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Area: / Crime and Intelligence / Job Title: / Triage, Intel Admin & MoPI RRD Supervisor / Weekly Hours: / 37
Section: / FIB / Rank: / SO2 / Version: / 1
Post No: / GI055 / Status: / Established / Version Date: / 1 June 2015

Please describe, with example(s) in section 7 of your application form how you feel you meet each of the numbered essential criteria, and where possible the desirable criteria, below.

Justifiable as necessary for safe and effective performance of the job. / Essential
A clear definition of the necessary criteria. / Desirable
Where available, elements that contribute to improved / immediate performance in the job. / Method of Assessment
Pre- Requisites: / 1.  To achieve and maintain SC clearance (some roles may need a higher level)
2.  Educated to degree level in a science/IT related subject or demonstrate significant experience in a role requiring a similar level of skills. / 14.  To have a minimum of 3 years’ work experience where a full operating knowledge of the PNC has been necessary.
15.  To have successfully completed approved PNC Users training courses.
IT Skills / 3.  Demonstrate a practical ability to use Microsoft Office software and a working knowledge of data bases in a large complex organisation. / 16 . Demonstrate the ability to use the internet to harvest intelligence from open sources / 1,2,4
Work Experience / 4.  Demonstrate experience of supervising a team of people where the ability to motivate, plan, implement and control tasks has been essential.
5.  Demonstrate knowledge of current force priorities and how you have personally contributed to them
6.  Demonstrate by example the ability to manage and monitor performance using proven performance management systems
7.  Demonstrate ability to manage and deploy resources in line with threat, risk and harm / 17. Demonstrate by example an effective contribution to neighbourhood policing through partnership working / 1,2
Work Experience: / 8.  To demonstrate an understanding of the National Intelligence Model
9.  Demonstrate experience of supervising reactive and proactive intelligence led investigations and display a sound awareness of information and evidence gathering techniques
10.  Demonstrate experience of supervising the collection, development and production of high quality intelligence reports that have supported subsequent operational activity
11.  Demonstrate a positive approach to partnerships and working with other agencies
12.  Demonstrate a broad understanding of legislation and procedure associated with the investigation of serious and organised crime
13.  Ability to demonstrate respect for other people’s views and to respect race and diversity. / 18. Have attended Initial Management of Serious Crime Course
19. To demonstrate an understanding of Financial Investigation and CHIS handling
20. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Data Protection Act, Human Rights Act and Home Office guidance in relation to the disclosure of information in order to make informed decisions as to whether information is retained or deleted. / 1,2,


Job title: /
Intel Admin and MoPI RRD Supervisor
Post no: / GI055
Rank: /
Responsible to: / Detective Inspector FIB
Responsible for: / Intelligence Officers and Police Staff FIB
Contacts: / BCU CSB’s and SMT’s SOCA. HMRC other Police forces, Law Enforcement Agencies and non-law enforcement partners.
Role / To lead a team responsible for the prioritisation and actioning of intelligence related inputs and task requests.
To undertake the role of Force PNC Liaison Officer
To undertake the role of Force DVLA Liaison Officer
To manage the Force PNC function to ensure the effective operation and security of the system.
To manage and deal with as appropriate all correspondence received relating to PNC and DVLA.
To receive, investigate and resolve all problems relating to the PNC Network which may involve liaison with the IT Dept. and outside agencies.
To ensure that all users and trainers are notified of changes both technical and legislative relating to PNC.
To deals with matters of grievance and discipline in relation to the PNC system (force-wide) in conjunction with the Professional Standards Department.
To act as the Force DVLA liaison Officer including the co-ordination of DVLA enquiries within the Force.
To supervise and provide guidance on intelligence related inputs and tasks requests identified as Force priorities and is capable of identifying those threats to the communities of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and our organisation.
Coordinate assessed threat inputs and task requests to ensure tasking and coordination priorities are met and threats are mitigated.
Liaise with internal departments, external policing partners and other law enforcement agencies to maximise tasking and briefing opportunities.
Undertake such other duties commensurate with the post as may be required for the safe and effective performance of the job.
To authorise decisions relating to the retention or deletion of police information, in accordance with guidance.
To manage the effective performance of the RRD Officers to ensure optimum service is provided in accordance with Force Policy.
To receive, investigate and resolve all problems relating to computer systems used during the RRD process with the ability to liaise with IT Dept. partners and external agencies.
This role description should develop along with the changing demands of policing reflected in Force Objectives and priorities.

Core Responsibilities

/ Activities
Intelligence / Ensure that intelligence is used ethically and in accordance with the relevant legislation, policy, protocols and codes and practise.
Ensure timely dissemination of intelligence, ensuring that intelligence is passed onto the relevant internal and external contacts in a secure and appropriate format.
To develop and maintain a comprehensive knowledge of the Record Review, Retention, and Deletion requirements of the ACPO Code of Practice on the Management of Police Information.
Manage the day to day activities of the RRD team to ensure optimum service is provided at all times, in accordance with current policies and instructions.
To monitor, evidence and deal any performance management issues both within the team and at an individual level.
To monitor and carry out risk based decision making regarding the Review, Retention and Disposal of records as forwarded by the RRD Officers.
To constantly review, create and where necessary embed new Business Processes within the RRD Team with current and emerging external IT systems and interfaces (to ensure organisational compliance with national data quality issues and HMIC recommendations).
Communication / Make best use of technology in support of your role, ensuring correct operation and compliance with organisational and legal requirements.
Prepare and deliver information to diverse audiences ensuring that you use an appropriate communication style, operate equipment correctly and represent the values of the Service.
To prepare/contribute to the Forces management of performance delivery and Threat assessment structures.
To liaise with other internal and external stakeholders in relation to sharing intelligence in accordance with existing legal gateways to promote effective partnership working.
Leadership / Supervise support staff and appraise & support them in line with the Performance Development Review (PDR) system. To supervise staff welfare needs. To maintain a professional standards of all staff. To supervise & manage attendance in line with Constabulary standards and policy.
Provide advice, guidance and direction to ensure the best possible intelligence product is delivered in a timely and efficient manner.
To coach and mentor support staff and other colleagues as appropriate in order to quality assure the intelligence products produced, specifying methodology and outputs where appropriate.
Personal Responsibility / Build and maintain community relations by providing a service that is responsive to the needs of all communities and by ensuring that those affected by crime receive a fair and non-discriminatory service.
Ensure your behaviour complies with organisational values and organise your own work effectively to meet the demands of your role. Identify, implement and monitor development activities to enhance your own performance.
Promote equality, diversity and Human Rights in working practices by developing and maintaining positive working relationships, ensuring that colleagues are treated fairly and contributing to developing equality of opportunity in working practices.
Work co-operatively with team members and colleagues, contributing positively and constructively to the achievement of team and organisational objectives
Administration: / To maintain an overview of the threat and response performance relating to the Force and relevant projects, benchmarking against other Forces for the purpose of sharing best practice, developing effective toolkits and ensuring a corporate memory of developed practice is created and maintained.
Additional Information: leave blank
Training Requirements: / Mandatory (Legally Required):
Desirable: / Initial Sgts course, Intelligence officers course, selection & interview training
Specialist Needs:
Role detailed in ‘Emergency Procedures’: / Yes / No
. / At what Command Level:
Budgetary Management: / Yes / No
. / Authority to £ Value:
People Management: / Yes / No
. / Total Number & Level:
IT Systems Required: / Windows, Outlook/Email, Microsoft Office, PNC, CIS, CIS SOU & Taskmaster
Additional Information:

Form No: RES-5020 Date Created: 19/11/2014

Version: 4 Leics Police HR Dept

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No. / Description of task / Description including potential severity / H
L / Groups Exposed. Evidence of previous harm. / Existing Controls in place? / H
L / Hazards x Likelihood