Board Meeting Holy Redeemer Conference Room

Bucks-Mont Minutes

Date: January 10, 2007 6 PM

Attendance: Nancy Leahy, Ellen Bloome, Pam Kedziera, Lori Sperry, Jeanne Held-Warmkessel, Karen Quinlan, Theresa Myers, Joan Wagner, Rosemary Fox, Mary Alice Tinari, Tracey Newhall, Eileen Malloy, Suzanne Campbell, Debbie Baldassarre, Kathy MacDonald

1.  Annual Report- Nancy Leahy (chapter president)
2.  Welcome to incoming board members; welcome back to 2nd year board members and thank you to outgoing board members - Nancy Leahy
3.  Board Meetings - All
4.  Current and preferred email addresses - Mary Alice Tinari
5.  National ONS Information - Nancy
6.  Congress 2007 - Jeanne Held-Warmkessel/ Nancy
7. Miscellaneous - All / Annual report due to National ONS 1/30/07; signatures required of all 2006 board members; changes to annual report; minimum required board members per ONS Operations Guidelines: President, President- Elect, Nominating, Secretary/Treasurer (can be combined), 1 Director at Large; elected Co-Chairs can vote at board meetings, appointed cannot per ONS guidelines.
Nancy Leahy - Chapter President (2nd year)
Jeanne Held-Warmkessel - President - Elect (incoming)
Ellen Bloome - Nominating Chair (outgoing)
Lori Sperry - Nominating Chair (incoming) and Newsletter (outgoing)
Eileen Malloy - Public Relations/Virtual Community (2nd year)
Deena Dell - Public Relations/Virtual Community (2nd year)
Karen Quinlan - Director at Large (2nd year)
Joan Wagner - Director at Large (incoming)
Theresa Meyers - Archives (outgoing)
Debbie Baldassarre - Archives (incoming)
Rosemary Fox - Membership Mentor Coordinator (2nd year, new position)
Mary Alice Tinari - Membership (2nd year)
Tracey Newhall - Program Coordinator (2nd year)
Suzanne Campbell - Program Co- Coordinator (incoming)
Jane Brainard - Treasurer (2nd year)
Pat Keeley - Director at Large (outgoing)
Cine Spaniel - Legislative Liaison - (2nd year)
Pam Kedziera - Community Outreach (2nd term)
Kathy MacDonald - Secretary (second term)
When and Where to have board meetings; ONS guidelines at least 4 board meetings per year; should board meetings be held the same day as general meetings?
Congress Scholarship to Tracey Newhall.
New award: 2007 Outstanding Achievement of an ONS Chapter Recruitment and Retention Campaign Award (Monetary award $500.00
At least 300 volunteers needed to assist with Pre-Congress preparation; a list of instructions pre-congress and congress itself forthcoming, especially need assistance Sunday April 22nd stuffing Congress bags. The Hotel at Mandalay Bay already filled.
Membership - Mary Alice Tinari: New name tags with new ONS logo; updated membership brochure; need to update membership list. Nancy L. suggested "Who Are We" section on website and Eileen M. also suggested section on web "about us".
Mentorship Program - Rosemary Fox: positive response from new member mentor assignments; only criteria for assignment is not employed at same facility, linked by zip code; no pressure program.
Board/General Membership Minutes - All: minutes sent to board members, corrections made and then posted on web site.
Programs - Tracey Newhall: attendance at general meetings decreasing especially vendor fairs; 2005 63 attended vendor fair, less than half that 2006; not offering as many CEU programs unless you want to complete Grant application; looking for suggestions to improve attendance. Meeting January 17th standing room only - 46 participants with waiting list; people required to register ahead of time appears to be working better. Preliminary schedule for 2007 with plans to revise - heavy on breast cancer- need to find other topics, will continue with alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays. Rose Mueller to set up program with American Cancer Society and team up with PACONS on advocacy. Pam K. suggested looking at what months have less attendance and perhaps change time for vendor fair; also suggested having panel discussion i.e. "what nurses do" versus speaker from out of town. Rosemary suggested having a meeting during the day versus in the evening; not good for majority of board members; Saturday morning brunch suggested as an alternative. National ONS sending out suggestions for meeting which might improve attendance. Increasing meeting fee to $10.00 suggested but some board members did not think this would work. Need to socialize more versus educational programs but difficult to get sponsorship, suggestion to go to employers of members for support and plan celebration around nurses' week in May or 10 year celebration in June. Money available in chapter treasury to support non-educational programs per Nancy. Mary Alice T. suggested chapter donate some money to area organizations versus treasury rising. Eileen and Theresa suggested prizes offered at meetings. Nancy suggested holding 50/50 and donating part of the proceeds to charities.
Ellen still has some Bucks-Mont shirts and should we order more shirts and continue to sell at $20.00 versus cost $27.00 to members, blue and white available. Contest suggested to design new shirt with new ONS logo. / Annual report reviewed by board members, changes made; 2006 report to be submitted like 2005 report by Nancy Leahy; 2007 report will be revised to reflect changes in required board members (co-chairs). Nancy to contact Jane to make arrangements to sign annual report.
Newsletter absorbed into Virtual Community.
Board Meetings to be held on different day than general meetings and at alternate locations ( Fox Chase Cancer Center and High Point Conference Center ). Meetings to be held in January, March, August and October and tasks of providing caterer and location to be split amongst board members.
Email list passed around meeting, changes made.
More information coming.
Notify Jeanne if you can help in anyway.
Plan to add section on virtual web site about chapter members.
Kathy to send minutes to board members and Eileen will post on the web.
Tracey will continue to send out second reminder for meetings; will plan on a Saturday brunch meeting in 2007; and will look at all the other suggestions for meetings by board members. Board members agreed to use some money from Treasury to support some non-educational programs and perhaps donate to area charities.
Will continue to sell shirts at $20.00 to members and also plan on getting shirts in different colors for volunteers at Congress.

Meeting adjoined at 7:45 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen R. MacDonald RN, BSN, OCN

Chapter Secretary Bucks-Montgomery Chapter ONS