Board Of Selectmen’s MinutesMarch 31, 2015

TA Guerino


Peter Meier, Chairman

Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman

Stephen Mealy, Clerk

Don Ellis

Linda Zuern

Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise and Ryan Barber Cape Cod Times

All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of Selectmen.


Meeting Called to Order

Chm. Meier called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm.

Mr. Meier expressed his sympathy on behalf of the Board about the passing of Bill Ware.

Moment of Silence for our Troops/Salute the Flag

Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items

None requested.

4) Minutes:

No Minutes to vote on this evening. Please read the minutes that Mrs. Ellis has sent.

5) Correspondence

Stephen Mealy brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.

  1. Received a copy of the 2015 Vegetation Control Program for the Massachusetts Coastal Railroad.
  2. Letter from Paul Niedzwiecki, Director of the Cape Cod Commission, notifying the town managers and administrators that the Cape Cod Commission had submitted their updated Section 208 plan to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
  3. A copy from the Division of Marine Fisheries about the closed shellfishing areas.
  4. Copy of the 208 Wasterwater Plan Summary.

6) The Big Fix – Housing Corporation

Tom Guerino explained the Big Fix. This is an event that has been going on for 5 years that the Housing Assistance sponsors. They spend a day identifying houses of elderly that need repairs, and they spend a day and go out and help do minor repairs and yard work. These folks will be here next week to give a more in-depth overview of their program.

7) ISWM – Amendment to Site Lease/Development Agreement:

Dan Barrett, General Manager of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Department went over the amendment to the site lease. They are currently in the process for developing the plan. Harvest Power has given Bourne a first roundof their waste centrate, which will allow us to figure out how to develop a treatment facility to treat it. It will help us hone down what we are going to need to look for in an RFP when we go out for a treatment facility.

VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Linda Zuernfor the Boardto sign the first amendment of the site lease development agreement today, which will extend the agreement to September 9, 2015. Vote 5-0.

8) Licenses/Appointments –

a.Request waiver of fee St. Margaret’s School Road Race

Don Pickard said there is a request from St. Margret’s Regional School for a waiver of the fee for the St. Margret’s School road race. We have the schools non-profit tax ID.

VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Linda Zuern to waive the feeand collect the security deposit and then return it once the facilities have been inspected and approved. Vote 5-0.

9) Selectmen’s Business

  1. Charter Review Committee
  2. TA Review - Calendar
  3. FY16 Budget & Potential Changes

9 a. Peter Meier stated he put this item on the agenda because they have only had one member ask to apply. We need 9 members. Mr. Guerino is aware of 2 people that will be submitting letters. Mr. Meier stated this is urgency for the town to continue our charter and function of town government. If any one is interested please get a letter into the Town Administrators office. If you have any questions about the functions of the committee you can call the Town Administrators office. Mr. Pickard corrected the number of members can be between 7-9.

9 b. Peter Meier stated he sent, by email, to all the members, the template for the Town Administrators review as well as a separate email with the goals and how we are rating the Town Administrator. Mr. Meier would like to have them in by the 17th of April. Which gives Mr. Meier a week to compile everything and then can give our finding on May 5th.

9c. Peter Meier stated this is an ongoing discussion of the FY16 budget. We asked the Town Administrator, at a previous meeting, to look at propose cuts in the $350,000 and $450,000 range.

Tom Guerino went over the proposed cuts he has identified. The town can’t live with these reductions over a long-term basis. He is not recommending these cuts but if the Board says we need to make cuts in the budget he will line them out by department.

Don Pickard questioned, on Thursday evening with the joint meeting of FinCom, School Committee and the Board of Selectmen you’re going to present these numbers that the Board asked you to put together? While you don’t recommend any of these cuts, these are cuts that you could make. Have you notified any parties about the cuts?

Linda Zuern stated she thinks the cuts should go to the board first before going to a joint meeting. Mr. Guerino can provide it by departments.

Stephen Mealy stated they had a meeting on March 25thof the Financial Planning Working Group, which is made up two members of theBoard of Selectmen, the Town Administrator, the Financial Director, two members of the Finance Committee and two members of the School Committee. We spent the last six months looking at the financials of how the town runs. Last Thursday we reviewed the financial sources and uses, where does the money come form that the town uses to operate, and where does that money go. We looked at the Free Cash usage over the past five years and what the availability would be in the next five years. That group voted to support the request of an override without specifying an amount at this time, because we have not had the ability to adopt a final budget.

Linda Zurn stated we could do cuts and support an override.

10) Town Administrator’s Report

a. Disposal of Old Engine 125 (Fire)

Tom Guerino stated we have an old engine in Sagamore. I am requesting the board’s permission to advertise the disposal for the old engine.

VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Stephen Mealy to authorize the Town Administrator, as procurement officer,to dispose of old engine 125. Vote 5-0.

11) Selectmen’s Reports

Linda Zuern just wanted people to know tomorrow there is an Assembly of Delegates Meeting by the Finance Committee. They have a public hearing at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Zuern also went to the Cape Cod Commission Planning Policy today in Mashpee.

Stephen Mealy spoke about the Mass DOT Cape Cod Canal Study Working Groupwhich is going to be meeting on April 2nd at the Mass Maritime Academy from 4-6 p.m.; also a reminder the recycling center will be closed on Easter, the 5th. Mr. Mealy stated he will try to have, for the Selectmen, a summary of the scenarios they ran through the other evening with the Financial Planning Working Group.

Don Ellis questioned Mr. Guerino, whether we have been notified yet on how we are going to be reimbursed, the town, for the cleanup of the south Bourne Rotary from the oil spill. Mr. Guerino stated Chief Sylvesterhas been compiling numbers for that we will have to submit.

Don Ellis also spoke about the parking areas where our marinas are; some have no overnight parking, some have specific hours. A resident questioned Mr. Ellis if you went down to the marina at Monument Beach took your boat out and left your car there will it be picked up and moved or charged if you went over to Marion and got sucked in by the weather. It isn’t the fault of the resident it is because of the weather. Mr. Guerino stated they can bring their ticket to the Town Administrator or request a parking hearing through the parking clerk. Tom Guerino also brought up the folks that park at Barlow’s landing who live on the island, there is no place for parking and they are getting ticketed.

Peter Meier stated he met with the Community Building Board of Trustees. They have requested to be put on the agenda for April 28th as a joint meeting, for the Chair, custody and control of the Bourne Veteran’s Memorial Community Building. They are looking for some delineation on what they can and cannot do and what the Director can and cannot do.

12) Other Business

The next Bourne Selectmen meeting will be on Tuesday, April7th at 7:00 P.M.

10) Adjourn

VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Linda Zuern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Vote 5-0.

Respectfully submitted – Carole Ellis, secretary.

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