Blank Evidence Forms (QM2)

These blank forms provide a template for each of the 5 sections outlined,which organisations can use to identify supporting evidence. This template must be completed and forwarded to ETS as part of the application.

It is important that evidence used in self-assessment and when applying for the Quality Mark is:

  • Sufficient – there is enough evidence available for a judgement to be secure
  • Reliable – information comes from trusted sources and is robust; cross-checking produces similar or the same results
  • Valid – the evidence is up-to-date (timescales to be agreed?) and is relevant to the indicator or section being assessed

Form QM2

Youth Service Quality Mark – policy and planning

Indicators / Supporting evidence
  1. There is a shared vision within the organisation and clear aims for the provider’s work with young people.

  1. There is a plan demonstrating how the vision and aims are implemented, with clear links to other services for young people.

  1. Reliable management information is analysed and used constructively to inform planning.

  1. Managers and leaders encourage stakeholders to contribute to planning. They regularly review the plan with their teams to assess whether targets are being met and what impact it is having on the quality of service for young people.

  1. Managers implement a change process when required and manage change successfully.

  1. The provider has policies and procedures to ensure that young people, staff and others operate in a safe, healthy and inclusive environment. Policies are understood by staff and they put them into practice.

  1. Policies (and associated staff training) are monitored and reviewed to assess their impact and to ensure currency and validity of policy and practice.

Youth Service Quality Mark – curriculum

Indicators / Supporting evidence
  1. The organisation has a curriculum statement that clearly outlines the types and mix of youth work provision it is using to engage with young people. This is based on an accurate assessment of needs and is linked to local and strategic priorities for work with young people.

  1. All staff are involved in curriculum planning and developing a suitable range of programmes with measurable objectives. They are clear about and can define the benefits for young people of the programmes they deliver.

  1. Young people have a clear voice and are involved in each stage of curriculum planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation.

  1. Programmes address the differing needs, interests and circumstances of young people, build on their potential to achieve and recognise that their right to engage in activities is voluntary.

  1. Inclusion, equality and diversity underpin all programmes: young people are offered opportunities that are educative, participative, empowering and expressive.

  1. Young people have good access to Welsh medium/bilingual provision.

  1. There is effective management of available resources.

Youth Service Quality Mark – young people’s development

Indicators / Supporting evidence
  1. Young people develop their knowledge, skills and attitude through a wide range of non-formal, informal and incidental learning opportunities.

  1. They learn in ways that suit them and, although challenging at times, enable them to enjoy themselves.

  1. With the support of staff, young people develop personally and socially, by increasing their understanding of themselves and the world around them.

  1. Young people express their ideas and opinions and recognise that Wales is home to a diversity of people, languages and cultures.

  1. Ready access to information and support means young people benefit from specialist help when needed.

  1. Individual achievements are recorded so that young people can reflect on their progress over time: due importance is placed on the celebration of these achievements.

  1. Data on progression and outcomes are recorded so that the provider can assess and evaluate how well different groups of young people are doing year on year.

Youth Service Quality Mark – workforce development

Indicators / Supporting evidence
  1. There is a staff development plan showing how the provider trains and supports all staff to achieve the level of knowledge and skills required to carry out their roles with confidence.

  1. The provider works with partners to ensure that training & development are accessible and encourage progression.

  1. Staff have ready access to training information, understand the structure of qualifications & are aware of progression opportunities.

  1. Staff development is planned to enable part-time staff and/or volunteers to take advantage of learning opportunities in the same way as full-time staff. This includes access to JNC approved qualifications.

  1. Staff receive appropriate mentoring and supervision in the workplace.

  1. Staff understand and key policies and implement them, particularly equal and diversity and safeguarding.

  1. Evaluation of staff development focuses on the benefits for participants and the links to improving outcomes for young people.

Youth Service Quality Mark – quality assurance

Indicators / Supporting evidence
  1. Managers, leaders and support staff ensure a consistent and inclusive approach to quality assurance across the organisation.

  1. Senior managers receive quality reports as part of regular discussions on quality issues across the organisation.

  1. Systems for monitoring and reviewing how well the organisation is performing are clear and reliable.

  1. Staff understand what information needs to be collected and can explain why. They are aware of targets to improve and take ownership of these.

  1. Managers and leaders make effective use of management information to monitor and measure performance, agree actions to improve provision and set targets.

  1. Evaluations are based on relevant and reliable information. They are honest, analytical and focus on improving outcomes for young people.

  1. Young people and other stakeholders make regular, planned inputs to the QA process.