ASMC Full Board Minutes
September 26, 2011
GSB 125
6:30 PM
I. Roll Call(6:40 PM)
II. Approval of Agenda
1. Sam moves to approve the agenda.
2. Maja seconds.
III. Open Forum
1. No one was in attendance for the open forum.
IV. Introductions & Share Positions
1. Kate Smith Exec Accountant
2. Nicole Washington Exec Historian
3. Maja Academic Chair
4. Claudia Judicial Chair
5. Angela Batista Advisor
6. Sam Social Sciences
7. Phong- Running for S-Lounge representative
8. Jennifer Senator at Large
9. Julianne- Senator at Large
10. Megan - Sustainability
11. Diana- visiting from the Campanil
12. Brenda-Class of 2014 Historian
13. Cathalina- Mary Morse Senator Running for Publicity Chair
14. Rebecca- Vice President of ASMC
15. Modesta- President of ASMC, student services committee chair
16. Soo- Internal Affairs Chair
17. Anna Guiles - Letters Division
18. Jessica- running for Senator at Large/Transfer
19. April- running for Transfer representative
V. Ice Breaker
1. Hosted by Rebecca, “Stranded on a Deserted Island”
VI. Semester Calendar & Board of Trustees presentation
1. Modesta turns over to Rebecca for presentation.
VII. Advisor Introduction
Angela Batista
1. Works very closely with exec board, working as a facilitator, new things happening around campus many new transitions.
2. Her Roles: Senior Conduct officer, receives publication of student handbook. Wants to make sure students have a voice in making new policies. Looking for student concerns.
3. Official Role, Associate Dean of Students
Office is in Cowell 105, email is best way to contact her.
VIII. Executive Board Chairs - Committee Introductions
1. Claudia- Judicial Committee:
1. Looking at Student Policies and Student Handbook, Code of Conduct, any hearings for a student who broke a rule, we will work together and be at the meeting for the conduct board.
2. Maja- Academic Affairs Committee:
1. Sent out an informal student survey about academic issues here at Mills, the results of the academic survey were that students expressed they wanted more opportunities to show work they've done in the classroom (i.e. specifically academic work). Also will be working with the provost office. Student Voice.
3. Kate- Financial Committee:
1. Determining what to do with funds that are inactive, need to make a proposal for new clauses that will be proposed to board.
4. Modesta- Student Services
1. Dining, housing, postal service, etc. Covers everything that hasn't been covered by other committees.
5. Rebecca- Social Justice and Diversity:
1. Working a lot around education and JAM(Joining All Mills) a forum to discuss social justice and diversity issues on campus.
6. Nicole - working with Publicity, not head of a committee.
7. Soo - working with Publicity and Judicial, not head of a committee.
8. There is no Publicity Committee chair at this moment- We are currently holding elections for this position.
IX. Choosing Committees and go meet with chair
Financial: Cathalina and Jennifer
Judicial: Brenda
Social Services: April and Megan
Solidarity: Jessica and Phong
Academic:: Sam and Anna
X. Announcements
October 10 Will discuss mills college going smoke free
(encourage constituents and friends to come to say what they would like to come.)
Will be posted to student news. GSB 124 or 125
October 1 Domestic Violence walk at Lake Merritt
Latina Heritage month dance this friday, salsa dance band
October 21st BWC Blackout dance.
Rebecca motions to adjourn this meeting
Soo seconds.
(8:30 PM)