Board Governance Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 9th, 2014
12:00pm – 1:30pm
Primrose Conference Room
2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716
In Attendance
David Higuera, Secretary
Linda Horowitz, Chair
Anthony Young
Kayt Yrun-Duffy
Eric Schindler, CEO
Carolyn Simmons, Coordinator of Board & Exec. Affairs
2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716
The meeting was called to order at 12:07pm.
2015 Board Class
The Committee reviewed and discussed the applications and resumes submitted by two Board candidates, Dana Regnier and Mary Swallow. The Governance Committee will recommend to the Board that both be invited to join and be officially elected to the Board at the November Board of Directors Meeting. It was noted that the individual who deferred her Board membership last year, Trudi Connolly, communicated that she will not be able to join the Board given other commitments.
A New Board Member Orientation will be scheduled for either December 8th or December 15th from 4:30-6pm, depending on the availability of the two candidates. Carolyn will coordinate.
2015 Board Officer Slate
The Board Officer slate for 2015 was discussed. Linda will remain as chair for the second year of the term, Rob Groll has agreed to be the Treasurer for another year. A new Secretary will be sought with the intention, as has been customary, that the individual will also be the Chair-elect for this second year of the Chair’s term. Potentials for this role were discussed and Linda Horowitz will reach out. The 2015 Board Officer Slate will also be voted on at the November Board of Directors Meeting.
Strategic Partnership Update
Preliminary conversations with another organization have taken place in regards to exploring a possible strategic partnership in the future. A meeting will be coordinated with the CEOs of both organizations and a couple of Board members from each. The definition of what “strategic partnership” might mean is unclear at this point, and will be part of the conversation.
November Board Meeting Planning
The Committee reviewed and discussed the draft agenda for the November 5th Board Meeting.
Next Meeting – The Governance Committee Meeting for November 13th will be canceled. The next meeting will be on December 11th.
With no further business to discuss, participants were thanked for their time and the meeting was adjourned at 1:20pm.
2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716