Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the workshops?

The workshops last for approximately 1 hour, and usually consist of a presentation as well as practical activities. We ask that you please arrive on time for each workshop.

Do I bring my child to the parent workshop?

We ask that only adults (e.g., parents/carers/child-minders) attend this workshop as there are currently no child-minding facilities.

Will my child be assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist at the workshop?

No. The purpose of the workshopsis to provide parents/carers (and child minders) with information and ideas to support their child’s speech and language development at home. If you want to refer your child to Speech and Language Therapy services, you can make a referral directly (please call: 020 8825 8856) or you can speak to your Health Visitor, Community Nursery Nurse, children’s centre, school/nursery or GP about making a referral.

Do I have to pay to attend a workshop?

No. The workshops are free of charge.

Do I have to book in advance?

Yes.As spaces are limited, we ask that you book a place at the workshop in advance .Please call 020 3313 7906 to book a place on one of the workshops.

What workshops are available?

Every term, Speech and Language Therapy services in Ealing run different workshops for families of children who are concerned about their child’s speech, language and/or communication development. The purpose of the workshops is to provide families with information on typical speech and language development and to give advice/recommendations for developing their child’s speech, language and communication skills at home.

The workshops cover the following topics:

Parent Child Interaction

This workshop gives an overview of the parent-child interaction approach (PCI) and the importance of parent-child play for the development of children’s speech, language and communication skills. This workshop is suitable for any families who are concerned that their child may be delayed in their speech and language development.

Language Development

This workshop gives an overview of typical early language development in children. Families are given practical advice on strategies and activities to try at home to help support their child’s language development. This workshop is suitable for any families who have concerns that their child’s language development is delayed for their age.

Social Communication

This workshop gives an overview of how children’s social skills typically develop. It gives families practical ideas on how to develop their child’s play skills as well as interactions with peers and other people. This workshop is suitable for families who are concerned about their child’s play skills and about how their child mixes with his/her peers.


This workshop specifically looks at speech-sound development and gives a brief overview of typical speech-sound development in children. This workshop is suitable for families who have concerns about their child’s pronunciation of sounds/words (e.g., the child mixes up speech-sounds and says ‘tat’ instead of ‘cat’). Practical advice and tips on supporting children’s speech sound development are provided at this workshop.


Stammering refers to ‘a tense struggle to get words out’ ( This workshop is specifically for families who are concerned about their child’s fluency development. General information on stammering is provided along with advice on what families can do to help support their child’s fluency development.