BIO390 Microbiology
Infectious Disease Presentation
Each student in BIO390 Microbiology at Missouri Western will choose and present information to the class on a specific infectious disease of choice. The infectious disease you choose must be unique from all other students in the class. You will prepare and present a brief PowerPoint presentation to the class on Nov. 16th or 18th. Specific information is contained below:
· Choosing and claiming your infectious disease must occur between Sept. 8 and Oct. 1.
· Your presentation must be no more than 7 minutes in length
· As you research and prepare your presentation, focus on presenting the following:
o Infectious agent and its characteristics
o Disease state and its typical characteristics
o Basic disease epidemiology
o Transmission mode(s)
o Typical reservoir(s)
o Pathogenic mechanism(s) of the infectious agent
o Anything else particularly unique or interesting
· As a part of the presentation you must also acquire, read, comprehend, and present data from one PRIMARY RESEARCH ARTICLE. You do not need to, and will not have time to, present the entire paper. You must pick out the ONE experiment/data figure you feel is the strongest information in the article. Site your article in your presentation.
· The PRIMARY RESEARCH ARTICLE must provide recent information on the microorganism, not the clinical aspects of the disease state (our class is Microbiology, not disease diagnosis). The article must be published within the last 5 calendar years and a copy must be turned in when you give your presentation.
To assist you, the following will be helpful:
· Accurate information on specific infectious diseases can be found in our text book and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website ( among other places. Use and SITE in your presentation only credible sources.
· Primary research articles which can be downloaded for free are found by searching the PubMed Central web site (
· See Dr. Baker if you have questions regarding any aspect of the presentation…and make sure your presentation teaches us something!