Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2017

PRESENT: Doug Ludewig – Chair, Timothy McDonald – Vice Chair, and Darlene Sanborn, Dianna Boisvert and Sandra Schiller - Members.


ALSO PRESENT: Curtis Lunt - Town Manager, Kevin Mulherin – Police Chief, David Shaw – CEO, Bruce Balfour – PW Director, John Dovinsky – Winthrop EMS Director, Julie Sawtelle – Library Director, Buddy Floyd – Building Maintenance, Kent Ackley – State Representative, Donna Shaw, and Doreen Christ – Recording Secretary.

1.  Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. This meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Doug Ludewig –

Chair, along with the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Minutes of February 1, 2017. There were no changes made to these meeting minutes. The following motion

was made.

MOTION: by Sandra Schiller, seconded by Timothy McDonald to approve the Board of Selectmen meeting minutes for February 1, 2017, as submitted.

VOTED: 4-0 (Passed).

3.  Department Head Reports. Kevin Mulherin – Police Chief made reference to his January monthly report.

There were 186 calls of service - ten (10) accidents, 100 motor vehicle stops, etc. to name a few. On February 10, 2017, the police cruiser was involved in an accident. It was hit by a snow plow. Damage was estimated at $13,925. The cruiser was repaired and put back in service last Friday. Chief Mulherin reported that he and Chris Martinez provided all the parking for the Ice Fishing Derby. He gave thanks to the Public Works Dept. for providing cones and signs. They spent all week clearing snow. 300 + kids were registered. Chief Mulherin also reported a couple of deer/car accidents.

David Shaw – CEO said he did not have much to report for this time of year. The new house that was permitted at the beginning of the month is in. Also, another new house is going in on Thurston Drive. They are blasting today, tomorrow, and Friday. There is one (1) item for the Planning Board. Planning Board Chair Steve O’Donnell wanted guidance from the Board of Selectmen on the marijuana law ordinance. Timothy McDonald suggested the Planning Board prepare a rough draft and submit it to the Board of Selectmen.

Bruce Balfour – PW Director reported the accident with the plow truck. The driver did not get hurt and there was minimal damage done to the plow truck. He distributed photographs of the plow truck. Last week his dept. spent the week clearing snow (snow removal). They are currently over budget on snow operations.

Dianna Boisvert – Member arrived at 6:12 pm.

Bruce Balfour continued his report. He said the frost is coming out fast. The 1996 transfer trailer has been repaired. The hydraulic cylinder was rebuilt. They will now be able to get 5-6 years out of the transfer trailer.

John Dovinsky – Winthrop EMS Director said that the year-to-date figures are still lower than what Monmouth Rescue had. The response times are average – about the same as last year. There is a lull in overdose as of late. He thanked both the Public Works and Fire Depts. during the snow season. There may be a three (3%) percent ($0.27) increase in this year’s budget. He will have definitive numbers next week. They purchased a stretcher system for $35,000. This is a marvelous system. This year’s budget has nothing big – no manpower hours/equipment. The call volume is at a 270 range.

Curtis Lunt – Town Manager mentioned the TIF application to the DECD. This was submitted in November 2016. It has been reviewed with a few minor changes. The Commissioner is off and will not be back until next week. He needs to sign off. In regards to cable TV, Curtis Lunt reported that he is meeting with area Town Managers. They are trying to work together. Mark Burgess has been contacted in regards to the 10’ x 12’ (120 SF) addition to the beach building – a covered pavilion. Mark Burgess will get a price and plans. David Shaw has met with him. They are hoping to hear from him in April with construction to begin in May.

Julie Sawtelle – Library Director said that the speaker tonight at the Library has 25 years of Game Warden Service. She was present at this meeting to present her budget review to the board members.

4.  Public Comment. Sandra Schiller stated that she went to the MMA Workshop in Freeport regarding marijuana.

This was a power point presentation. Timothy McDonald stated that the Town of Monmouth has an Employee Substance Abuse Policy.

State Representative Kent Ackley gave an update as to what is happening in the Legislature in Augusta, Maine. He said the Legislature is working on the supplemental budget. There is additional funding for opium addiction. There is treatment for those without insurance. He also serves on the Agriculture Committee where they are discussing pesticides. There is also the Marijuana Implementation Committee where they received five (5) hours of testimony – recreational vs. medical. They are looking at various bills for where to delegate. They also discussed labor laws for employers. There is a lot of hostility as to adult use. There are plans to expand the rail service. There is currently a rail corridor to the Brunswick/Freeport area. Discussions included rail service in Winthrop, instead of Augusta.

5.  Dog Article (Repeal). An Article has been drafted and was included in board member packets. The limit is

currently five (5) per household over four (4) months of age, with the exception for a state kennel license. This Article is basically to remove Section 35. Number of Dogs Limited. Timothy McDonald said that this is a ridiculous part of the Ordinance that needs to disappear. Sandra Schiller stated that she opposed the Warrant Article because she felt the Ordinance was satisfactory. The following motion was made.

MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Dianna Boisvert to move to accept the question for the Warrant.

VOTED: 3-2 (Passed). (Sandra Schiller & Doug Ludwig – Opposed).

6.  Proposed Capital Assets Policy. This policy establishes the minimum cost value (capitalization amount) that

shall be used to determine the capital assets, including infrastructure assets that are to be recorded in the Town of Monmouth’s annual financial statements in order to comply with the requirements of GASB Statement No. 34. This policy also addresses other consideration for recording and depreciating fixed assets in order to comply with the provisions of GASB Statement No. 34. This policy was recommended by the Town of Monmouth’s accountants. The following motion was made.

MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Sandra Schiller to move to accept the Fixed Assets Policy, as presented.

VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

7.  Contract for Economic Development Consultant. The Scope of Services for Daryl Sterling was included

in board members packets. The contract is for the consultant to provide 12 hours per month on a continuous basis with a progress report submitted at 90 days. The following motion was made.

MOTION: by Darlene Sanborn, seconded by Dianna Boisvert to move to authorize the contract to be offered to Daryl Sterling as an Economic Development Consultant for the Town of Monmouth.

VOTED: 4-1 (Passed). (Timothy McDonald - Abstained).

8.  Appointments: Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chiefs. In January of each year, an election and recommendation

is made by the Fire Dept. members for Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chiefs. The following motions were made.

MOTION: by Dianna Boisvert, seconded by Sandra Schiller to move to appoint Dan Roy as Fire Chief and Ken Palleschi as 2nd Assistant Chief until June 30, 2018, as recommended.

VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).


MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Darlene Sanborn to move to appoint Pat Smith as 1st Asst. Chief and Edwin Pollard as 3rd Asst. Chief until June 30, 2019, as recommended.

VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

It shall be noted that these are two- (2-) year appointments. Last year, the appointments for the Chief and 2nd Asst. Chief were not made, therefore, their appointments made this year expire in 2018.

9.  Warrant #18 Payroll and Payables. Curtis Lunt read a listing of items over $1,000. The following

motion was made.

MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Darlene Sanborn to move to pay Warrant #18 - Payroll – $47,291

and Payables - $99,014.

VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

There was a ten- (10-) minute break from 7:15 pm to 7:25 pm before the Budget Review.

10. Budget Review.

- 3010 Ambulance. This was previously discussed earlier in this meeting by John Dovinsky under the Dept. Head Reports.

2010 Cumston Hall. Buddy Floyd presented this budget review item. Line Item 0245 Repair &

Maintenance Facilities was decreased by $5,500, due to the key changing. Facilities includes i.e. mechanical services, HVAC, etc. Buddy Floyd stated that they received quotes from both Door Systems and Fortier’s Locks. They went for seven (7) keys to six (6) - one (1) for the Town Office, three (3) for Library Employees, one (1) for Buddy, and one (1) for the Knox box and three (3) card readers. It was suggested that Buddy Floyd ask for an alternate price with one (1) extra card reader for the Library. The double doors will have a panic bar. The new proposal will be reviewed.

4050 Town Office. The only change made to this budget was Line Item 0242 Repair & Maintenance

Building. This is an increase of $2,000 to replace two (2) windows in the Conference Room. These are custom made.

-  4060 Building Maintenance. The only changes were made in Line Item 0106 Overtime and 0115 Wages

Full Time. These were both increases, due to the 2% COLA increase. Darlene Sanborn suggested placing the Town’s sign in the budget again this year. She would like the Article brought back and reworded.

-  2020 Cumston Library. Julie Sawtelle presented this budget review. She stated that everything remains

the same, except for Line Item 0107 Salaries Full Time. This is due to the 2% COLA increase and is minimal. They are replacing two (2) computers.

-  4020 Public Works Summer. Bruce Balfour presented this budget review. Line Item 0117 Wages –

Temporary is requested for $4,000. This is for seasonal help – two (2) students at approximately 20 hours per week for mowing and trash. Another change is in Line Item 0245 R&M Facilities – Bridges. This line item is increased by $2,000. This is for the East Monmouth Dam. They are looking for leakage. They need a diver to go in and then look for a fix. Line Item 0255 Sewer increased by $100. This is due to the sewer line rate increase. Line Item 0259 Telephone has been decreased going from five (5) to three (3) cell phones. Line Item 0353 Vehicle Fuel was increased from $10,000 to $12,750 – not knowing what the price will be.

-  4030 Public Works Winter. This budget review was also presented by Bruce Balfour. Line Item 0117

Wages – Temporary was requested to be increased by $3,500. This is for seasonal help plowing and sanding at approximately 250 hours @ $13.97 per hour. Line Item 0226 Mileage was increased to $700. This covers personal vehicles for Town work. Line Item 0255 Sewer. Again this request was increased due to the sewer line rate increase. Line Item 0308 Calcium was increased from $2,500 to $4,000. This is for snow and ice control for 1,500 gallons of liquid system. Line Item 0346 Sand was requested to be increased by $6,000. Line Item 0354 Wearing Apparel was requested to be decreased by $500. They are changing their apparel company. This line item covers uniforms, safety shoes, gloves, raingear, coats, and safety vests for employees.

-  4040 Transfer Station. Again this budget review was presented by Bruce Balfour. Line Item 0273 Paving

was not included in this year’s budget request. The existing pavement needs to be repaved. Line Item 0315 Propane was requested for $300. This is needed to heat the building and to fire toilet. Line Item 0225 Medical Services is for first aid supplies and remains the same.

-  1160 Utilities. This budget review was presented by Curtis Lunt. Line Item 0215 Electricity is for 55 street

lights and was decreased by $500. Line Item 0218 Facilities Rental – Hydrants is for the semi-annual payment for 28 fire hydrants. This request was increased by $1,000.

-  5000 Capital Improvements. Again, this budget review was presented by Curtis Lunt. Line Item 6011

Fire Equipment (SCBA) request remains the same. This is the last year for SCBA. This is the fourth and final payment. Line Item 6012 Public Works Fuel Tanks is reserve funding to replace the PW Diesel Fuel Tank. This line item was increased by $12,500. This tank has been there for 30 years. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) wants it removed. Simard & Sons will remove. Line Item 6013 Cumston Hall Repairs was increased – paving was placed in the budget. Line Item 6100 Police Reserve is the reserve account for police vehicle replacement ($15,000) and garage ($15,000). Line Item 6450 PW Equipment is a reserve account for Public Works equipment and was requested for an increase of $50,000 to replace the 2004 Sterling dump truck (three-year lease) and $15,000 for a machine to plow sidewalks and mow lawns (three-year lease).

11. Adjourn. The following motion was made to adjourn the meeting.

MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Sandra Schiller to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 pm.

VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

Respectfully submitted,

Doreen M. Christ

Recording Secretary – Town of Monmouth