Watchdog Education Foundation

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 8, 2016—4:30 p.m.

South Campus Conference Room

“Our mission is to enhance educational opportunities for the Beresford School District.”


1.  Call meeting to order: roll call and establish quorum.

President Nathan Jensen called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. and a quorum was established with the following members present: Sally Dolan, Caitlin Worth, Sue Christensen, Chris Savey, Gerald Dahlin, and Brian Field.

2.  Adopt agenda. (m)

A motion was made by Chris Savey, seconded by Gerald Dahlin to adopt the agenda. All present voted aye.

3.  Review and approve the minutes from the March 16, 2016 meeting. (m)

A motion was made by Sally Dolan, seconded by Caitlin Worth to approve the minutes from the March 16, 2016 meeting. All present voted aye.

4.  Review and approve Watchdog Education Foundation (WEF) and Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund (SRCMSF) Financial Reports. (m)

Treasurer Sue Christensen provide the financial reports. As of May 12, 2016 the Watchdog Education Foundation fund had total net assets of $101,935.90 with $2310.30 available for distribution. As of May 12, 2016 the Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship fund had total net assets of $21,936.35 with $1616.80 available for distribution.

A motion was made by Sally Dolan, seconded by Caitlin Worth to approve the financial reports. All present voted aye.

5.  Discuss the WEF dollars available for distribution and review and award the innovative education grants for the spring, 2016 cycle.

The Board discussed the Innovative Education Grant applications that were due on Friday, June 3. Due to limited funds available this year in the amount of $2300, the Board made a decision to award grants to the following four staff members and programs:

Ms. Debra Groninga—Beresford Elementary School Mentoring Program—$500

Mrs. Gina Mees—Beresford Elementary School Honors Choir Scholarships—$500

Miss Audrey Graber—Beresford High School Spanish Trip to Puerto Rico—$525

Dr. Buechler and Dr. Merriman—Beresford High School Book Read—$775

Brian Field will submit a request for funds from the SD Community Foundation in Pierre so the grants can be awarded. Next spring/summer, the WEF hopes to have around $4000-$5000 to award for Innovative Education Grant applications.

Have a wonderful summer and please let me know if you have any questions.

6.  Discuss final preparations for the Tri-County Tour/Duathlon on Saturday, June 18, 2016.

Tri-County Tour and Duathlon director Sue Christensen provided an update on the preparations for the June 18 event. Sue has received $3400 in sponsorships and in-kind donations from a variety of businesses and vendors in Beresford and the Sioux Falls area. She has made arrangements to have Sanford available for training services and Spoke ‘N Sport available for bike repairs and SAG support. As of June 8, 40 people had registered for the events. She believes additional registrations will come in during the next week and on race day.

Due to the cost, there will be no chip timing at this year’s event for the Duathlon. Sue is still looking for additional volunteers. Brian will take care of the timing and splits for the Duathlon participants. Sue has set the bike routes and water stops. She picked up medals for the finishers and she has re-purposed a dozen WEF yard signs to use the TCT/Duathlon event.

7.  Discuss the WEF Homecoming Pork Loin BBQ on Friday, September 16, 5:00-7:00 p.m.

The community Homecoming Pork Loin BBQ will be held on Friday, September 16 from 5:00-7:00 at the stadium picnic shelter. Brian Field will pick up all of the supplies for the event. He will ask Darin and Nancy Larson to grill the pork loin again and assist with cutting the loin for sandwiches. Once again, this will be a free-will donation event.

8.  Discuss a future partnership with our BHS FFA chapter on raising awareness for the “Bushels” campaign in contacting area farmers and custom grain haulers to secure future donations to the WEF.

Brian discussed the new school shop addition and that when it is completed, the Ag/FFA students and their teacher Mrs. Bridget Twedt could host an open house in the new shop and raise awareness for the “Bushels” campaign by inviting area farmers and custom grain haulers to the open house. “Bushels” brochures could be distributed at the event.

9.  Discuss the formation of a Watchdog Hall of Fame based on the four pillars of Academics/Achievement, Athletics, Fine Arts, and Distinguished Service.

Brian discussed the formation of a future Watchdog Hall of Fame based on the four pillars of Academics/Achievement, Athletics, Fine Arts, and Distinguished Service. The purpose of the Beresford High School Watchdog Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor the accomplishments and outstanding character of individuals in the areas of Academics/Achievement, Fine Arts, Athletics, and Distinguished Service for their outstanding contributions and dedication to Beresford High School and/or for demonstrating how their accomplishments within society positively reflects upon the educational quality and stature of Beresford High School.

Brian discussed that this venture could be a partnership of the Beresford School District, Watchdog Education Foundation, Music Booster Club, Athletic Booster Club, and Beresford Area Arts Council. The Board was very supportive of this future venture.

10.  Review future quarterly meeting dates in 2016—south campus conference room.

a.  September 14, 2016—4:30 p.m.

b.  December 14, 2016—4:30 p.m.

President Jensen reviewed the upcoming fall and winter quarterly meeting dates on September 14 and December 14 at 4:30 p.m. in the south campus conference room.

11.  Update on recent memorials, donations and thank you notes.

Brian provided an update on the recent memorials and donations that came into the WEF, as well as thank you notes that he sent.

12.  Other Business.

There were no items for other business.

13.  Adjourn. (m)

A motion was made by Gerald Dahlin and seconded by Chris Savey to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 p.m. All present voted aye.