Weight Loss and Body Fat Loss!
No Surgery. No Diet Pills or Shakes. No Pain.
How safe and effective is this treatment?
Cold laser therapy has been effective to treat all body types for pain and inflammation over 20 years. In fact, studies have shown that cold laser is safe, painless and completely non-invasive (no surgery) for weight loss, spot fat reduction and body contouring.
What do our clients say?
Our clients often say that when they complete our weight loss program they keep it off. Why? Because this program teaches you how to control food cravings, how to stay active to remain in better health and to ensure your successful. When you begin your personal program a coach is assigned to you to assist you through the entire program to answer questions and encourage you through it all. You’re not doing this alone. Before you know it, you’ve made it through the program in just a few weeks a much healthier and slimmer person.
How does it work?
The weight loss program works by placing a cold laser beam of light on your skin. It goes directly in to the fat cells without surgery allowing fat to be pouring out through the cellular wall, which is then liquefied in the outer cellular area. The liquefied fat is then removed out of the body through natural lymph elimination within the body and promoted when you use the K-1 body vibration. You will start to lose body fat the first day you start your program. It works!
What areas can you treat?
Any area that has fat can be treated such as belly fat, waistline, love handles, back, buttocks, arms, legs, thighs and double chin.
Does it hurt?
No it doesn’t hurt at all. No one that has completed the weight loss program has complained about pain.
How do I find out more information about the program?
You can call us or email us to schedule a free consultation with one of our weight loss consultants. We can then go through the entire program, fees and get you started on losing the weight you’ve always wanted to. Call us or email us today to schedule your FREE consultation.
Acupuncture and Integrated Chinese Medicine Clinic
6735 Fair Oaks Blvd Suite 12A • Carmichael, CA 95608
916-971-9156 •