English Department

MLA Style Sheet for Typed Manuscripts

1. No title page required.

2. Font size and style

a. 12 pt. font

b. Times New Roman

c. All black ink

3. Directions for heading: Begin 1” from top of 1st page, flush with left margin. Place the heading information on separate lines and double space between each line.

a. Your full name-first name first

b. Your teacher’s name

c. Course name, Period #

d. Date: Day Month Year

4. Directions for title: Begin double space below date and centered.

a. Do not underline or use quotation marks around title

b. Do not type in all capital letters

c. Follow the rules for capitalization of titles

1) Capitalize the first words, the last words, and all principal words

2) Do not capitalize articles, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, and the to in infinitives

d. Do not use a period after the title

e. Underline only the words that would ordinarily be underlined in the text

5. Directions for text: Begin double space below title and indented 5 spaces

a. Observe one-inch margins on both sides and the bottom of the page

b. Double space between lines of text

6. Directions for pages 2 and beyond:

a. Number all pages consecutively in upper right-hand corner ½ inch from top and flush with right margin

b. Type your last name before the page number

c. Do not use the abbreviation p. before a page number or add a period, hyphen, or any other symbol

d. First line of text should be 1” from top of page