do Zarządzenia Nr 52/2017
Internal rules of procedure of the Unit
Valid for academic year / 2017/2018Full unit name / Department of Clinical Interventions and Disaster Medicine
Unit info (e-mail, phone) /
Head of the Unit
(degree/title, name and surname) / Prof. Marek Myślak, PhD
Teaching assistant/person responsible for organisation of teaching in the unit
(degree, name and surname, e-mail, phone) / Grzegorz Wójcik, PhD
Organisation of classes
- Classes in subjects taught by the Unit vary in forms (lectures, seminars, workshops, self-study) and topics, depending on the program, faculty and study guidelines.
Forms and means of catching up with classes material,
including making up for missed classes
- Students who miss classes for a justified reason are allowed to participate in the same classes with another group if such opportunity exists and the teacher agrees to it. Otherwise, students are required to make up for the missed classes during the teacher’s duty hours.
- Absence justifications that are considered valid include:
written notice from a doctor,
written notice from PMU Authorities,
confirmed unpredictable circumstances.
- Students who are late to classes more than 15 minutes are not allowed to participate in them and unjustified absence is noted in their achievement records. Students who are notoriously late (3 times and more) and thus interrupt the classes will be asked to leave.
Rules for obtaining credits and participating in exams
- In order to obtain credits and take exams, students are required to settle all absences, obtain partial credits from each class and in case of self-study classes - submit their assignment paper.
- Final grade must be obtained by a student before they are allowed to take an exam.
Rules of participation in classesin the current academic year*
- In order to be allowed to participate in classes, student has to be listed in students index from the Dean’s Office or have a written note that entitles them to participate in classes.
- If a student fails to present such notice, they are required to present it within 2 weeks after classes begin.
Rules for granting credits and conducting exams
- If a portion of the classes is conducted in the form of self-study, in order to obtain credit, students are required to submit a short essay (4-5 pages) on their chosen subject approved by the teacher.
- Credits for seminars and workshops are granted by all teachers in the Department.
- If a subject ends with an exam, in order to be allowed to take it, students are required to obtain a credit from this subject - successfully complete seminars and/or workshops. To pass, students are required to obtain at least a 60% score on their test.
Rules of exemption from selected credits and exams
- No exam exemptions are granted.
- Exemption from obtaining partial credits is granted by the teacher on the basis of student’s involvement during classes.
- If a student was transferred from another university, exemption from classes is granted by the Dean’s Office after consulting it with Department’s employee (the teacher conducting classes).
Rules for taking early exams (in accordance with § 32 section 8 of Rules and Regulations of Study)
- Taking early exams is possible if all classes from a given subject have been completed and the Dean’s Office approves it after consulting it with the teacher conducting the classes.
- In order to take early exams, classes attendance of at least 50% is required for students.
Evaluation criteria
- If a subject ends with a final grade from a written test, in order to receive a passing grade students must have at least 70% of correct answers in multiple choice test.
- Exams are conducted in a form established in subject study program. If the exam is in a form of test, in order to receive a passing grade students must have at least 60% of correct answers in multiple choice test.
- Practical exam is conducted by the teacher. Student fails a practical exam if they make a so-called critical mistake.
- During tests and exams students are not allowed to use phones, laptops and other mobile devices.
- During classes students are not allowed to use phones and take pictures without teacher’s approval. In cases when the above rules are broken, student will be asked to leave the classroom and unjustified absence will be noted in the record sheets (regardless of the moment it happens)
- Leaving the classroom without teacher’s approval is not allowed.
- Using study materials other than those directly related to the class is not allowed.
- It is possible for a group to make up for single classes at a different time included in the schedule after obtaining teacher’s approval.
unit stamp / ………..……………………………………
stamp and signature of Head of the Department
Positive / Negative** / Approved by:
stamp and signature
of Student Council / ………………………………………………….
stamp and signature of the Dean