The Meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 8.20pm.

Present: Councillor Trent (Chair);

Councillors Eades, Le Poidevin, Meachin, Mrs Rampton and Miss Lindsay Wilson.

Members of the public attending: 20 (approx.)


Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Mrs Pratt.


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.

Non-statutory interests Members/officers wished to declare

(Minute ABE32.15 - The Clerk declared a personal interest that she was a resident of Recreation Road).


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th November 2014, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Mike Gotobed (Project Officer, Environmental & Consumer Protection Services) presented the report, which informed the Area Committee of the Council’s intention to improve the equipped children’s Play Area at Branksome Recreation Ground, Branksome West. The following key points were highlighted:

  • There was £20,972.65 of Recreational Planning Contributions to deliver equipped children’s play in Branksome West;
  • The Open Space Development Forward Plan programmed the delivery of play enhancements in Branksome West by the end of 2015/16 to ensure the funding was utilised within required timescales;
  • Branksome Recreation Ground provided the only equipped play provision in the Branksome West Ward and some equipment was nearing the end of its useful life;
  • A comprehensive consultation had been carried out by the Council on the views of young people to understand what would increase their use and enjoyment of the play area;
  • The funding would not provide all of the enhancements suggested during the consultation, although the Council was seeking to: (i) install a new multi-unit play area, to include `monkey bars’ and provide increased play value, (ii) repaint all current equipment and consider removal of some of the swing barriers, and (iii) depending on additional funding, review the replacement/upgrade of the existing roundabout and swings;
  • Further information and updates would be available at or

In response to an enquiry, the Area Committee was advised that further details with regard to the wider project that would be developed at Branksome Recreation Ground during 2015 were not yet available although a consultation would be undertaken in the near future.

The Ward Councillors confirmed that they welcomed the proposed enhancements to the Play Area and wished to thank both staff from Children & Young People’s – Participation andEnvironmental & Consumer Protection Services for completing a full and detailed consultation.

RESOLVED that the Report be noted.


Councillor Trent gave an update with regard to the Play Area at the end of Belben Road in Alderney West and highlighted the following points:

  • The replacement or refurbishment of the Play Area at the end of Belben Road on Alderney West had been part of the Government’s “Playbuilder” program launched in 2009; it had been 6th on the priority list for Year 2 funding when the Government ceased the program;
  • In 2011/12, the Area Committee agreedthe remaining £12,000 in the Alderney Section 106 “Local Equipped Play” funding should be allocated to the project;Poole Housing Partnership’s Reinvestment Panel added £18,000 and a successful bid for SITA funding resulted in an award of £48,000 (giving a total fund of £78,000);
  • Wessex Water then needed to access the site to install a major sewerage scheme and the funding from PHP and SITA timed out;
  • SITA advised it could be minded to grant a new sum of money, if a new application was submittedthat was backed by a properly constituted Residents’ Group, PHP and the Council; Cllr Trent had spent over a year engaging with residents and helping themform a residents’ group;
  • A new application was being considered by SITA for £50,000, to add to the Area Committee allocation of £12,000, and PHP’s Reinvestment Panel had awarded £30,000 (giving a total fund of £92,000); a decision on the SITA bid was expected during March-April 2015;
  • The Chairman stressed that the Project would not have come about if it had not been for the involvement of local residents,and it was a resident-led project being delivered with the help of PHP, the Council and the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

A discussion took place during which the following points were noted:

  • Mike Gotobed (Environmental & Consumer Protection Services) explained that the outcome of the SITA bid was expected during April 2015, although the Council was completing some work with PHP in the interim, and a wide range of potential equipment had been identified;
  • A resident understood that the funding agreed by the PHP Reinvestment Panel would come from the current financial year and queried whether it could be carried forward to the next Financial Year?
  • If the SITA bid was successful, funding could potentially be released by May 2015, with a new build completed in around 6 weeks; the current Play Area would be kept open until the new one was installed and the Council would look to reuse old equipment wherever possible;
  • A resident enquired whether a smaller scheme could be delivered without the SITA funding (from a total fund of £42,000) and officers undertook to look into this suggestion.

The Area Committee thanked Councillor Trent and Mike Gotobed for providing an update in respect of the Project and it was noted that further details would be provided in due course.


Steve Dean (Transportation Services) presented the Report which invited the Area Committee to consider representations received in response to the advertisement of the Traffic Regulation Orders, associated with the introduction of 20mph Residential Zones in the Branksome East and Branksome West Wards.

The Area Committee noted that four of the proposed zones were in the Branksome West Ward, around the existing Heatherlands 20mph zone and a larger zone centred on Cromer Road, spanning both of the Branksome East and West Wards.

On 12th November 2014, the Area Committee approved the advertisement of a 20mph limit throughout those zones and four messages of support had been received in response to the advertisement.

A discussion took place during which the following points were highlighted:

  • A resident enquired how the Council would enforce the 20mph zones and the Area Committee was advised thatthe Police had been consulted as part of the process; a 20mph scheme had been introduced in the Newtown area and the indications were that speed levels were reducing;
  • Councillor Le Poidevin suggested that roundels were marked on the roads throughout the Branksome 20mph zones,including on roads in the existing 20mph zones that did not currently have roundels, for motorists’ clarification;
  • Councillor Mrs Rampton proposed that consideration was given to adding 20mph zones for Princess Road, Eagle Road, Bourne Valley Road, Apple Close, Pear Close and Copper Beech Close and the Area Committee concurred with this suggestion.

The Area Committee agreed that it welcomed the introduction of the 20mph zones for the Heatherlands and Cromer areas as set out in the report and thanked officers for their work on the project.


(i)The Area Committee confirms the Traffic Regulation Orders to impose a 20mph speed limit in the roads forming zones for the Heatherlands and Cromer Areas as bounded by the black lines on Appendices A and B of the report;

(ii)That roundels are added to all roads within the Branksome 20mph zones, including to the roads in existing 20mph zones, that did not currently have roundels;

(iii)That Princess Road, Eagle Road, Bourne Valley Road, Apple Close, Pear Close and Copper Beech Closebe considered for 20mph zones.


Steve Dean (Transportation Services) presented the report which invited the Area Committee to consider representations to recently advertised Traffic Orders.

The following Orders had been advertised in the last batch of advertisements:

(a)Recreation Road – `No Waiting at Any Time’ on it’s South Western side, between Albert Road and the first planter;

(b)Albert Road – `No Waiting between 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday’, in front of no’s 137A to 141;

(c)Gillett Road – Introduce a Bus/Coach bay on the Northern side;

(d)Hilda Road – Introduce a Disabled Parking Bay outside No.2;

(e)Hilda Road – Introduce a Disabled Parking Bay outside No.10;

(f)Electric Vehicle Charging Bays:

  • Ashley Road;
  • Dalling Road;
  • Poole Road.

No objections had been received in response to items (b), (e) and (f) above, so these Orders would be made as advertised.

The Area Committee was invited to consider representations received in respect of (a) Recreation Road, (c) Gillett Road, and (d) Hilda Road (No.2):-

(a)Recreation Road

  • The proposals followed requests to provide better sightlines for pedestrians crossing Recreation and Albert Roads;
  • A petition had been received signed by 18 residents from 17 households near the Recreation Road and Albert Road junction; the petitioners opposed the proposal suggesting that this would move parking further along the Road;
  • A resident had advised that the yellow lines would prevent them from parking outside of their home and that parked vehicles did not cause problems for traffic as the road was already narrowed by a calming feature.

A discussion took place during which the following points were noted:

  • A resident commented that 3-4 cars were usually parked along this stretch, and the yellow lines would cause problems for residents seeking to park outside of their homes, as the vehicles would be displaced further down the road;
  • A resident suggested that the parking pressures could be exacerbated further if the day-time no waiting restrictions were added in front of no’s 137A to 141 Albert Road;
  • A resident explained that although there could be traffic congestion at the junction, the problems were often felt to be caused by drivers themselves, rather than by vehicles parked near the corner;
  • A resident added that vehicle owners needed to have good visibility of their cars whilst parked,due to problems with vandalism to vehiclesparked along Recreation Road;
  • In response to an enquiry, residents were advised that there were understood to be more than 17 parking spaces for the new block of flats on the former Cedars site;
  • Residents suggested that the proposed length of the yellow lines was reduced, so that they ended closer to the junction (e.g. they could be shortened to enable residents to still park outside of No’s 4 and 6 Recreation Road).

Councillor Le Poidevin made a proposal, which was seconded-

“that the proposed double yellow lines be shortened so that residents can park outside of No’s 4 and 6 Recreation Road”. On being put to a vote, this proposal was CARRIED.

(c) Gillett Road – Bus/Coach Bay (20 minute limit) on the Northern side

  • A Resident had objected to the proposed Bus/Coach Bay advising that parking on Open Days caused traffic problems and to suggest bus/coaches should wait in nearby off-street areas;
  • The University would like to use the bay when their coaches were not able to manoeuvre in the main University site, it would reduce congestion at the main University stop, and could also be used during Open Days;
  • Councillor Mrs Rampton confirmedthat residents were concerned about the impact of buses stopping in the bayfor extended lengths of time and Steve Dean advised thatTransportation Services would be able to assistif buses were stopping for longer than the 20 minute limit.

The Area Committee expressed unanimous support for the introduction of the Bus/Coach Bay in Gillett Road.

(d)Hilda Road – Disabled Parking Bay outside of No.2

  • An anonymous letter had been received objecting that No.2 had a garage and therefore there was no need for an on-street parking bay;
  • The Council’s Policy stated that on-street parking bays would not be provided where there was a possibility of providing a space on the property itself and the property had sufficient off-road parking.

The Area Committee considered that it was not able to attacha great deal of weight to an anonymous comment and felt that this item should be deferred to enable the individual circumstances to be considered further by officers.


(i)(a) Recreation Road/Albert Road junction- That the double yellow lines should be shortened so that residents can park outside of No’s 4 and 6 Recreation Road;

(ii)(c) Gillett Road – That a Bus/Coach Bay (20 minute limit) be introduced on the Northern side;

(iii)(d)Hilda Road (No 2)- That the introduction of a Disabled Parking Bay outside of No 2 be deferred pending further consideration by officers of the individual circumstances;

(iv)That the Orders for items: (b) Albert Road – `No Waiting between 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday’, in front of no’s 137A to 141, (e) Hilda Road – Introduce a Disabled Parking Bay outside No.10; and (f) Electric Vehicle Charging Bays- Ashley Road; Dalling Road; Poole Road- be made as advertised.


Steve Dean (Transportation Services) presented the Report and confirmed that requests for minor traffic measures, particularly if they involved Traffic Orders or had other implications on traffic flow, were generally considered by the Traffic Panel. The Traffic Panel consisted of Council Officers and representatives of the Police, emergency services, and the Bus Company.

The Traffic Panel met on 15th October 2014 and discussed the following items relating to this Area Committee:

(a)Sunridge Close-Winston Avenue – Request for yellow lines at this junction;

(b)Manor Avenue – Request for yellow lines.

Sunridge Close-Winston Avenue junction (yellow lines)

A local resident had contacted Transportation Services to request double yellow lines at the junction of Sunridge Close with Winston Avenue. The following key points were highlighted:

  • There was a record of a child cyclist casualty here in the last 3 years and parking at this junction caused problems at school times;
  • The nearby school zone had a school-time loading restriction which could be extended to cover the new yellow lines.

Councillor Mrs Rampton made a proposal, which was seconded, that the no waiting at any time restrictions and the School time loading restrictions at the Sunridge Close-Winston Avenue junction, be approved for advertisement and on being put to a vote, this proposal was CARRIED.

Winston Avenue-Farnham Road junction (yellow lines)

Councillor Mrs Rampton proposed that consideration be given to adding yellow lines to the Winston Avenue-Farnham Road junction and at the turning area in Sunridge Close. It was agreed that this could be included with the Sunridge Close/Winston Avenue proposals as a potential candidate for funding from next year’s Area Committee budget.

Manor Avenue (yellow lines)

The Area Committee noted that local residents had contacted Transportation Services to ask if waiting restrictions could be added to keep accesses clear at the northern end of Manor Avenue. A discussion took place during which the following key points were highlighted:

  • Councillor Trent felt that there was a need to undertake further consultation with local residents regarding parking/traffic issues in the local area, as it had been several years since a consultation was undertaken, and it was agreed that this proposal should be deferred pending the outcome of the consultation;
  • A Member suggested that consideration could also be given to making the Jersey Road / Manor Avenue / Alderney Avenue area a 20mph zone.


(i)That the No Waiting at any time restrictions and the School time loading restrictions at the Sunridge Close/Winston Avenue junction be approved as a potential candidate for funding from next year’s Area Committee budget;

(ii) The addition of yellow lines at the Winston Avenue-Farnham Road junction and in the turning area in Sunridge Close beadded as potential candidates for funding from next year’s Area Committee budget;

(iii)The requested waiting restrictions to keep accesses clear at the northern end of Manor Avenue be deferred pending consultation with local residents on parking/traffic issues in the area.


Ashley Road (Pedestrian Crossing)

Mr Le Poidevin (local resident) noted that motorists needed to move closer to the middle of the road when passing the new Pedestrian Crossing on Ashley Road and enquired whether the edges of the crossingnear the road could be made more visible to present possible collisions with the planters; it was agreed that this would be raised at the next meeting of the Transportation Advisory Group.

St Brelades Avenue / Ringwood Road (Greenway)