Peggy Bitler
Jay Recanzone
Tom Price
Board Members
Term thru 6/13
Earl Chambers
Gary Hardesty
Oskar Hernandez
Bill Swirsky
Mary Swirsky
Term thru 6/14
Tim Dake
Candy LoBue
463 -2677
James Neely
Tim Ogle
463- 4694
Ann Rudolph
Prices 463-3794
Prog. & Event Schedule:
Oct. 23 – Meet at Lions Club
House at 6:30
Oct. 30 – Student of the Month
Nov. 6 – Rotary’s “Ignite”
membership program
Nov. 13 – Tim Dake – What’s
going on at NV Copper
Greeter Schedule:
Oct. 23 - None
Oct. 30 – Tom & Ron Hennessey
Nov.6 – Mary & Carrie Giomi
Nov. 13 – Jay & Ron
Nov. 20 – Lucy & Carrie G.
Nov. 27 – James
Lions Club Meeting: This coming Tuesday (Oct. 23) is our sometimes annual combined meeting with the Lions Club. It will be held at their Club House on West Street. Be there by 6:30. Included in the festivities will be the trading of our Rotary wheel sign (stolen from our booth at the fairgrounds) for the Lions International sign they left in its place. Rotary will be providing the food for this occasion and Lions will be providing the drinks. It should be an enjoyable meeting. Lets have a big turnout and show them how good we are.
Student of the Month: The program for Tuesday Oct. 30 will be the September and October YHS students of the months.
Board Meeting: Tuesday Oct. 16, our Board of Directors met and discussed several issues. We have been more and more involved in activities where we should be wearing aprons advertising our Rotary affiliation. At the same time we have a dwindling supply of decent looking aprons. The Board finally acted and new aprons have been ordered!
We have been quite successful at fund raising last year and so far this year. We need to set a budget to decide what projects we will be supporting and with how much money. We don’t commit all of our money because new projects pop up unexpectedly most years, but we want to reserve money for the projects we know will be coming up. We need a couple of volunteers for one budget meeting. Talk to Peggy if you are interested.
Physical Therapy talk: Carrie Baker gave us an educational program on what physical therapy can do for us. The web site she mentioned that reinforces what she told us is: Check it out.
Ice Cream Social: Forgot to report last newsletter that our efforts at the Ice Cream Social brought in $1,009. This is the most money we have
raised at this event in quite a few years. As advertised, this amount has been sent to The Rotary Foundation for their “End Polio Now” program. This brings our contribution to polio this year to $1,259 (we earlier donated $250 in the name of our District Governor Sam “Woody” Wilbanks). We are well on our way to reaching our goal of $2,000 for polio, but we have not yet started on our goal of $2,000 for the Annual Programs Fund. November is Rotary Foundation month. We will all be asked to contribute then.
Recent activities: Our hectic Fall schedule continued the last couple of weekends. On Oct. 6 several of our members helped the YHS music department at their OktoberFest fundraiser. Pouring German beer is pretty easy, even fun, but it still takes time. We don’t make any money at this, but we do it to support the music programs in Yerington schools. Thanks, especially to Skip.
Oct. 13 we helped Comstock Gold at their informational picnic. They are in the process of developing a mine in the Virginia City area that affects Lyon County. They wanted an opportunity to inform local residents of what they are planning. They had generously agreed to pay us $3,000 and we would purchase, BBQ and serve the food. Thanks to everyone who helped with this event (especially Peggy who made “A LOT” of macaroni salad).
Foundation Dinners: November is Rotary’s Foundation month. It is a time when many Clubs and Areas (groups of Clubs) sponsor dinners (usually with excellent speakers) to raise money for supporting The Rotary Foundation. There are two such dinners planned (that we know of) near us. Area 10 consists of Fernley, Fallon, Smith Valley, Tonopah and Yerington. This year the Tonopah Rotary Club has volunteered to host the Area 10 Foundation Dinner. It will be held on Saturday October 27 at the Convention Center in Tonopah. The key note speaker is motivational speaker Michael Murphey the Clark County Coroner. Considering the date being so close to Halloween and the daytime job of the speaker, Tonopah has decided to make the event a costume party as well. It should be a fun event. If you are interested and need more information, talk to Peggy, Jay or Tom.
The other nearby Foundation Dinner is being hosted by the Fallon Rotary Club. It will be held on Friday November 2 at the Fallon Convention Center. The key note speaker will be Al Frumkin. The theme is “Dress like a redneck at a luau”. Al Frumkin is a big time San Francisco lawyer and definitely deserves to be thrown into a redneck environment. He will enjoy it and the whole crowd will as well. It should be fun. If you are interested and need more information talk to Peggy, Jay or Tom.
These dinners do require tickets/reservations so they know how many to plan for. There is still time to get them but you have to act soon. Even if you don’t go this year keep it in mind for next year. It’s definitely fun to mingle and have fun with other area clubs.