1. A backpack - large enough to hold a binder
  2. 1- 3-ring binder (not a trapper keeper) 1”
  3. 1- pack of fat crayola washable markers
  4. 1- pair of Fiskars blunt scissors
  5. 1- package of stickers (girls)
  6. 1-pkg brown lunch sacks (boys)
  7. 1- box of crayola colored pencils
  8. 3- large boxes of tissues
  9. 1-4pk of play dough (boys)
  10. 1- roll of paper towels
  11. 4- thick black dry erase markers
  12. 2- thick yellow highlighters
  13. 2-two pocket folder
  14. 2- 12 pack #2 plain yellow pencils-Ticonderoga
  15. 6-FATElmers glue sticks
  16. 2- 24 count boxes of Crayola Crayons
  17. 1- container of Clorox Wipes (boys)
  18. 1- 8oz-12oz bottle of hand sanitizer (girls)
  19. 1 bag of kid prizes
  20. 1- pair of individual over-the head-style headphones
  21. 1- pkg. XXL Ziploc storage bags (3 in a box)
  22. 1-ox of Ziploc gallon size tab top baggies (boys)
  23. 1-box Ziploc sandwich size zip baggies (girls)
  24. $5.00 Fee for Scholastic News


  1. 1- 5-8 pack of fat dry erase markers
  2. 1- backpack to transport items
  3. 5- boxes of 24 crayola crayons
  4. 2- erasers
  5. 1- pkg. pencil cap erasers
  6. 8-10 glue sticks
  7. 1- pair of Fiskars blunt scissors
  8. 1- container Lysol or Clorox Wipes (boys)
  9. 1- roll of paper towels (girls)
  10. 1- pkg Ziploc sandwich bags
  11. 1- pack of #2 pencils
  12. 2- large box of tissues
  13. 1-white, clear view (must be able to put paperin the cover) binder (1 ½”) (No other colors or sizes please)
  14. 1- bag of individually wrapped, peanut –free candy
  15. 1- pkg. of papermate flair pens
  16. 1-pkg of small prizes
  17. 1-pkg of stickers
  18. 1-set of headphones for computer lab (please no earbuds)



  1. 1- 3-ring clear view binder (1 inch) - WHITE
  2. 4-12-pack pencils
  3. *2- (2) erasers
  4. 1- box 2-gallon Ziploc Bags (Girls)
  5. *2-large glue sticks
  6. Backpack or schoolbag
  7. 1- pair of Fiskars scissors
  8. 1- package (2-4) fat dry eraser markers
  9. 1- box of 16-32 crayons
  10. Colored pencils
  11. A rainy day board game
  12. Supply box
  13. Bag of individually wrapped, peanut-free candy/prizes
  14. 2- two-pocket folders
  15. Headphones or ear buds
  16. Trapper Keeper with 2 pocket folders inside with holes
  17. Roll of Paper Towels
  18. 2- spiral notebooks
  19. 1- container Clorox Wipes (Boys)
  20. 1- package of XXL Ziplock storage bags (Found at Target)
  21. $5.00 fee for Scholastic News
Please label all supplies w/Student’s Name
  1. 1- large box of facial tissues
  2. 2- package of #2 pencils in desk at all times (no

mechanical pencils)

  1. 1- pair of scissors
  2. 2- erase markers
  3. 2- large bottle school glue and 2 glue sticks
  4. 2-boxes of 8ct crayons
  5. 1- ruler w/centimeters & inches
  6. 1- set of colored pencils
  7. 1- large zipper pencil pouch (no

pencil boxes please!)

  1. 1- small pencil sharpener
  2. 1- spiral notebooks
  3. 5- two-pocket folders with holes
  4. 1- roll of paper towels (Black Only)
  5. 1- pkg of pencil top erasers
  6. 1- black sharpie marker
  7. 1- box ziploc bags (Williams/Carpenter Only)
  8. 1- container Clorox wipes (girls only)
  9. Backpack
  10. XL or XXL Ziploc Bag for backpack & Coat
  11. 1- 3 ring clear view binder (1 ½”)
  12. Indoor recess board game (optional)
  13. 2- composition notebook (wide ruled)

Please label all supplies with Student’s Name

  1. 2- packages of #2 pencils
  2. 1-Zippered pencil case
  3. 2- large boxes of tissues
  4. 1- 16 box of crayons or colored pencils
  5. 1- 8 color Crayola markers
  6. 1-Plastic expandable file with 7 sections
  7. 4- 3-subject spiral notebooks (4 different colors)
  8. 2- glue sticks
  9. 2- red pens for grading
  10. 1- pair of scissors
  11. 1- yellow highlighter
  12. 2- Dry erase marker (thick tip)
  13. 2- packs of post-it notes

14. 1- large eraser

15. 1- pack of (lined) index cards

16. 1- package of Ziploc Bags (Wernery)

17.1-Clorox Wipes (Gertz)

18. 1-roll ofPaper towels (Bose)

19.1- XX-Large Ziploc Bag for backpacks/coats

20.1- Backpack or schoolbag (should fit in locker)

21. ** Optional – rainy day game

22.Approximately $110.00 for Camp Kern

23.$5.00 – Studies Weekly


  1. 2- boxes of Kleenex
  2. 2- folders w/pockets & metal clips
  3. 1-Plastic expandable file with at least 7 sections
  4. 1-A supply of notebook paper
  5. 4- spiral notebook (single subject) labeled Science, Social Studies, Math & Writing
  6. 1- pair of scissors
  7. 1- protractor
  8. Will need a calculator at home, one is supplied at school
  9. 1- large zippered pencil case
  10. 24 yellow pencils
  11. 2- black sharpie extra fine pt. markers
  12. 2- black sharpie fine pt. markers
  13. 2- highlighters
  14. 6- red pens
  15. 1- large box of colored pencils
  16. 1- large box of crayons
  17. 1- ruler with centimeters and inches
  18. Backpack that fits in locker(no wheels, please)
  19. 1 ½ inch by 2 inch post-it notes
  20. 2- glue sticks
  21. 300 lined index cards (to start) 3 x 5
  22. plastic index card holder with lid
  23. Dictionary at home, one is supplied at school
  24. Erasers
  25. 2 roll of scotch tape
  26. 1- large container of bleach cleaning wipes
  27. 1- Roll of Paper Towels
  28. XXL Ziploc Storage Bag (For coats and bookbag)
  29. $5.00 – Studies Weekly


  1. 1-bookbag large enough for a folder
  2. 1-pair of Friskars blunt scissors
  3. 6-fat glue sticks
  4. 6-fat glue sticks
  5. 3 pkgs-8count Crayola crayons (No fat crayons)
  6. 1-folder for homework
  7. 1-4pkg of playdoh
  8. 1-pkg of stickers (girls only)
  9. 1-pkg. of individually wrapped candy (peanut free) or kid prizes (Boys only)
  10. 1-8oz-12oz bottle of hand sanitizer (girls only)
  11. 1-large container of Clorox wipes
  12. 2-boxes of tissues
  13. 1-roll of paper towels
  14. 1-pkg brown paper lunch bags (boys only)
  15. 1-pkg of paper plates (girls only)
  16. 2-boxes of 100 ct. 3oz cups
  17. 1-pkg of napkins (boys only)
  18. 1 –pkg Ziploc sandwich bags (boys only)
  19. 1-pkg Ziploc gallon bags (girls only)
  20. Early Learning Magazine Fee $5.00
  21. 1-change of clothes (please place your child’s clothes in a bag with their name on it)
  22. 1-small photo of child
  23. $5.00 fee for Scholastic News