January 9, 2015

Contact: Rod Turner

Bloomer Area Chamber of Commerce


For Immediate Release

Bloomer to hold 55th Annual Rope Jump Contest

BLOOMER, Wis. — On January 31, 2015 over 200 rope jumpers will be competing in Bloomer at the Annual Speed Rope Jump Contest. For the past 54 years, students and adults have been coming to the Bloomer High School to see the regions fastest jumpers.

This year, on Saturday, Jan. 31st, preliminaries will begin at 12:30 p.m. with children in grades 1 – 8 jumping in their divisions and the finalist from each division will compete in the evening. The presentation of colors by the American Legion and the singing of the national anthem will begin the competition at 7 p.m. The competition is open to the public and all are welcome to come and take part in the Rope Jumping Contest’s 55th year in Bloomer.

Bloomer's interest in rope jumping began in 1960 when a former sports coach named Wally Mohrman became the physical education teacher in the schools. Knowing the value of the exercise, he decided to stir some interest with a contest. The emphasis was on speed jumping: how many times a student could whip a rope under his feet in a given period.

Each year interest grew. Champion jumpers emerged, and records were established that set a goal for new jumpers. The finals have been held each year, since 1960, on the last Saturday in January. Students from Grades 1 through 8 train hard and come to Bloomer to compete. Last year, 23 schools sent approximately 212 jumpers to the competition to try and break the records in the Jump Rope Capital of the World.

If you would like additional information about the annual speed rope jump contest, please contact the Bloomer Area Chamber of Commerce at 715-568-3339 or go to and click on Rope Jump Contest