External Interactions Chair Application

Thank you for expressing an interest in the position of 2018 External Interactions Chair. We are eager to read your application and hear your vision for the Inter-Sorority Council. Please think carefully about each answer and most of all please BE YOURSELF, We want to take this chance to understand YOUR feelings about ISC and what YOU have to offer in the role of External Interactions Chair!

This application must be emailed to by Sunday, November 20th at 5pm. Upon submitting your application it will be evaluated by the incoming Executive Board Cabinet (President, VPA, VPJ, and VPRs) and the outgoing External Interactions Chair.

You will be notified if you are selected for an interview and the time of the interview via e-mail. Interviews will be held the week of 11/27-12/2,. Please be prepared to follow-up to any answers you provide in your application at the time of your interview.

NAME: ______

YEAR: ______

MAJOR (or prospective major): ______

SORORITY: ______

COMPUTING I.D. (or preferred email address): ______

Availability the week of 11/27-12/2:





Please list all known commitments for the coming year, including the hours per week you expect to dedicate to each.


Please limit each of your responses to Questions 1 and 2 to one page in length

  1. Why do you want to be the External Interactions Chair and why do you believe you are well qualified for this position?
  1. What ideas do you have for improving the role of External Interactions Chair and coordinating co-sponsorships between the ISC and UVA organizations as well as initiatives between the ISC and the Charlottesville community.

Please limit each of your responses to one paragraph in length

  1. As the External Interactions Chair you are a contributing member of the ISC executive board. Please discuss any past involvement you have had with the Inter-Sorority Council and how these experiences will aid you in the role of External Interactions Chair.
  1. The primary role of the External Interactions Chairs is to work and collaborate with the other Greek Councils as well as UVA CIOs and the Charlottesville community in new engagements. In what ways do you hope to change/further the interaction of the Greek Councils?
  1. What ideas do you have for coordinating co-sponsorships between the ISC and other UVA and Charlottesville organizations?