Contact Information

Interim Minister: Bev Robinson

ext. 202

Coordinator of Family Ministries:

Ashleigh Kovich

ext. 207

Custodian: Carey Calder

ext. 204

Office Administrator: Judith Fraser

ext. 200

Missing some Tupperware? Please check the counter in the kitchen. Leftovers will be donated to the Flea Market.

Our mission is to be ambassadors for Christ in our

neighbourhood, our city and the world.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Worship Leaders: Rev. Barry Dunbar and Bev Robinson

Music Ministry Team: Ryan Baxter & Shelley Passfield

Easter Sunday

March 27, 2016

Please stand as you are able and respond where the print is bold.

Gathering Music

Opening Hymn:“Jesus Christ is Risen Today”VU 155


Opportunities for ministry and community

*We begin our worship singing

“Behold, Behold I Make All Things New” MV 115

*Invitation to Worship

Come, celebrate the Good News!

The stone has been rolled away!

The tomb is empty!

Christ has risen!

Christ has risen indeed!

Hallelujah! Thanks be to God!

*Hymn:“Welcome Happy Morning”VU 161

Easter Rock #1Nola Brown, Camille & Carmen

Today we remove the stones from the tomb. As Jesus brings new life to the world, we leave behind the stones that weigh us down and open our lives to receive light and love of the first Easter morning.

A Rock is removed.

We remove the stone that seals our hearts from experiencing life.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

Gathering Prayer (in Unison)

Companion God, we give thanks for this holy place. Our friends and neighbours sit around us. And you are in our midst.

God, in the midst of life, with all of its joy and heartache – you are there.


When we need you, and when we do not know how much we need you – you are there. Now we come to give thanks, to bask in your

presence, and to grow in faith together. Bless us now as we worship, for we gather in the name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen.

Easter Rock #2 Cheryl & Don Dillon

After the questions and testing of Lent and Holy week, after finality of death, we find faith renewed.

A Rock is removed.

We remove the rock from the tomb that shall not be moved and we stand strong.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

*Passing of the peace

Easter Rock #3Donna Parr

In the face of pain and death, God’s love strengthens and holds us.

A Rock is removed.

We remove the rock of strength from the tomb and discover it is light as we carry it where it is needed.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

Hallelujahs!!! Hallelujahs!!!

Easter Rock #4Eric & Judy McKnight

In the midst of wonder and awe, we let go of the fear that stops our journey

A Rock is removed.

We remove the rock from the tomb that causes us to stumble and set it aside from our path.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

Ministry of Music“I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”

J.M. Martin


Easter Rock #5Carol & Don Armstrong

The resurrection requires us to trust – not in our culture or our institutions – but in God and God’s ability to change the reality of the world.

A Rock is removed.

We remove the rock of trust from the tomb and give it its proper place in our lives.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

Scripture: Luke 24: 1 – 12Nola Brown

Easter Rock #6Thelma & Bob Halfyard

If we are open to the radicalness of the story, the events of Easter morning unsettle us. The events of Jesus’ life unsettle us.

A Rock is removed.

We remove the rock of discomfort from the tomb so that discomfort confronts and transforms our lives and the world.

All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

We offer our gifts to God

Offertory Music

Dedication Song“What Can I Do?” MV 191

*Prayer of Dedication

Prayers of the People

Followed by the singing of the Lord’s PrayerVU 959

Easter Rock #7Joy & Ted Fretz

Jesus’ life and death carry transformative power for the world. When we are tempted to carry on with life as usual, may the wonder of the story call us to faithful discipleship.

A Rock is removed.

Having walked through death, we remove the rock of temptation from the tomb as we turn our lives toward God and new life.


All sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah” VU 890, Refrain

Breads of the World

Rye Bread was the staple bread for the working class in much of Europe. Let it represent for us all workers, all those who are unemployed, and all those who are discriminated in work situations.

With this bread we are fed and strengthened and blessed.

Corn Bread is a staple in many parts of our world, in places of peace and in places of conflicts and violence. Let it also symbolize for us all those who suffer, who live in fear and those who are peacemakers.

With this bread we are fed and strengthened and blessed.

Shortbread brings to mind children. Let it signify for us the little ones and those who are especially concerned with children; parents, teachers, caregivers, and all who are role models for tomorrows’ adults.

With this bread we are fed and strengthened and blessed.

Pita Bread is hollow and has a lot of space to be filled with wonderful things. It represents all of us when we open to God’s ideas and to God’s people. It reminds us that we have the capacity to be accepting and loving and hospitable to all.

With this bread we are fed and strengthened and blessed.

Communion Hymn:“Thine is the Glory”VU 173

Communion Service

Please see the insert or screen

*The Hymn of Mission

“Hallelujah, Hallelujah Give Thanks”VU 179

Commissioning and Benediction

Let us go out to live our song of joy and praise.

We go to be God’s people in the world, walking in newness of life.




Choral Affirmation “Christ is Risen, Yes, Indeed”Refrain only 2x


Welcome to First Grantham United Church!

Thank you to everyone who shared in our ministry today.

Welcome to worship at First Grantham United Church. We are so glad that you are here. It is our hope that this time of community and the sharing of God’s word, spoken and sung, will offer to each of you, grace, peace and hope. If this is your first time with us, we invite you to sign the welcome book at either of the entrances.

A Nursery and Kid’s Church are available should you choose to make use of them.

Please join us in the Ruby Carroll Hall for conversation and refreshments following the service.

Please remember to pray for those members of our church family in hospital, nursing homes or other care facilities. As a church, we are called to pray for each other and for our mission in the world. On the Prayer Cycle this week we pray for Port Nelson, Burlington - Halton Presbytery.

Thank you to everyone who is serving to make worship and fellowship possible today!

Please mark your calendars for a Congregational Gathering on Sunday, April 3 following worship, lunch will be provided. The purpose of this gathering is to evaluate our journey of Interim Ministry over the past year and half. You will hear more about this later. Your voice is important so please plan to attend.

Messy Church: is the second Saturday of the month during the school year. We start at 3:30 p.m. Come early or come late! All are welcome.


Membership Sunday, April 10th

If you are now worshipping with First Grantham United Church community and are not a member, you are invited to decide if you would like to become a member by transferring your membership or joining by profession of faith.

If you are interested at this time to do so, please contact the church office.

Legacy gifts: Preserve our heritage. Create our future. Please remember First Grantham United church in your estate planning.

Red Roof Retreat 14th Annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser: On Saturday May 1, Red Roof Retreat is holding a pasta dinner, raffles silent auction and live auction in order to raise funds for their Respite Program. Doors open at 4 p.m. and dinner is at 5 p.m. It is located at John Michaels Banquet Hall, 1368 Uppers Lane in Thorold. E-mail for more information at or call 289-362-6104.

“Taxi Tab” is a subsidized service using Central Taxi to bring members to Sunday Worship Service. When family, friends or others are unable to provide transportation, this service is available. Your Congregational Care Committee organizes transportation or Taxi Tab arrangements.

Please contact Carole Hannan at 905-937-8249 for more detailed information.

Happy Easter From the Library: Celebrate by sharing this book with a child and enjoy it yourself. Celebrate Easter by Deborah Heiligman is a National Geographic Kids book full of photographs of people from around the world celebrating Easter. Check page 21 for the bunny in Toronto. An interesting fact I learned from this book is that Australians eat more chocolate eggs than anywhere else in the world. A book that truly does celebrate the joy of Easter. Thank you to Joan Learmonth for gifting this book to our library. Kay Houghton.



MondayOffice Closed

Between the Covers Book Group 9:30 a.m.

Beavers 6:30 p.m.

TuesdayCubs 6:30 p.m.

WednesdayOlder Adult Exercise 1:00 p.m.

Out of the Cold (for this month only)

ThursdayOlder Adult Exercise 10:00 a.m.

Joint Search Committee4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Scouts 6:00 p.m.

Choir 7:00 p.m.

Friday, April 1:Chair Yoga 9:15 a.m.