Welcome to Platte Woods Animal Hospital

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to care for your pet. Please help us meet your needs better by completing the following information. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a receptionist for assistance.


Your Name: Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Dr




Address: City, State, Zip


Residence Phone Work Phone:

________________________________________ ________________________________

Cell Phone/Other E-Mail- Permission to send reminders/newsletters? ❏ Yes ❏ No

_______________________________________ ______________________________________________



Spouse/Other’s Employer

_________________________________ ____________

Driver’s License #: ____________________________________ State:____________(needed if paying with Check)

In case of Emergency, Contact and Phone Number:

_____________________________ _______________________________________________

How did you first hear of us?

❏ Website ❏ AAHA referral

❏ Yellow Pages ❏ Drove by/Clinic sign

❏ Individual recommendation by: ____________________________________________

❏ Other: ________________________________________________________________


Pet’s name: _________________________ ❏ Dog ❏ Cat ❏ Other: _________________

Breed:__________________ __Color: ___________ ______ Sex: ❏ M ❏ F Spayed? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Date of birth (approximately): _________________________ Neutered? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Previous Veterinarian (if any): ______________________________________ Phone (if known): ______________________

Past Medical Issues____________________________________________________________________________________

When was your pet last vaccinated (approximately)?

Dogs: Rabies: _________________________ ❏ 1-year ❏ 3-year Distemper Parvo: ____________________________

Bordetella: ______________________

Cats: Rabies: _________________________ ❏ 1-year ❏ 3-year FVRCP: _____________________

Feline leukemia: __________________

Second Pet’s name: _____________________ ❏ Dog ❏ Cat ❏ Other: _________________

Breed:_____________________ Color:______ ___________ Sex: ❏ M ❏ F Spayed? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Date of birth (approximately): _________________________ Neutered? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Past Medical Issues____________________________________________________________________________________

When was your pet last vaccinated (approximately)?

Dogs: Rabies: _________________________ ❏ 1-year ❏ 3-year

Distemper Parvo: ________________________ Bordetella: ______________________

Cats: Rabies: _________________________ ❏ 1-year ❏ 3-year

FVRCP: _____________________ Feline leukemia: __________________

Reason for today’s visit: __________________________________________________________________________

*Professional fees are due at the time services are rendered. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, and Care Credit. We will be happy to provide a written estimate of fees for any case where in-hospital treatment, emergency care, surgery or hospitalization will be provided. A deposit prior to treatment may be required. Thank you for entrusting us with your pet’s care.

*To prevent the spread of infectious disease and parasites, hospitalized/boarding/groom patients must be current on all vaccinations and free of internal and external parasites. I authorize the doctors to vaccinate and use parasite control as needed for my pets

Owners Signature Date