The meeting is called to order at 7:00 by Chris Weller.

Secretary Report- Kelli Taney

The meeting minutes for June were approved 1st by Aaron Taney 2nd by Scott Zeigler

Commissioners report- Brian Kazmork (not present)

The township will not approve the installation of permanent lighting for the practice fields. We can try to use temporary light using a generator; however the decibel level needs to be tested and must comply with the township ordinances.

Back ground checks must be completed before any persons can go on the fields with the kids.

We are purchasing $3,500 worth of half bags and full bags and a single man tackling sled for football. Aaron Taney and Darrell Barton will order them. They will be delivered before full pad practice begins.

We need to have 1 person from each team trained on how to run the concessions trailer.

Football Commissioners report- Chris Weller

Football mini camp with no pads begins August 6th. Full pads tackle practice begins the week after. We are allowed 4 days of practice with a weekend scrimmage until school begins. After school starts we are allowed 3 days practice with 1 weekend game. Practices will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday with games for JV on Saturdays and Varsity on Sundays.

Mighty might’s will now be practicing at the middle school. Flag will be practicing at the township field behind the police station.

Cheer commissioner- Tish Leahy

Cheer practice starts the 6th of August. It will follow the same rules as football for practice times.

The new pom-poms have been ordered.

BYCLE dues are due.

Coaches are doing their background checks.

Treasures report- Jeff Landis (not present)

Total cash on hand $38,162.27

Concessions- Mrs. Landis/ Mary Anne Angstadt (not present)

Jen Demild reports that the fryers are not safe and need to be replaced. We own the trailer jointly with DBYS. DBYS is willing to split the cost with BMF to replace the fryers and have the trailer cleaned. Jen is got quotes on the cost of a new fryer of $700 for a good model that will last. We also need to purchase a fire extinguisher and cleaning agents for the fryer; these should cost around $140. Also Jen looked into having the trailer professionally cleaned at a cost of $800. Baseball allocated $1,000 to go towards the cost of the cleaning, supplies and repairs. A back splash needs to be installed behind the fryers to catch any additional grease and for safety. Thank you Jen, for your work to solve the problems with the trailer.

A motion is made to match the $1,000 dollars to fix the trailer by Chris Weller and 2nd by Jon Errington, The board voted and approved. If the cost should go above, we will allocate more funds to fix the trailer. When all repairs are completed we will arrange for the trailer to be moved to the middle school fields for the start for our season.

The team approach to running the trailer we used last year will still be in effect. Coaches and board members will be letting parents know they are required to run the snack stand for 1-2 hours 1 time only on a day their child entire team is assigned. This day will be on an opposite day their child plays. The snack stand is our largest money maker.

Registration- Steve Beatty

People took care of their out standing balances.

A few new people have signed up.

The rosters are out to all coaches.

The numbers for the football teams stayed the same as we had some kids move out of the district.

38-40 kids are needed for flag to stay played in house. We have a few more kids signing up and will be able to keep flag in house.

Fundraising- Jen DeMild

Kelli Taney will be setting up the Ritas fundraiser night. Jen has the T-shirts made up. Also there will be a google store set up for purchases of additional spirit wear. Jen will sell the old T-shirts for a discounted price.

Cheer equipment- Ginny Stein

The pom-poms should be here soon. Uniforms are all in.

Football Equipment-

Half the players have already picked up their equipment at the first handout. There are still 3 more hand out dates. They are listed on the website. The Jerseys will be in this week. We need to order additional adult medium game pants.

Football ops- Darrell Barton

Pods are ordered and Darrell will be arranging for the field equipment to be moved for the start of the season. The portable potties have been ordered.

Cheer ops-

We are looking at having a cheer competition on November 24th. Tish will have more on next months meeting.

Parents Day- Kelli Taney

Kelli would like $725 to order mini helmets and mega phones. They will be given to the kids going out of the league in 7th grade. These where previously given out at the awards ceremony. This will be in addition to the budget already allotted for parent’s day. A motion is made by Christy Zeigler and 2nd by Steve Pangburn. Board approved.

First aide- Anita Slabodin

First aide supplies will be ready for the beginning of the season. No medications will be allowed to be given to the kids. NONE IS TO BE KEPT IN THE MEDICAL BAGS!!!!!!

League reps- Football Scott Zeigler

The Berks Brawl is August 24th, we have been invited again however, and we are not going to attend. Cocalico wants to know if we would like to scrimmage. Boyertown scrimmages are not going to happen.

Communications- Bob Reno

No report

Flag commissioner- John Errington

Flag practice starts at the same time as tackle football. The field usage permits are approved. The shirts need to be ordered.

Coaches’ reports-

Football- no report

Cheer- no report

New Business-

The by-law to add the flag cheer coach in is read for the third time. The by-law is now changed to include this non voting position.

A motion is made to adjourn the meeting by Aaron Taney 2nd by Darrell Barton.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:17pm. The next meeting is on August 18th at 7pm. We will meet at the BirdsboroCommunity Center.


Tish Leahy Kelli Taney Chris Weller

Aaron Taney Steve Pangburn Steve Beatty

Christy Zeigler Scott Zeigler Jerry Pennington

John Errington John Montowski Harold Myers

Jen DeMild Anita Slobodin Nicole Poore Jim Hogan