13.Unit Quiz
Boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir?
a)Reading c) Writing
b)Speaking d) Listening
Boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir?
3. Ali doesn’tliketalking in front of theclass. He gets stressedeasily. So he is a bitnervous.
Altı çizili ifade yerine aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilirse anlam bozulmaz?
a)many c) too
b)enough d) a little
4. Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi anlamca diğerlerinden farklıdır?
a) I don’tthinkweshouldfocus on grammar.
b) Personallywedon’tworryaboutgrammar.
c) I thinkgrammar isgoodtolearnrulesand not tomakemanymistakes.
d) I thinkgrammar is not iportanttolearn a languagewell.
5. Sue : Frankthinkswedon’thavetospeak a foreignlanguagewell, but we can use it whenweneed it .
Darren: Inotherwords , ………
Boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir ?
a)He thinks speaking is themostimportantskilltoimproveyourforeignlanguage.
b)He thinkslearning a languagemeanstospeak it verywell.
c)Hethinks it is enoughtospeak aforeignlanguagewhen it is necessary.
d)He thinksweshouldspeak a lottolearn a languagebetter.
6. Rose : As an adult, I thinkgrammar is necessary.
Sally : Iagreewithyou. …………..
Boş bırakılan yere aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez?
a)Vocabulary is moreimportantforme.
c)It is goodtolearngrammarrules.
d)Ithelps us todevelopourwritingskills.
7. ve 8. soruları aşağıdaki maile göre cevaplayınız.
14-Oct-2008 09:07Moonlight 14 JoinDate : Oct 2007
Junior Member Post : 134
Re : ………………………………………………………………… .
DearAkira ,
Ifyou’dliketoimprovevocabularyin English , youhavetopractise a lot . I’mafraid there is no magicspell. But thereare a lot of effectiveapproaches.
First, you shouldreadshortstories, comics, newspapersandmagazines in Englishandyoushouldwatchmovies in English. Whileyou’rereadingorlistening, youshouldguessthemeanings of thewords fromthecontext. Second, youshouldn’tmissanychanceto listen, read,speakandwrite in English. So, you can practiceeverynewword. Finally , keep a vocabularynotebook andwritedown a fewwordseachday. Don’tforgettorevisethemlater.
Personally, ifyoudon’tusethenewvocabulary, youlose it. I think 10 newwords a day is okay.
7. What is thetitle of this mail ?
a) Differentways of learning a secondlanguage.
b) Difficulties of learning a foreignLanguage.
c) Problems of learning a secondlanguage.
d) Thereasons of learning a secondlanguage.
8. Metne göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez ?
a) Weshouldn’tfocus on meaning.
b) Weshouldusemulti-mediamaterials
c) Weshouldtakenoteswhenwelearnnewwords.
d) Weshoulddo practice withthenewvocabulary.
9. Sammy : I prefertoplaygames in ordertoimprovemyvocabulary.
Adriana : ………….. Playing games is not a good idea becauseyouonlyfocus on thegame, not tolearning.
Boşluğa Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisigetirilemez?
b)I don’tthinkso !
c)I disagreewithyou!
d)I don’tthink it is true!
10. Mary : Forme , weshouldusemulti-mediamaterialsto improveourEnglish.
Jane : ………….. I thinkthey arethebestwayto practiseanddevelopyour English.
Boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
a)That’simpossible! c) No way!
b)I completelyagree ! d) Oh mygoodness!
11. Mary likessmallgroupworks. Shedoesn’tgetstressedeasilyandshe is alwaysself-confident. She is not afraid of makingmistakes.
Yukarıdaki verilen açıklamaya göre Mary hakkında aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez ?
b)She is willingtocommunicate
c)She is keen on learning
d)She is bad at speaking
12. Inthiscourse , teachers listen totheir studentscarefullyandpatiently.Theyusetheirexperiencesforourprogress . Finally, theycareabouttheirstudentsprogressseriously.
Yukarıdaki açıklamaya uygun olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
a)Languagelearningshould be greatfun in theclassroom.
c)Teachers are rudeand nervous.
d)Teachers arepleasedwiththeirstudents.
13. “Somepeoplelearn a foreignlanguage on theirown .” They ……. .
Boşluğa uygun olmayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
a)write e-mailsorchats on the internet
b)goabroad in ordertolearn a language
c)gethelpandguidancetolearn a language
14. “ Theylearn a foreignlanguagethewaytheylearntheirmothertongue. Theyfocus on themeanings of thewordsandtheydon’t be worryaboutgrammar.Theymakefriendswithforeigners.”
Yukarıdaki açıklamaya uygun olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
a)They learn a foreignlanguage naturally.
b)They learn a foreignlanguage in thesameway.
c)Theylearn a foreignlanguge in a class .
d)Theylearn a foreignlanguage difficultly.
15. “ Differentpeoplelearn in differentways. There is no bestwaytolearn a language. Eachdifferentwaysuitsdifferentpeople.”
Altı çizili ifade yerine aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilebilir ?
a)goeswith c) improves
b)concentrates on d) practises
16. Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır ?
a) Ifyouprefertolearnlanguagenaturally, youfocus on meanings of thewords
b) Ifyougrowup in a foreigncountry, youlearnthelanguagenaturally
c) I thinklanguagelearningshould be a greatfun.
d) Ifyouwanttolearn a language on yourown, youdon’thaveto be self-disciplined .
17.Akira : Forme, playinggames is an easywaytoimproveyourvocabulary.
Adriana : “ I don’tthinkplayinggames is a good idea toimproveyourvocabulary. Becauseyouonlyfocus on thegame, not thelearning.”
Yukarıda geçen konuşma hakkında verilen bilgilerden hangisi doğrudur?
a)Adriana is sorry aboutplayinggames.
b)Akiraexpresses her surpriseaboutgames.
c)Adrianadisagreeswith Akira.
d)Akira apologizesfor something.
18. Akiraagreeswith Adriana aboutusingmulti-media .
Yukarıda verilen açıklamaya göre hangi ifade Akira’yaaittir?
a)I don’tthinkso. We don’thavetospeakverywell.
b)I disagreewithyou. Wecan’tlearn a languagewithoutanyhelp.
c)Personally , we shouldlearnrulestolearn a language.
d)I completelyagreewithyou. Weshouldreadstoriesandmagazines in English.
19. A: “ Whatshouldwe do toimproveourvocabulary?”
B: Weshould ……….. .
Konuşmada boş bırakılan yere aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez ?
a)practise a lot
d)writedown a fewwordseachday
20. “ Personally , ifyoudon’tusethenewvocabulary ,youlose it.”
Yukarıda verilen ifade hakkında aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez ?
a)Weshould listen,speak,readandwrite a lot in English.
b)Weshouldkeep a vocabulary notebook.
21. Adriana : Weshouldreadstories, comics, newspapersandmagazines in English .
Akira : We shouldwatchmovies in English, too.
Yukarıdaki konuşmaya göre Adriana ve Akira hakkında aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenebilir?
a)Theythinkweshouldspeak a lot in English.
b)They thinkweshouldmonitorourspeech.
c)Theythink weshouldusemulti-mediamaterials.
d)Theythinkweshouldtakerisksand test ourskills in English.
22 – 23- 24. Soruları aşağıdaki metne göre cevaplayınız.
15-Oct -2008 , 15:04Catwalk JoinDate : June 2007
JuniorMember Post :135
Re : Problems of learning a language
Hi, Adriana
………………………………………………………………...... I appreciate it verymuch!
I agreewithyou . Weshouldreadshortstories, comics ,newspapersandmagazines in English. I’m sorry but I don’tagreewithyouaboutgames. Forme, playinggames is an easywaytoimproveyourvocabulary. I don’tthinkweshouldrecognizeourlearningprocesswhilewe’replayinggames. I think ………………… . I havetogetbacktoworknow.
22. İlk boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez ?
a) Thanksforyour suggestions!
b) Thanksforyouropinions!
c) Thanksforyourideas!
d) Thanksforyourapologize!
23. Parçada ikinci boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir?
a) weshouldlearn in a funnyway
b) weshouldfocus on rules
c) weshould misssmalldetails
d) weshould memorisethem
24. Parçada yer alan son boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez?
a) Bestwishes c) Bestregards
b) Byefornow d) Mydearfriend
25. “When , welearn a foreign language, weshouldhavefun .”
Altı çizili ifade yerine uygun olmayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
a) Weshouldlearn a language in a funnyway.
b) Learningshould be greatfun.
c) Weshouldfeelhappy .
d) Weshouldmakepeoplelaugh.
26. “Ifyouwanttolearn a foreignlanguagewell, youshould ______yourlearningprocesswell. ”
Cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun olmayan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
a)focus on c) concentrate on
b)go with d) monitor