FAQs 2018 – 2019 Funding
Q: If a learner wants to improve their mental or physical health, would they be classed as a Targeted Learner?
A: Targeted Learner categories are listed on our Targeted Provision document. Improving mental or physical health is not a specific category, but learners may fit in to other categories in order to count as Targeted
Q: What about learners who are unemployed through choice?
A: Category 1 is available for those learners not in employment who are looking for learning to support them to move closer to or remove barriers to employment.
Q: Do learners who are retired or employed count as Targeted?
A: Yes, but only if they fit in one of the Targeted Learner categories. Providers may wish to consider giving discounts to retired learners that do not fit into one of the Targeted Categories through their own Charges and Fees Policy.
Q: Do learners who receive Disability Living Allowance count as Targeted?
A: Yes they are Targeted under category 6
Q: What about carers who get Carers Allowance – are they Targeted Learners?
A: Yes, they are Targeted under category 7
Q: Can learners over the age of 60 undertake qualifications, if they do not already hold a full Level 2 qualification, but are not looking to go back to work?
A: Learners over the age of 60 are eligible to undertake qualifications as per the ESFA Funding Rules if they meet the eligibility criteria.
Q: Is there an age range for Targeted Learner category No 2 – Male Learners?
A: No. Traditionally fewer men access Further Education particularly Community Learning, so in order to increase our participation rates we have introduced ‘Male Learners’ as a Targeted category this year. Providers should review their offer to ensure they are planning provision that will attract more men into learning – whatever their age.
Q: What constitutes a full level 2 qualification?
A: The definition given in the current ESFA’s ILR Specification Guidance is:
Prior attainment level descriptors / Qualification equivalent (incorporating NQF and QCF and RQF)Full Level 2 / -GCSE/O Level (5 or more GCSEs grades A*-C)
-2 or 3 AS Levels (for AS qualifications regulated before 1 September 2015)
-CSE Grade 1 (5 or more)
-1 A Level
-Higher 14-19 Diploma
-QCF Diploma level 2
-QCF Certificate level 2 at 13 or 14 credits undertaken before 2014 to 2015
-Level 2 Principal Learning
-NVQ level 2
-GNVQ Intermediate
-Technical Certificates in the 16-19 Performance Tables
-QCF Certificate level 2 at 15 credits and above
-From 1 August 2015 vocational qualifications of 150 GLH or more
Q: Can Providers decide what courses fit under each Targeted Learner category?
A: Yes. We have provided some examples on the Targeted Provision document for information, but ultimately you need to design courses that will attract the Targeted Learners in your community. You would need to be able to justify why learners are recorded as Targeted at Contract Monitoring if there was a query.
Q: Can I apply for more than one LOT?
A: Yes
Q: How much can each organisation apply for?
A: There is a cap on the LOT4 CALF fund of £25,000 per organisation per year. For all other LOTs there is no restriction on the amount you can apply for. However, in order to apply for more than £100,000*, Providers will need to ensure that they are on the Register of Training Organisations (RoTO).
*Providers must be on the Register of Training Organisations to receive more than £100,000 from any ESFA or Adult Education Budget source in one academic year.
Q: What is the cap on LOT5 – Cambridgeshire Thrives?
A: Cambridgeshire Thrives project funding is designed to allow providers to bid for a higher level of funding to support learners with multiple barriers or more intensive programmes of delivery. Throughout the year we will identify key areas where there is a need for an intervention. This intervention will be advertised as a LOT with a fixed rate of funding attached. Providers can bid for all or some of the funding allocated which will be communicated within the LOT application process.
Q: Can you have a mixed LOT of learners on one course?
A: Yes in the case of LOT2 Community Learning and LOT3 Targeted Learning. LOT4 CALF, LOT5 Cambridgeshire Thrives and LOT1 Accredited Learning should be run as separate projects/courses.
Q: Will there be any further cuts to funding?
A: We cannot guarantee this. Last year we were oversubscribed and applied a 20% cut to Universal Learning (to be known as Community Learning in 18-19) funding. This has helped Providers focus their offer on provision for Targeted Learners. Providers applying for LOTs 2 and 3 (Community and Targeted funding) should ensure they have their own Charges and Fee Policy which is moving LOT2 Community Learners to full cost recovery ie., the learner pays for their course out right and receives no government subsidy towards the cost of their course.
Q: Will there be any changes to 1819 paperwork
A: Possibly. The ESFA have not yet released their guidance documents for the 1819 contract year so we do not know if there will need to be any changes. If there are changes required we will endeavour to have these ready before the new contract year is due to start on 1/8/2018. Learners should only complete the enrolment paperwork and provide the verification information as their course is about to start in the new contract year and not before.
Q: Category 2 - All Male Learners - there are no exclusions listed for this category so can we presume this means ALL male learners over 19 whatever their age/circumstances?
A: There are no exclusions for Targeted Criteria No 2. All men count.
Q: Category 7 - Provision which helps build stronger families - examples are listed but can other courses be included in this category, eg. a course learning a skill such as Dressmaking/Sewing, Upholstery, Carpentry and Fitness courses, which may contribute to building a stronger family as they may lead to setting up a business or where fitness is concerned building a healthier life?
A: Category 7 is for ‘Family Learning’ provision.
The purpose and context for all learning aims recorded as Family Learning must be to support children's learning and improve the home learning environment.
Programmes must fulfil all the following requirements. They must:
· aim to improve the skills of parents or other carers
· aim to improve parents'/carers' ability to help their children learn
· aim to improve children's acquisition of English and/or Maths and/or Language.
Learners' children must be under 18.
General community learning programmes do not count under this category. We do not expect individual learners to be categorised as 7 in everyday community learning courses. We would expect providers to create courses which are targeted at families explicitly like those listed as suggestions. Parenting support, supporting your child’s homework, family budgeting, family cooking, courses for Troubled Families/Think Family participants, or support for families with complex needs and learners in receipt of carers allowance. Providers will be asked to list those courses they wish to count as No.7 and provide the reasons for this in the application form as they need to be set up differently in TERMs.
Learners in receipt of carers allowance are slightly different to this and would count as a targeted learner under No7 on ‘normal’ community learning courses
Q: Can providers apply for multiple Lots and Themes
Yes, providers can apply for multiple Lots and Themes.The only restriction is providers can only apply for more than £100,000.00 in total if they are on the Register of Training Organisations
Q: I know you did get back to me regarding my question on Targeted Postcodes for East Cambs for next year (2018-19) , however last week’s Ely Standard highlighted the deprived areas in East Cambs – see attached. The report highlighted the increasing higher levels of deprivation in Ely East, Littleport & Ely North?
I will raise with our Senior Managers but the deprived wards that we have included on the Targeted Provision list are the wards where the County Council have asked us to ensure we increase our provision
Q: We'd like to consider running our 'Fitness for Mature Movers' under Lot 5 Mental Health - "Therapeutic learning which supports return to health & greater confidence".
a) Would these older and often more frail learners fit in this category? Only if they have declared mental health issues as the overall theme is Mental Health
b) If yes, what amount can we claim per learner? You should cost this out and provide the information in the bid
c) Can we claim for all costs ie. room hire, tutor pay, admin costs, resources? Yes these can be included in the costings
d) Do we claim an amount for 3 terms on the initial application? Yes you can
e) If we obtain funding, do we have to offer the courses as 'free' to the learner? Yes