Birkdale Community Association
Board of Directors, Homeowners and Residents Meeting
7:00 P.M. June 18, 2013
Birkdale Golf Club
8601 Royal Birkdale Drive
Chesterfield, VA 23832
I. Call to Order, Welcome
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Jack Juris. Board members also present were Nick Martello, George Harris, Greg Peterson and Mary Estes. Community Group account manager David Trammell was also present. There were approximately 50 homeowners in attendance
II. Roll Call and Quorum Status
Jack asked Mary to certify that there was a quorum. A quorum of the Board was present.
III. Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the meeting was approved by a motion from George Harris and second by Mary Estes.
IV. Set Adjournment Time
Jack Juris set time for 8:45 p.m.
V. Disposition of Minutes of Last Meeting on March 12, 2013
Nick Martello made a motion to accept minutes, George Harris second. Minutes were accepted
VI. Reports
A. President Report – Jack Juris
Update on lake clean up. The first application was applied the first week in June and the second was applied on June 14th. This was applied later than originally scheduled. The main reason was the weather. It has been a different kind of spring.
The request for repaving Houghton Place has been declined. I was told the funds are just not there.
Nick Martello was thanked for contacting the and Sunday Direct groups who distribute their advertisement on Sunday and during the week. It looks like they are putting them in the media boxes under our mailboxes and getting those plastic bags off our driveway.
Trash Collection – Four companies were contacted: Waste Management, Virginia Waste Management, Trainham and County Waste Management. We asked for a price as an individual. The only company that sent an official quote was Virginia Waste Management. Trainham and County Waste Management said they would send one but have not received anything at this time.
This is a summary.
Waste Management 866-669-9549 / Virginia Waste 804-778-7900 / Trainham 804-276-7869 / County Waste 866-310-8857Called trash company for individual rate per month / 29.95 plus Fuel /environmental charge / $27.95 / $21.50 / $29.75
Yard waste/grass clipping/leaves/branches / 5 lawn bags at curb / 2 lawn bags / 5 lawn bags
Trash container / 96 Gallon Trash Cart provided / 96 Gallon Trash Cart provided / Homeowner provided container / 96 Gallon Trash Cart provided
Number of customers / 135 / 67 / 285
Proposed / Backyard / Curbside
Below 50% / $20.00 / $10.50
50% of residents / $19.50 / $10.00
75% of residents / $19.00 / $9.50
The big savings would be if curbside service was allowed. But since curbside serve is not allowed and would need a change to the covenant this is not an option. These prices reflect individual billing on a quarterly basis. At this time the recommendation is to let the individuals make their own choice.
I use Waste management. My last bill was $108.28. This is a quarterly bill. Monthly that would be $36.09. Using Virginia Waste I would save $16.09 a month. I would save $193.08 a year.
County Waste customers would save $9.75 a month or $117 year.
Virginia Waste Management will promote the service by neighborhood flyer, or an ad in monthly neighborhood advertisement.
If at least 50% participation is not achieved within the first year, monthly rate would change to $25 per home at the end of the first year initial start-up period.
Birkdale Directory
Phillips cannot print the directory for free. The cost would be $2000-$2500 to have it printed.
I asked Roy’s Copies for a price for 700 copies. This is the breakdown.
12 pages Front and Back / $504.00Covers / $345.00
Staple and fold / $70.00
Cut edges / $100.00
Total / $1019.00
Roy’s will only print. We would have to provide a pdf file for them. This will require some set-up.
Marvin Barry contacted me and I gave his name to David Trammel. They are working on another option. Not sure of status
B. Treasurer Report – George Harris
George highlighted that we have spent $13,625 of our annual budget of $15,000 for tree removal. If necessary, we could move money from common areas. Otherwise we are on course for 2013 budget.
C. Management: David Trammell reported that new laws took effect July 1 however, no change in law for Birkdale.
D. ARC Committee – Don King
Annual property inspection July 12 thru 15. Areas concentrating on mailbox, exterior condition of home including decks, roofs, service yards, deterioration of exterior of home, general maintenance to lawns and landscaping and fence deterioration. Recreational equipment on property in need of repair.
Numerous requests for improvements going well. Continue to address the consistent violators
E. Grounds Committee – Joe Vanarsdall
A price of $28,000 was given by James River to fix the light at the Spring Run entrance. The damaged fence on Spring Run will be fixed on Saturday June 22.
A proposal was made that we replant the dead bushes by the fence on Winterpock Road. The fence also needs to be power washed which would happen in the fall.
F. Social Committee – Sue Juris
The community event of National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6th is presently being worked on. Trying to form volunteer committees to help with the event. An estimated 16 volunteers are needed to set up and take down. We encourage the youth of the community to volunteer.
G. Newsletter and Website –Chris Craig
It was presented that for $12 a month we could purchase a program that would have a simple newsletter function. No bells and whistles. Can do quick email blasts and the program has great tech support.
H. Playground Committee – Emily Walling made a presentation regarding their findings of an area to put up a playground. The proposed site was on Royal Birkdale Drive in the location of the gazebo which would remain for parents to visit while children were playing. The committee researched 5 other common areas within Birkdale to put the playground, however a survey was conducted with the neighbors in those areas, and they responded that they were opposed to having the playground in their area. The golf course general manager was approached with a playground area on the tennis courts that are deteriorating. He would lease the community the property for $20,000 per year for two years. This would be for two of the sections of tennis courts but we would have to maintain the upkeep on the two tennis courts that we were not leasing from him.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Gas Light Conversion Project: To date, there has been no response to the existing RFP. We believe this is due to the risk involved and high cost of tunnel boring. The power company estimates $20-22 dollars a foot for tunnel boring. I am recommending a different approach and have contacted Dominion Power to set up a meeting. The options to be discussed will include:
1. Install meter assembly at convenient transformer and have contractor run cable to pole.
2. Install meter assembly at home located closest to our street sign/gas lamp
3. Install meter assembly at pole location and have Dominion run power from the closest transformer
4. Possibly do an intercept in the right of way closest to the street sign/gas lamp and flat rate billing. (Dominion has never done this before)
5. Discuss other options that avoid the expensive cost of tunnel boring
Estimated Costs:
1. Cost to run the new lamps is estimated at $15.00 a year considering an average cost of .10 per KWH
2. Cost of installing meter service is estimated at $500 per light
3. The basic monthly charge for a single phase Small General Service (Schedule GS-1) is $11.47
4. Total yearly cost of electricity for the remaining 27 lights would be $405 a year. Cost of the GS-1 is 11.47*12 months=137.64 per drops. If a drop is required for each of the 27 lights, the GS-a service will be $3716.28. The total yearly operating cost will be $4121.28. This could be lower if some drops can service more than one light pole.
5. Installation cost will be significantly reduced if the expensive tunnel boring can be eliminated or reduced to a small number of locations.
B. Street Sign Replacement Project: Final Phase for street sign replacement is in progress. Need rusted posts and stop signs to be addressed.
C. Update Birkdale Directory: The cost to print the directory is $2500. We have no funds budgeted for this project. We received another quote from Ray’s Printing not to exceed $1000. Dave Trammell to do PDF and print out so that it will not be as fancy to keep costs down. George stated we have the $1000 to print. A motion was led by Jack Juris to accept the Roy’s printing bid as not to exceed $1000, 2nd by George Harris. Motion passed majority.
VIII New Business
A. ARC Infraction tracking system (Smart Solution)
This software should help the ARC committee to stream line the process. There is a $195.00 set up fee and a $50 monthly fee for this software. There was a demo June 12 with our neighborhood and requirements in the system. ARC will be performing the yearly inspection July 13-15. This year they will use a resident’s IPad. For budget planning we should add something for next year to purchase and IPad and a data plan with cellular capabilities.
B. 5 year Capital Reserve Study: Dave Trammell to set meeting to meet with board. Study showed we have funds for upgrades
C. Repair/Replace Sidewalks: Greg called 5 different companies for quotes. 3 of the companies returned quotes. They are as follows $81,500, $67,625 and $65,968. At the present time we have $48,000 in Reserve for repairs. George is looking at the finances to figure out where the rest of the funds could come from.
D. Playground Funding: Deferred by the board based on the information presented. Requested that a further search for property be looked into.
E. Publish minutes on A motion was approved that the approved minutes can be published.
F. Pet Waste Stations
At the last meeting I was waiting for a quote from DoodyCalls to provide stations and a service to maintain those stations.
I received two quotes: one for 5 stations and one for 10 stations.
5 station summary
Equipment CostsItem / Unit Cost / Quantity / Total Cost
Sentry Station / $225.00 / 5.00 / $1,125.00
Installation / $55.50 / 5.00 / $277.50
Shipping & Handling / $225.00 / 1.00 / $225.00
Total Cost / $1,627.50
Yearly Service & Estimated Bag Usage Costs
Service / Cost per Visit / Number of Visits / Total Cost
Pet Waste Station Service / $41.65 / 52.00 / $2,165.80
Estimated Bag Usage / $13.25 / 52.00 / $689.00
Total Estimated Yearly Costs / $2,854.80
10 Station Summary
Equipment CostsItem / Unit Cost / Quantity / Total Cost
Sentry Station / $199.00 / 10.00 / $1,990.00
Installation / $55.50 / 10.00 / $555.00
Shipping & Handling / $398.00 / 1.00 / $398.00
Total Cost / $2,943.00
Yearly Service & Estimated Bag Usage Costs
Service / Cost per Visit / Number of Visits / Total Cost
Pet Waste Station Service / $69.40 / 52.00 / $3,608.80
Estimated Bag Usage / $26.50 / 52.00 / $1,378.00
Total Estimated Yearly Costs / $4,986.80
A motion to accept 5 doggie stations was vetoed by the board.
G. 3 Board positions terms end this year – Resume Due September 18th to all interested parties
IX Member Voice
No one has seen any evidence that golf course did apply pellets in lake.
Much discussion regarding not having a playground in the proposed area off Royal Birkdale Drive by the Playground Committee.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jack. 2nd by Nick. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Next Meeting scheduled for September 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes Submitted by Mary Estes