  Downloads SRRU - Statement of Marks/Inspection of Scripts Applicationand also on the VCAA website:

Schools will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the PDF file.

On request by a vision impaired student, the VCAA will provide the Statement of Marks in a nominated accessible format, for the same fee as the standard format statement.

Please note that the closing date for Inspection of Examination Scripts applications for the June 2012 examinations is Friday 21 September 2012.

  1. CONFIRMATION OF GRADED ASSESSMENT RESULTS – Clerical check of Graded Assessments

The VCAA provides a process in which the clerical and computational accuracy of the particular grade is thoroughly checked. This process is called Confirmation of Grades. Such requests should only be made wherethe discrepancy between the actual grade and the grade expected by the school is at least two grades. The closing date for requests for Confirmation of Grades for June 2012 examinations is Friday 21 September 2012.

Principals wishing to seek confirmation of a student’s final grades are referred to Section 14.2 of theVCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2012 for further information. Requests will only be met where the principal or his/her delegate signs the Confirmation of Grades Request form.

Application form for the June 2012 examination period is available as a download through the VASS menu: SYSTEM ADMIN  Downloads  SRRU – Confirmation of Grades Request

There are no appeals on school-assessed grades.


The Results data will confirm Graded Assessment results in the form of letter grades ranging from A+ to UG and NA. These will beprefixed with ‘d’ or ‘i’ if they are subject tolater DES processing.

To produce VCE Results Summary Reports for Students.

  • Go to Results Admin VCE Reports  VCE Summary.
  • Enter the Year Level or leave as ALL.
  • Enter a Form Groupor leave blank.
  • Select the required Report Order: Year Level, Form Group, Name, Student NumberORYear Level, Name, Student Number.
  • Place a tick () in the box against Report only students with at least one unit 3 or unit 4 enrolment.
  • Place a tick () in the box against Report only students with released GA results.
  • Leave the Study Sequence Codeset to ALL.
  • Click on the [Run VCE Results Summary Report] button. The screen will change to the VCE Results Summary Report page.
  • Click on the [Print ALL Students] button to produce reports for the year level/form group in the order selected above.

To produce VCE Results Reports for Teachers:

  • Go to Results Admin VCE Reports  Graded Assessment Results.
  • Select the required Study/Sequence code e.g. AC03 – Accounting. The ALL option will produce a report for ALL Studies offered by the school.
  • Enter a Class Code or leave blank for all classes for that study.
  • Select Semester 1.
  • Select the required Report Type: Graded Assessment Results by Class on ScreenORExport Graded Assessment Results.
  • Select the required order of the report: Unit Code, Class CodeORTeacher Name, Unit Code, Class Code.
  • Click on the [Run Graded Assessment Result by Class Report] button. The screen will change to the Graded Assessment Results by Class Report.
  • Click on the [Print ALL Classes] button to produce reports in the order selected above.

To produce an Anomalous Grades Report:

  • Go to RESULTS ADMIN  VCE Reports  Anomalous Grades.
  • Select Cycle 1 – June Examinations GAT.
  • Select the required Study OR leave set to ALL.
  • Leave the Graded Assessment set to ALL.
  • To include Students Assessed Elsewhere change the default value from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’.
  • Click on the [Run Anomalous Grades Report] button. The screen will change to the Anomalous Grades Report.
  • Click on the [Print all GAs] to produce reports in the order selected above.

The reports on VASS will list, for each June examination, the students whose scripts were reconsidered by the Chief Assessor’s Panel as a result of the anomalous grades check.


In the week beginning Monday 6 August the summary of the grades for each graded assessment awarded in the mid year will be published on the VCAA website.

The information will consist of the grade distribution for the Mid Year Graded Assessments (GAs) for each Unit 3 and 4 sequence, in graphic and tabular form. For small studies (less than 100 enrolments state wide) the graphs are omitted.


The results of the June 2012 examinations will be available through the VCE Examination Results Service from Sunday 5August, 2012.

This service will enable Principals and Classroom teachers to access details of the class and school performance on each of the June VCE examinations.

Teachers will be able to view:

  • the overall results of their class comparedto school and state-wide results;
  • the results per examination item for comparison; and
  • the detailed breakdown of each examination item.

The VCE Examination Results Service reports are accessed through the following VASS menus:

  • SCHOOL ADMIN School Statistics Examinations - Summary
  • SCHOOL ADMIN  School Statistics  Examinations – Questions/Criteria
  • SCHOOL ADMIN  School Statistics  Indicative Grades Feedback

To assist with distributing these reports to the relevant class teachers, the function print all can be used for each report. However it should be noted that this does NOT print the detailed breakdown of each examination item.

The detailed breakdown of each examination item can only be obtained through on line access to VASS. It is recommended, where possible, that teachers be given online access to VASS with the appropriate level of access(For instance: SSRG – School Statistics and Results Group where the user cannot modify any data in VASS).

The VCE Examination Results Service is available to the following VASS User groups:

  • VA – VASS Administrators
  • PRIN – Principal Group
  • SSRG – School Statistics and Results Group
  • TE – Teacher Unrestricted
  • TR – Teacher Restricted

Please Note: The production of these reports requires various complex calculations which occur in the background and this may result in a slightly longer response time before the reports are displayed on the screen.


VASS Administrators are reminded that if they are going to be using a different PC to access results on Sunday 5August 2012, the PC must be configured as per the appropriate VASS Browser Settingsbooklet. In particular the MeadCo ScriptX Licence agreement must be downloaded.

TheVASS Browser Settings booklets for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and for Internet Explorer6,7, 8and 9are available on VASS through the menu SYSTEM ADMIN  Downloads  VASS ADMIN - Browser Bookletand also the VCAA website via the following link.


The following VCAA staff contacts will be available between 3pm and 6.30 pm on Sunday 5 August 2012. If your call is directed to the VASS Support VoiceMail service during these hours, please leave a number that we can return your call to, taking into account that school switchboards will be unavailable.

Problem/issue / Contacts / Contact details
AdministrativeSupport Unit /
  • Technical and system support for problems such as inability to access VASS and production of reports.
/ Frank Lepore
Cathy Jones / 1800 827 721 or 9651 4482

Fax: 9651 4551
Student Records and Results Unit /
  • Enrolments.
/ Kerry Veal
Nick Dobroff / 9651 4379 or 9651 4434

Fax: 9651 4470


The following VCAA staff contacts are available for school personnel to access if they have any queries in relation to the June VCE results.

Problem/issue / Contact point / Contact details
Student Records and Results Unit /
  • Queries regarding students’ final June Examination and Studio Arts School-assessed task results.
/ Kerry Veal
Nick Dobroff / Ph 9651 4379 or 9651 4434

Fax: 9651 4470
Administrative Support Unit /
  • Technical and system support for problems such as inability to access VASS and production of reports.
/ Frank Lepore
Cathy Jones
Val Dobson / Ph 1800 827 721 or 9651 4482

Fax: 9651 4551
Operations Unit /
  • Queries regarding Derived Examination Scores (DES) for June Examinations.
/ Special Provision Team / Ph 9225 2219 or 1800 205 455

VCE Examination Results Service /
  • Queries regarding the VCEExamination Results Service (available after 6 August 2012)
/ Joe Bui / Ph 9651 4306

