Mr. Snyder: Mr. Hallion:
Block 1: Integrated MathBlock 2 and 4: Algebra 1 Concepts
Course Expectations
Here is some important information that you will need to know as we begin our semester together.
1)Materials- To start the class, you will need the following:
- Something to write with.
- Notebook or Binder. Something with paper.
- Calculator
2)Grading – your grade will be determined by dividing the total number of points you earn by the total points possible.
- Tests/Quizzes – Usually one per week ranging from 10-40 points. Certain situations: twice a week or only one in two weeks, depending on breaks, half days, PARCC testing, assemblies, etc.
- Homework – Will be checked on a daily basis. You will start with a 25/25 for your homework grade (per MP) and for every missed assignment you have 1 point deducted from those 25 points. You are still responsible for HW assignments when you are absent.
- Warm-ups/Do Now’s/Class work– 10 points.
- Projects (Consumer Math) – 20 points
- The maximum grade you can earn is 100%
If you are absent from class and miss any type of assignment you have as many days as you were absent to make that work up. In some cases extra time may be needed and that will be discussed between myself and your parent/guardian. You can monitor class progress with Canvas and OneNote. You are responsible for any Quiz/Test/Project that you miss when you are absent.
4)Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)
A grade of zero will be given for cheating or suspicion of cheating on any assignment, Quiz/Test, and Project. This includes talking during a quiz/test, having a cell phone or tablet out during a quiz/test, or copying someone else’s project.
5) Canvas and Online Resources
All homework, practice quizzes/tests, study guides, class work (notes), and your textbook will be available on Canvas. Canvas is a Learning Management System and will be utilized for most of your classes. This is why you need your tablet charged and ready to go every day.
6) Parent/Student Portal
Student progress can be monitored through the Parent Portal of the Genesis Student
Information System. This system will enable you to access student grades and attendance
online. This information will be updated daily.
Parents: comments will also be posted on Genesis regarding HW assignments and class work. You can also monitor class content with Canvas.
As a student in Mr. Snyder’s class, I understand and will follow these few simple rules:
- Come to class on time and prepared. On time means that you will be in the classroom when the bell rings. You have 5 minutes between blocks; if you are not in the room when the bell rings, you are late. Prepared means that your materials will be out and ready to use immediately upon entering the room. You need something to write with, a binder with paper in it, and your Tablet.
- Respect classmates, teachers and yourself. This is your education, please take it seriously. You do not have the right to disrupt the class; you are not the only student in the room.
- Homework is very important, in fact essential for learning. Homework will be given almost every night, and it is important that you put the necessary effort into each assignment.
- Attendance is also very important. Mathematics courses, as well as other courses, are very sequential and missing a class for any reason will leave gaps in your learning.
- It is very important that you are in class on test/quiz days. If you are absent on these days, you MUST make up the test/quiz after school or during another arranged time, NOT during class time. All missed quizzes/tests must be completed prior to the next quiz/test.
- There will be extra help after school for anyone who needs it. Please take advantage of this opportunity. It is commendable to seek help when you need it. Come to extra help with specific questions. Don’t just show up and say “I don’t get it”. If you waste class time by not participating and doing what you are supposed to be doing, you are not entitled for extra help.
- School Policies! What I Do Not want to see:
Absolutely No Backpacks!!!!! Keep them in your locker when you get to school. Do Not bring them to class, you will be sent to your locker and that will probably make you late to class. Accumulated lates can cause loss of credit!!!!!!
Absolutely No Cell Phones!!!! There is absolutely no reason to have them in the classroom. It is a major disruption and will cause disciplinary problems for you and your parents.
Misuse of Tablets!!!!! Class time is for class work. Watching videos or playing games during class will affect your grade. Use your time wisely!
Do not take photos of anyone on school grounds. This includes fellow students and any type of staff. It is illegal and can have dire consequences.
Food/Beverages!!!! It does not belong in the classroom. You are allowed to have water, that’s it!!!!
Drills: We stay together as a class; attendance will be taken. No wandering off or you will be written up.
-Fire Drills:
-Lock Down Drill:
-Relocation/Evacuation Drill:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please read the above course outline. There are some necessary supplies needed for this course. If for any reason these supplies cannot be obtained, please let me know. If you need to contact me for any reason please email me at
Please detach and return by Friday, September 9th. Students are to keep the remaining pages in their notebook for reference.
I have read the above and agree to abide by these rules and procedures.
Student name (please print)Parent/Guardian Name
Student signatureParent/Guardian signature