David R. Boe, Chair

Helen J. Kahn, Vice Chair

Deanna L. Pozega, Secretary

Academic Senate Meeting of September 21, 2010

Northern Michigan University

Ontario Room of the University Center

Draft Minutes

Present:David Boe (Chair), Helen Kahn (Vice Chair) Andy Poe (Past Chair), Deanna Pozega (Secretary), Susan Koch (VPAA), Ron Sundell (AAUP Liaison), Mike Andary (Member at Large) Larry Pagel (Member at Large), Randy Appleton, Kim Martino, Vanessa Thibado, Dani Thoune, Bill Ball, Bill Bergman, Mike Broadway, Dave Donovan, Peter Goodrich, Jeanne Graves, George Gross, Jeff Horn, Sarah Jones, Chris Kirk, Paul Lang, Robert Legg, Joe Lubig, John MacDevitt, Erich Ottem, Glenna Pendleton, Dave Prychitcho, Robert Quinn, Francella Quinnell, Jamal Rashed, Barb Rhyneer, Terry Seethoff, Mark Shevy, Marge Sklar, Rebecca Ulland, Harvey Wallace, Greg Warchol

Absent:Christine Flavin,Frankie McCormick, Kristi Robinia, Bruce Sarjeant, Bruce Sarjeant, Darlene Walch, Helen Wedin

Guests:Ray Ventre (English), Tom Hyslop (English), Mike Cauley (CEC), Laura Reissner (CUP)

  1. Call to Order: 3:05 p.m.
  1. Additions to/Adoption of Agenda:

Motion to adopt agenda (Mark Shevy, second Randy Appleton)

Approved unanimously

  1. Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 20 April 2010:

Motion to accept minutes(Marge Sklar, secondMike Andary)

Approved unanimously

  1. Reports:
  1. Chair (David Boe): Chair Boereminded senators that one of his responsibilities as Senate Chair is to report on the Provost’s approval of past Senate actions. The CEC Report of September 7th has been approved.

The Senate Subcommittees continue to evolve. Rebecca Ulland, CEC Chair, encouragesand appreciates continued participation.

  1. Vice Chair(Helen Kahn): No Report.
  1. Secretary(Deanna Pozega): No Report.
  1. Provost(Susan Koch): Dr. Koch reminded everyone of the busy homecoming week ahead. The Board of Trustees will be on Campus this Thursday and Friday, and the annual NMU Alumni Association Board of Directors and the NMU Foundation Scholarship Brunch and Alumni awards are scheduled for Saturday. Dr. Koch mentioned looking forward to a very productive board meeting. This year’s agenda will include a presentation to the Board’s Academic Affairs division regarding student financial aid, with emphasis on recent changes – since the last financial aid presentation (in 2006). Dr. Kochalso plans to inform the Board about recent updates to NMU’s strategic plan, the Road Map to 2015. Shepraised NMU’s “impressive” accomplishments pertaining to the Road Map.

For more information on NMU’s Road Map to 2015:

  1. ASNMU: No Report.
  1. Unfinished Business:
  1. CUP Report of Tuesday 21 September 2010 (First Reading)

Motion to accept (Larry Pagel, second Randy Appleton)

Discussion: Helen Kahn asked whether there was a limit on the number of times a single HP course could be repeated. Harvey Wallace was on hand to address the question, and stated that a student could apply a maximum of 6 credit hours from one HP course towards graduation.

Michael Broadway asked whether we should anticipate students having a problem getting enrolled in the required HP activity course as a result of the proposed modification (for example, if upper classmen repeat popular courses several times). Harvey Wallace replied that no serious problem is predicted because numerous HP activity courses are offered each semester.

With no further discussion, the report moves to second reading in 2 weeks.

  1. Election for At-Large Member of the Executive Committee

Chair Boe opened the floor for further nominations to fill the vacant position of Executive Committee At-Large Member. (The current ballot contained a single candidate, George Gross, who had been nominated during the previous Senate meeting.)

With no further nominations, a motion was made (Larry Pagel, second Dave Donovan) to close the floor to nominations and cast a unanimous ballot.

Approved Unanimously

Prof. George Gross will serve as the new At-Large Member on the Senate Executive Committee.

  1. New Business: None.
  1. Informal Consideration: None.
  1. Good of the Order: Ron Sundell announced that faculty members should have received an e-mail regarding University Wide Committees. Specific committee chairs should be contacted for more information. Once nominations are made, the list is forwarded to the AAUP Executive Committee. The EC then sends two names forward for each position to the Provost who makes the final selection.

Faculty should have also received an e-mail and a flyer regarding the AAUP State Leadership Executive Conference that will be held at NMU on Friday, September 24th. Workshops will begin at 10:30 a.m. in Pioneer Rooms A & B.

10:30 – Noon: 1stWorkshop (for Faculty and Adjuncts): “Organizing and representing Adjunct Instructional Faculty”

Noon – 1:15: Lunch: Box Lunches will be provided, with all food and refreshments paid for by State Union Funds.

1:15 – 2:45: 2nd Workshop (for AAUP Members Only): “Current Challenges: Union Mobilization and Negotiations in Michigan Today.”

3:00 – 4:30: 3rd Workshop (Entire Community Welcome): “The AAUP and the Future of Higher Education in Michigan: Informing the Public and Participating in the Political Process.”

5:00 – 8:00: Dinner: A reception will be held at the Presque Isle Pavilion. Union Members and attendees, please RSVP to the Union Office at X1602.

Susan Koch announced that NMU will be hosting our 1st Annual Graduate Professional Development Conference on Friday October 8th from 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the University Center. Seminars will focus on five topics: communication, leadership, teaching and instruction, professional adaptability, and self awareness. More information is available via the website:

Rebecca Ullandencouraged nominations for FRC, the committee responsible for reviewing faculty tenure & promotion applications. Sixnew members are needed, and the only departments currently represented are Biology, History, and Nursing. FRC committee nominations are due by Friday.

Vanessa Thibado mentioned that ASNMU is still looking for more members. Current ASNMU representatives are willing to visit classrooms to provide interested students with more information.

Kim Martino reminded everyone that ASNMU will be sponsoring the final free bicycle workshops this weekend at the Food Co-op.

  1. Adjournment: 3:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie Wratschko

Secretary to the Academic Senate/AAUP

Revisions by:

Deanna Pozega, Secretary

Academic Senate, NMU

c. President Wong