
Dissertation Policy 8/10/16


Southern Arizona VA Health Care System

Psychology Internship Program

The internship at Tucson VAMC is a clinical internship, and training in clinical activities takes precedence over intern research interests. Interns are encouraged to pursue their research interests in the time remaining after their clinical responsibilities, including documentation, have been met. As a general rule, an intern who efficiently meets the minimal clinical demands of most rotations can expect to have about four hours a week available to pursue additional professional interests, including research. Applicants who have not yet completed their dissertation are strongly encouraged to use this time for that purpose. Applicants should not, however, plan to collect dissertation research during the internship, as the demands of such research typically exceed the time available after the intern has fulfilled clinical training assignments.

An intern who has completed a dissertation prior to internship is more likely to be able to engage in research during internship than one who has not, as such projects can be pursued in the absence of the academic, logistical and time pressures that are inherent in dissertation research. An intern who has completed the data-gathering phase of dissertation research prior to beginning internship may use free time to write the dissertation, but even the demands of this usually exceed the time available during the typical forty-hour week of internship activity. Clinical responsibilities always have priority over work on dissertations.

Dissertation work can be done while at SAVAHCS, which is the preferred mode. When this is not possible, an intern can opt to work outside of the VA during regular work hours. These times must be put in your work calendar in chunks of no less than 2 hour blocks. The intern is responsible for entering this time in leave in VISTA, as authorized absence. In addition, a contract and log must be signed and kept by the intern. The Director of Psychology Training must initial each of the log notations. Misuse of this time will result in the revocation of working on dissertation/research outside of the VA. The time used (Authorized Absence) can be no more than 200 hours per year (4 hours a week). The entry into Vista must include notation that it is for dissertation research.

Dissertation Research Policy

Interns can use up to 4 hours per week to work on dissertation research. An intern that has completed their dissertation can use this time to work on additional research pursuits, as discussed with the Director of Psychology Training.

This work can be done while at SAVAHCS, which is the preferred mode. When this is not possible, an intern can opt to work outside of the VA during regular work hours. These times must be put in your work calendar in chunks of no less than 2 hour blocks. The intern is responsible for entering this time in leave in VISTA, as authorized absence. In addition, a contract and log must be signed and kept by the intern. The Director of Psychology Training must initial each of the log notations. Misuse of this time will result in the revocation of working on dissertation/research outside of the VA.

The time used (Authorized Absence) can be no more than 200 hours per year (4 hours a week). The entry into Vista must include notation that it is for dissertation research. Please be sure to enter this into VISTA at least 2 weeks prior to the time you intend to take off.

Policy adopted 10/1/10

Dissertation Research

You may take up to 4 hours per week to work on your dissertation. It is preferable to work on this while at the VA; however we know that this is not always possible.

This is an agreement that you will work on your dissertation while away from the VA, during your tour hours.

I, ______certify that I will work on my dissertation and keep the following log of times when I am doing this.


Psychology Intern Date


Director of Training Date

Name: ______

Date / Beginning Time / Ending Time / Activity / Initials (DCT)