Board of Selectmen Open Session Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2014



July 9, 2014

At 6:30 p.m., Chairman Carol Lisbon called the meeting to order with members James P. Dawley, Jr. and Robyn Hunter present. Also present was David W. Ramsay, Town Administrator.

ATTENDANCE: James Stuart

PRESS: Jackie Gentile, Dover-Sherborn Press

Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint Ford Spalding to a three-year term on the Board of Fire Engineers, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.

Peg Crowley did not wish to be appointed for another term on Emergency Management. The Board thanked Peg Crowley for her many years of service on Emergency Management.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint Barbara Roth-Schechter and Eric Loeffler to three-year terms on the Open Space Committee, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.

Appoint Special Counsel for Minuteman Regional Technical School Agreement Amendment
Mrs. Hunter stated that our Town Counsel has a conflict on this matter, and cannot provide assistance with representation for Dover for the Agreement Amendment.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint Attorney Robert Ritchie as Special Counsel for Minuteman Regional Technical School Agreement Amendment, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.

Execute Caryl Community Center License Agreement Renewal(s)

Erin’s School of Dance has agreed to renew their license agreement to include a 5% increase in the rent.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve the License Agreement between the Town of Dover and Erin’s School of Dance, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.

Discuss Change of Energy Coordinator’s Title
Mrs. Lisbon requested that this item be taken up at a later date, after she has had the opportunity to speak with the Energy Coordinator.

Vote to Accept Gifts from the Friends of the Dover Greenway
At a meeting in May of this year, the Board of Selectmen approved the acceptance of gifts from the Friends to enable the funding of the engineering study which had been turned down at Town Meeting. To date, $18,060.00 has been raised. It was noted that gifts are tax-deductible, because checks are made payable to the Town of Dover.

Mr. Dawley moved to accept the gift of $18,060.00 from the Friends of the Dover Greenway for the sole purpose of funding the engineering study, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.

Vote to Accept Gift from Arthur Adams, Jr. to the Conservation Commission
Mrs. Lisbon gave some background on this very generous bequest from a wonderful gentleman who served the Town in many areas, among them as Boy Scout Troop Leader, as a member of the Fire Department, and as Emergency Management Director from 1996-2013. The Conservation Commission had a beneficial interest in his trust in the amount of $163,746.10.

The Conservation Commission has voted to accept this gift and would use it to replenish the land acquisition account, which was depleted in 2013 when the Brodie Dedham Street property was purchased.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to accept this gift, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.

Vote to Accept Council on Aging Formula Grant for FY15
The annual formula State grant in the amount of $9168 is anticipated to be received.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to accept and expend the grant totaling $9,168, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.

Board’s Fall/Winter/Spring Meeting Schedule
The Board set the following dates for upcoming meetings, subject to change or revision: 2014 -August 6, August 27, September 3, September 11, September 23, October 9, October 23, November 5, November 20, December 3, December 18; 2015 - January 8, January 22, February 5, February 26, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 30, May 4 and May 14.

Other Business:

Special Licenses (3)
Three special licenses were requested: July 11 at Elm Bank, July 17 at Elm Bank, and September 14 at Elm Bank.

Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve the three special licenses, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.

Citizens’ Comments

Mr. Dawley reminded citizens that there are many openings on Town boards and committees, and to come forward if interested. Mrs. Hunter stated that these openings are a good way to get involved with the Town, and most do not require huge amounts of time.

Mrs. Lisbon said that she had the privilege of joining Mike Francis at the official opening of the Powissett Street Parking Lot. This lot will make a big difference in safety on a very busy street. She also reminded the citizens that there are lots of bicycle riders out there and to share the road.


At 7:05 p.m., Mrs. Lisbon moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.



James P. Dawley, Jr., Clerk