I. Instructions
In addition to writing a short Comment, write-on candidates must complete a brief Bluebooking Exercise to demonstrate their competence with Bluebook (20th ed.) rules. Please cut and paste the text as provided in the Bluebooking Exercise into a separate Word document and correct the footnotes using proper Bluebook format. Additionally, below each footnote, please describe the changes you made.
For Example:
FN 1 / United States v. Moussaoui, 382 F.3d 453 at 454 (4th Cir. 2004).Your Corrected FN1 / United States v. Moussaoui, 382 F.3d 453, 454 (4th Cir. 2004).
List of Changes You Made / ·Removed improper italicization per BB Rule 10.
·Corrected pin citation form per BB Rule 3.2(a).
You should not use the Track Changes function in Word.DO NOT check the authority of footnotes for accuracy or support, or check prior or subsequent history. This is a formatting exercise and should be based solely on your knowledge and the Bluebook rules. Remember that the Honor Code governs the Write-On Competition, and using LexisNexis or Westlaw to look up any of the cases or articles in the Bluebooking Exercise or the use of any software or website (excluding the digital copy of the Bluebook) to correct the citation is against the rules of the competition. If you need additional information in order to properly correct a footnote, simply make a note explaining the information that you need. Please include this exercise in your electronic submission and in the packet with your Comment, grade release form, and contact sheet.
II. Questions
- United States of America v. Polly Dog Supply Co., Inc., 247 F.Supp. 2d 25 at 27 (E.D. Cal. 2017).
- KanyeYeezus, If you don’t think I’m crazy, you’re wrong: A comment on the correct interpretation of rule 56(b), 14 George Mason University Law Review 100, 100-102 (2010).
- Plaintiff Ralph Nader’s brief at 48, docket #01-0206, Nader v. FTC, 309 F. Supp. 1066 (Dist. D.C. 1968).
- Reathe, Kant B., Negligently sink or swim: Employee risk assumption in the underwater basket weaving industry 310 (Notes that all employees consented to working conditions onset of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) (Second Edition 1954).
- Justin Timberlake, J. C. Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass, No Strings Attached: The Function of Privity in Property Law, 87 Yale Law Journal 485, 490 (2001) (“and in that case, the plaintiff’s ability to pull that defendant into court will go bye, bye, bye.”).
- See generally, Supra n. 2 at 100 (arguing the standard of review used by the Court in Swift v. West, 337 U.S. 412 (2012), is not clear and by using the correct standard the Court would have found the plaintiff’s video was better than Beyonce’s).
- See Reichert v. Weichert, 500 N.W.2d 469, 470 (9th Cir. 1984) affirmed on appeal 150 U.S. 90, 102 (1985); Section Five, Fourteenth Amendment, United States Constitution; 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (1979); Michie’s Annotated Statutes of New Mexico S 43-3-274 (1961); London, Inc. v. Saracina, 54 F. Supp. 3d 43, 47 (E.D. Va. 2014); Schutz v. United States DOJ, 920 U.S. 998, 1011 (2001); Bubba v. Gump, 32 Ariz. 554, 559 (Ariz. 1965); Shukurlu v. Turok, 245 P.2d 222, 224 (Ariz. App. Ct. 1974); Abbruscato v. Mason, 303 N.E.3d 201, 222 (N.Y. 2008).
- Miranda Lambert v. Gwen Stefani, 323 S.E. 2d499, 501-502 (Tenn. Sup. Ct. 2015).
- See Id. at 499 (quoting Blake Shelton v. U.S., 254 U.S. 335, 345 (Justice Antonin Scalia dissent) (2015) (“The Court’s next bit of interpretive jiggery-pokery involves its interpretation of the words, ‘I’ll be your honey bee.’”)).
- Treaty on the Payment for the Huge Wall Across the Southern Border of the United States, United States-Mexico article III, January 20, 2017, volume 64United States Treaties 230.
- Tara Stark and Tina Stark, You Just Got ‘Starked’: Embracing the Principles of the Plain Writing Act of 2010 in Transactional Drafting One LRWA IV Assignment at a Time Legal Writing for Dummies Law Blog April 9, 2017, 1:59 AM,
- When taking into account the disproportional growth and subsequent deflation of Barry Bonds’ head size, it can only be assumed that steroids were involved. But see Barry Bonds, I Didn’t Do It!, 8 Va. Sports & Ent. L.J. 807, 834 (2010); See Hank Aaron, Real Home Run King: The Day the Legal System Knocked it Out of the Park, 84 Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 554, 578 (2010). In Bonds v. Rodriguez, 354 F.2d 661, 669 (Third Circuit 2008), the Third Circuit denied Bonds’ motion for summary judgment because truth is a defense to any defamation claim.
- Senate Report No. 85, 89th Congress, part 3, at 34 (1965) as reprinted in 1995 U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News 845, 880-881.
- United Nations Secretary-GeneralPutin and Trump—BFF’s or WTF?: Report of the Secretary-General, paragraph 17, U.N. Document. A/53/956-F/4495 March 17, 2017.
- Lambert at 510 (explaining that “It is anybody’s guess which woman the song, ‘A Guy With a Girl,’ was written about”)