BLASD Regular Board Meeting #81

6:30 PM June 10, 2014

Perch Lake Town Hall

  1. Call to Order

John Fredrickson called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

  1. Roll Call


John Fredrickson, ChairDavid Nelson, Treasurer

Rocky RennquistTom Luke, Alternate

Debbie Gellatly, Admin Assistant


Wayne DupuisJohn Peterson


Kurt Besser, Lake ResidentDennis Towns, Lake Resident

John Stewart, MSAJon Herdegen, MSA

Dave Wierzba, MSATim Korby, Donohue & Associates

  1. Approve Agenda

Motion by Rennquist and 2nd by Luke to approve the agenda. Motion passed.

  1. Approve Minutes

Motion by Rennquist and 2nd by Nelson to approve the May 13 minutes. Motion passed.


  1. Review of Treasurer’s Report and Payment of Bills – Debbie Gellatly

D Gellatly provided the May 31 Cornerstone Bank Statement and June treasurer’s report. The ending checking balance was $1,489.79 and the savings was $135,843.26. Claims for the month of May include:

Claim 1448 – Rennquist 60.03

Claim 1449 – Fredrickson180.06

Claim 1450 – Peterson 60.03

Claim 1451 – Luke 60.03

Claim 1452 – Dupuis120.06

Bill – Country Tax Service, LLC186.60

Total $666.83

At this time we are unaware of any outstanding bills.Motion by Luke and 2nd by Nelson to approve the treasurer’s report and payment of claims/bills. Motion passed.

  1. Review of Correspondence

Email correspondence:

Chair Fredrickson update to Chairwoman Diver on approval of 2014 bonding bill, thank you’s for bond support, and Income Survey correspondence with Chris Jewett with MAP.


Pine Journal editorial on BLASD bond update by Chair Fredrickson. The Duluth News Tribune was also provided an editorial update.

PO Box: We were unable to access the PO Box at this time.

  1. Old Business
  1. Update on Income Survey

Rennquist mentioned there is still some confusion regarding mandatory hook-up by lake residents. It was suggested to find out what governance authority the district has and enlighten the residents to this knowledge to prevent any more confusion and misconceptions. John Fredrickson will write another editorial explaining the district’s purpose and provide a breakdown showing the cost with and without funding.

At the current time the district is in need of 36 more completed surveys to help with RD funding.

The first door-to-door canvassing has been done. There is some concern some residents are still being missed due to missing mailboxes, etc.

John will contact Frank Yetka and Heather Cunningham for the proper language before writing the editorial.

John Stewart stated there are 2 buckets of money. It is anticipated the necessary paperwork will be done by August to be eligible for the 2nd pool of money that will be available at a national level by state’s that have not used all they were allocated.

It was suggested to check with MAP to see if Jason Hollinday with FDL can assist with the income survey.

  1. The August 12th meeting will be moved to August 14 at the Perch Lake Town Hall due to an ordinance regarding the use of a meeting at this time.
  1. New Business
  1. Engineer’s Report for June and Plan for July – MSA
  1. Task order authorization

MSA provided a task order timeline of 9 items to be completed by August. Item 9 included an up-to-date topography. It was decided to check with FDL and Carlton County first before proceeding with item 9. The initial cost would be $17,100 including task 9. John Fredrickson requested an email status per step.

Motion by Luke and 2nd by Rennquist to approve the task order provided by MSA and authorize steps 1-8 individually between now and August. Motion passed.

  1. Establish regular update meeting with WLSSD, City of Cloquet and Carlton County.

John Fredrickson would like to hold regular and continual meetings and/or conference calls regarding progress of project.

Motion by Luke and 2nd by Nelson to authorize preparing and sending a newsletter providing a project update, explanation of boundaries, and provide a comparison of possible costs to residents with and without funding sources. Motion passed.

John Stewart, Jon Herdegen and John Fredrickson will work on details. It was suggested to work with MAP on updated addresses from their work with the income survey and door-to-door collections.

  1. Public Comment

Kurt Besser still concerned about residents not receiving income surveys and how to get the surveys. Anyone knowing someone not receiving a survey should contact a member of the board to relay this information to MAP.

Guest Tim Korby mentioned the BLASD is in a very good position with having received $4.5 million in bonding money.

  1. Next Meeting

July 8, 2014 at 6:30 at Perch Lake Town Hall

  1. Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Luke and 2nd by Nelson to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Motion passed.

Submitted by Debbie Gellatly