7.1.13 BOS Reg. Mtg.

Town of Milton

Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting

Monday, July 1, 2013

MiltonTown Hall

6:00 P.M.

Meeting Minutes

Members in attendance: Chairman Tom Gray, Mike Beaulieu, Bob Bridges, Elizabeth Dionne, Town Administrator and Kimberly Ladisheff, Recording Clerk.

Public in attendance: Dale Sprague, Chief Richard Krauss, Sean Skillings, David Levine, Stefanie Berry, Gail Pennell, Patricia Page, Marilyn Pike, Sarah Kozlowski and Harrison Thorpe.

Chairman Gray called the meeting to order at 6:13pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Chairman Gray acknowledged the birthdays for the following Town of Milton Employees: Tom Gray, Kim Ladisheff and David Soward. There was also a moment of silence for the 19 firefighters who lost their lives in Arizona.

Elizabeth Charpentier had put in a request to have her wedding at the Milton Dam on July 5th however she was not in attendance. The Board discussed that the Town maintains the dam site but the state owns it. The Board recommended to allow her to use the gazebo.

David Dickinson, not in attendance, was slightly overcharged for a vehicle registration. Bob motioned to reimburse Mr. Dickinson in the amount of $23.00 for his 2013 registration. Mike seconded. Motion carried.

Recreation Commission candidates Sean Skillings, Stephanie Berry and Sarah Koslowksi came before the board. Each one discussed a little bit about themselves, their qualifications and why they would be a good candidate. Tom stated it wouldn’t be fair to decide right then and there and told the candidates they would be notified by the next day after the Board discussed it. He then thanked them all for coming.

The Board then discussed the Vehicle Use Policy. Bob stated he had gone back to minutes of a previous meeting and there were only two changes made to the policy. From page 5 of the meeting minutes of October 22, 2012 a motion was made by Bob Srnec to accept the policy with the changes. Those changes being 1) Town owned or leased vehicles being used for transportation to training events are not to exceed 45 miles. It was changed to 50 miles. 2) Town owned vehicles being used for transportation to and from work by any person employed by the Town shall not exceed a commuting distance of 15 miles instead. It was changed to 20 miles. The Board recommended to add under Section 3.1 of the Policy; Distracted driving. They also discussed that sometimes it is not feasible to wait for the board to be the only one to authorize so anywhere it says “authorize by Board” add “or Town Administrator”.

Chief Krauss wanted an explanation of distracted driving. He stated his guys sometimes need to look things up on the computer or on occasions where they may have to use their cell phones. Tom stated that it states in the policy “the exception to this would be emergency services (Police, Fire) operating an electronic device in the course of work while on duty” and he was referring to texting and different types of activities.

Bob B. asked if the Board wanted to table this until next meeting when changes would be made. The Board decided they would.

Next were the bid openings for manhole repairs. Tom stated they were not going to accept them now they were just going to open them. There were only two bids received. Both were received after the deadline. Bids were opened by Chairman Gray. First bid was by Brian Locke of Concrete Repair for eight 30 inch sewer frames and covers. The unit price was $750 per frame and cover. The second bid was from JTI Site Development out of Lebanon, ME with a bid of $1250 per frame and cover.

Tom asked that Dale Sprague, WW Operator look them over and give his expert opinion. Dale said when he bid them out he didn’t know you had to have police presence and he thinks it scared a couple of them away not knowing how to bid the police detail. He stated next time he thinks it would be easier to bid if they take the police detail out of it. There was discussion with the Police Chief as to what sites needed police coverage due to traffic issues.

Chief Krauss had questions about the land being developed next to the Police Department for the Townhouse parking lot. He stated there are a large number of pine trees that surround the property and the PD would like to know exactly what they are doing and where they will be cutting and digging so that the PD will know what safety issues they will have to address. Another issue the Chief mentioned was a rock wall he believes is historical and doesn’t want to run into issues with that. Tom asked that Liz contact John Katwick to get some kind of plan.

Tom asked the chief what his thoughts were to closing down the northbound side of the hill by the Townhouse. The chief responded if they can open up the turn on the southbound side a little more, he has no problem with that because in his mind the sign is set up in the wrong spot and should really be in the middle of the triangle. Tom mentioned his biggest fear is once that building is functional he is worried about the safety of people walking across.

Discussion on the Police Department being struck by lighting. The chief stated it was not as bad as originally thought but it’s still pretty bad. It hit the tree out front which then joined into and came inside the PD. The lightening fried the electronic keys for the doors, the fire alarm system for the fire door along with the router for the server. They had a couple electrical issues in garage but now working fine. Insurance company came and will cover everything but the removal of the tree. They received two quotes from Burkes Tree Service and Urban Tree, both were $900 plus they have to pay the $1000 deductible. Chief Krauss feels the tree should come down and Tom agreed. The Board talked about taking it from the contingency fund. Both bids were the same so Tom suggested they check with Pat Smith and see who he recommends for the removal.

MOTION: Bob B. motioned to spend $900 from contingency fund for removal of tree that got hit by lighting. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Going back to the manhole covers, Chief Krauss mentioned he didn’t realize the Town paid for the bids and the fee would be considerably less because the only thing the PD would be billing for is the officer, the Town wouldn’t bill itself for the cruiser or the administrative portion. Tom said it would be appropriate to contact both the people who put bids in and have them remove their detail costs.

Approval of Minutes MOTION: Bob B. motioned to accept the minutes of the nonpublic meeting of June 17 as written. Mike B. seconded. Motion passed.

MOTION: Bob B. motioned to seal the nonpublic minutes of June 17 for one year. Mike B. seconded. Motion passed.

MOTION: Bob B. motioned to accept the minutes of the June 17 regular meeting. Mike B. seconded. Motion passed.

The meeting minutes of June 21 were tabled.

MOTION: Bob B. motioned to accept and sign the manifest. Mike B. seconded. Motion passed.

Expenditure reports – Bob stated we are at a point right now where we should really be looking at tightening our belts a little. Some of the line items are already zeroed out and it’s just a matter of housekeeping. Bob stated some years ago one of the old Administrators took the Planning and Land Use departments and combined them into one. He would like to look into having the ZBA, Planning Board and Conservation Commission have their own section so they can keep better track of where the money is being spent. Tom agreed that this would be a good idea so things aren’t overlapping. Liz stated a few weeks ago she had sent out an email to all departments to watch what they were spending but things are better and is thinking of sending out another email to let everyone know she thanks them for their efforts.

Town Administrator comments Liz stated they need another non- public session at the end of the meeting. She then discussed 142 White Mountain Highway, a tax deeded property formally owned by Mr. Ronayne. Liz stated there is a closing on this property that’s going to happen probably mid July with the Board’s blessing because it is within that 3 year time period of tax deeding and the previous owner has the right to purchase that property as long as what is owed is paid up. She stated the Town’s attorney and Mr. Ronayne’s Power of Attorney has been involved, along with a purchaser and the bank. All are working together to get to that point. Once they pay all taxes owed, interest, and penalties the rough estimate is a little over $55,000 and will increase because that doesn’t include attorney fees, recording fees and so on.

MOTION: Tom moved to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sign a deed to property known as Map 47 Lot 35 Milton Tax Records and also known as 142 White Mountain Highway to the former owner John J. Ronayne. Said transfer of deed from the Town will be in consideration of a guaranteed payment of all taxes due the Town of Milton, NH which shall include tax liens, interest, Town fees, legal fees, and any other associated costs the Town has or will incur in this transaction. All monies due shall be pro-rated to the date of closing and will be paid on the date of closing. Bob seconded. Motion passed.

Liz then mentioned the job description template she had come up with and asked the Board if they had any changes or wanted to do a case by case basis. Tom said they would leave it up to her discretion.

Liz wanted to bring to the Board’s attention she had a call from a resident of Lebanon, ME who expressed concerns about site visibility when exiting out of Garage Way onto Rte 125, it’s a little hard to see traffic heading northbound. She had checked with the Chief and Pat Smith and there is not much that can be done.

Discussion on the 4th of July parade. Public Works Department will be having a truck in the parade driven by Butch Nason. He would like to have his wife in the truck tossing candy out the window to children if it is ok with the Board. The Board was ok with that and discussed that they would all be walking in the parade also.

Elizabeth Charpentier arrived at 7:20 with an apology for being late. She would like to have her wedding ceremony at the Milton Dam. Tom stated they could address it now and they did not have a problem with it. The Town Administrator brought up the fact that if someone gets hurt there is a state law that protects Towns from any sort of law suit. Ms. Charpentier had no problem with that. She said there would only be about 10 people attending. The Board then wished her congratulations. MOTION: Bob motioned to let Elizabeth Charpentier use the dam property for wedding ceremony. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Liz mentioned the Town has received at least 3 thank you letters in regards to the boat races. She received one from South Shore Outboard Assoc. with a gift in the form of a check be given to the food pantry. MOTION: Bob motioned to accept the check for $150 for food pantry. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion on 49 Charles St. A woman filed a written complaint about a large tree she wants removed. The issue is Kimball Street is a road by prescription which means there may be some legal issues as far as right of ways. Pat Smith will meet with the Town Attorney and do a site visit and together they will come up with a legal opinion so Liz can bring it before the Board and the Board can make a decision if the tree should stay or go.

Sewer abatement requests. The water was shut off in January, 2011 at 40 Steeple Street, therefore there was no sewer. There was a bill for $231.00 that was generated and needs to be abated. No one is living there and there are no liens on the property. MOTION: Bob motioned to abate the sewer fees for 40 Steeple Street. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

There was also an Interest charge on a sewer bill for Fire Station 1 at 460 White Mountain Highway in the amount of $6.91. MOTION: Bob motioned to abate the sewer bill of $6.91 for Station 1 at 460 White Mountain Highway. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Tax collector requested abatements on 4 different properties for interest charges. MOTION: Bob motioned that they authorize the Town Administrator to authorize abatements for anything up to $20.00 in interest. Mike seconded. Motion passed.

Liz mentioned a thank you letter she received about Jim Issacson at the transfer station. The letter mentioned Jim’s pleasant attitude and helpfulness. Liz will put it in his personnel file and give Jim a copy.

Bob B. mentioned they had removed 3 telephone poles from the Town beach which are now sitting behind the Town barn. He mentioned that there is a cemetery behind the Nute Chapel and the crew has to go on private property to get to it. What they are starting to do is to cut a hole in the wall and maintain the chapel property all the way through so they won’t have to go through private property anymore but there is a gully. He asked that they donate the poles to make a bridge so they can get their equipment through. Tom stated he has no problem donating the poles. MOTION: Mike B. motioned that they donate the telephone poles that were taken out of ball field and use them to create new access way for cemetery. Tom seconded. Motion passed.

Mike asked Chief Krauss if there were any leads with Lockhart field. The Chief stated no, not at this point. There is no total on the damage yet and he suggested that when the Town does get the building fixed to put an alarm on the door that will go off if the door is opened.

Public comments Dave Levin questioned about the nonpublic meeting on July 8 because there is a Conservation meeting that night also. Tom stated the nonpublic meeting will be done in time for the Conservation Committee to have their meeting.

Harrison Thorpe asked consideration of the Board for an almost 10k race around the lake. This would be to draw attention to the plight of Lebanon and Milton residents concerning the New Bridge Road bridge. He went on to discuss some of the specifics of the race. Tom stated there are some logistics to work out and that Teneriffe Mountain Sports Club had a 5k road race last year and Jessica Shearn would be a good point of contact. Harrison would like the Board to consider this and talk later about it.

MOTION: Tom motioned to go back into non-public under RSA 91-A:3, II (c). Seconded by Mike B. Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly Ladisheff Recording Clerk

______Chairman Tom Gray Bob Bridges Mike Beaulieu