Notes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees
Bloomington Independent School District
(These are notes from the meeting and are not the approved minutes from December 12, 2011. The officialminutes will be taken to the Board for approval at the January 23, 2012 Board Meeting.)
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bloomington Independent School District was held Monday, December 12, 2011, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Board Room, 2781 FM 616, Bloomington, Texas.
Board Members Present: John Cranfill, Joe Canales Jr, John Ellsworth,Dewayne Janis, and John Mendez
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Board President, John Cranfill, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. John Mendez led the Pledge ofAllegiance and a moment of silence was taken.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes for November 14, 2011 Regular Meeting Finance
Accounts Payable
Finance Report
Fund Balance Report
Investment Report
2009 Bond Report
Substitute Report
Approved consent agenda as presented
Consider Matching of Funds for Project Graduation
Diana Cano was the parent representive at the meeting; stated they have raised $5,814.16 so far.
The board approved matching the amount Project graduation raised up to $5,000.00 and the amount is already in the 2011-2012 general operating budget.
Bond Project
Update Report
Delores Warnell talked to Collier and they are working on getting the photo cells installed and working at BES Media and BHS Media.
KGS will also be installing the occupancy sensor for the Board Room.
Water Improvement System
The Water Improvement System will be switched from the old to the new system over the Christmas holidays. We are waiting on the control panels that are being built in Houston. Panels should be delivered this week. Demolition will be completed by Lynch Water Well Company and not by the school district.
District Furniture Request
Each campus provided furniture needs. Desk, chairs, tables, computer tables, and cafeteria tables for a district total of $31,358. Ms. Warnell recommended the furniture to be funded from “After Bond” monies.
Restroom Renovations Update
Most of the restrooms are complete. Three still need some refurbishing, the band hall and the restrooms in the Agriculture/Building Trades. These are the restrooms that are utilized at the softball games and will be completed before the season begins.
Consider Amending 2011-2012 Calendar
For Stock Show reasons change February 24 to March 2. The Board approved the calendar revision as presented.
Consider Purchase and Refurbishing and Buses
Approve bid on bluebird Bus from fund balance @$89,643 Recommend to purchase bus form fund balance. This amount does not include cameras. The cameras for the bus will be taken from the general operating budget.
Consider Approving District Improvement Plan
Mrs. Warnell gave an update on D.I.P. Delete use of Odysseyware. Some activities were added, some deleted, and some were modified.
The Board approved the DIP as presented.
Discuss and Review Letters of Intent to fill Place 3 Vacancy
Raymond Martinez was selected to fill place 3 trustee vacancy.
Announce Board Continuing Education Credit Hours
John Cranfill gave update. All board members have met Tier 1 and Tier 3 requirements. Still need to meet Tier 2 requirements and this will be satisfied when we have a team of eight training.
PES Playground Equipment
Mrs. Warnell stated that the principals and Harry will meet to formulate a plan for the playground equipment. They will look at both elementary schools to make sure that the equipment presently used is safe. The will develop a plan for both campuses regarding the playground equipment. This item will be included on the next meeting’s agenda.
EquityCenter Coalition
To become member of coalition, the Equity Center’s fee is $1 per WADA. The BISD WADA is 1147, and the cost to join is a one -time fee of $1,147.00. The district has budgeted money in Function 41 in the general fund to cover in legal fees. No action is required since the board voted on the resolution at the November meeting.
DAEP Program Safety and Security
Mrs. Warnell gave background information on DAEP. Cranfill stated that some issues arise when the students are in route to the bus stop. Even though the school is not responsible until the students arrive at the bus stop, the district is being proactive to ensure that the students are safe and are behaving properly. No action required.
Security Update
Mrs. Warnell gave update on plan. This item will be addressed at theFebruary’s meeting.
Departmental and Campus Report of Previous Month and Upcoming Activities – Athletics, Business Manager, Cafeteria, Maintenance, School Health, Technology, Campus Principals, and Superintendent.
No action required.
Personnel Employment, Resignations, Assignments, Evaluations, Reassignments, Duties or Discipline
(Texas Government Code §551.074)
Consider Superintendent Employment
The Board named Delores Warnell-Fillmore to fill the job as superintendent of BISD.
Superintendent Contract
Contract of 4 yrs. 6 months @ $95,000/yr.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.