DIRECTIVE NO. 263C DATE: April 12, 2002

SUBJECT:Safety and Health Program

REFERENCE: (a) Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for General Industry (29 CFR PART 1910) and OSHA Construction Standards (29CFR Part 1926 with updated amendments.)

PURPOSE: To establish an organization and procedures for the development and enhancement of a progressive safety and health program within Facilities Management.

CANCELLATION:This directive is effective immediately and supersedes and cancels Directive No. 263B dated March 17, 1996.

BACKGROUND: Safety-related work practices and scope affecting the conduct of work are contained in reference (a). These standards set the minimum safety requirements, which must be followed by employees and employers. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety develops safety and health policies for the University to meet regulatory compliance and is available as a consulting resource to implement appropriate workplace safety and health programs. when the potential for hazardous exposures exists or when actual problems arise. Facilities Management supervisors and employees are urged to use this service when they are concerned about a particular hazard.

POLICY: Facilities Management is committed to developing a proactive safety prevention and health program and an environment for its employees distinguished in its regard for human health, safety and security, and for the protection of property. No person shall be required or instructed to work in surroundings or under conditions, which are unsafe or dangerous to his/her health. In furtherance of this policy, the safety goals are to:


On Line April 12, 2004


Office of Environmental Health & Safety OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT

Human Resource & Training ManagerRESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEW:

Architect for the University

Information Officer Safety Program Manager

Special Distribution:

Bulletin Boards

DIRECTIVE NO. 26April 12, 2002

Page 2

1.Assign responsibility for worker/workplace safety to line management, establish departmental Safety Committees, and investigate and recommend remedies to unsafe conditions.

2.Inform and train Facilities Management employees concerning safety hazards and practices.

3.Report and investigate all accidents and injuries.

  1. Establish and enforce adequate safety rules and safe work practices that meet Facilities Management Directives and Safety and Health policies.

5.Conduct periodic surveys and recommends corrective actions.

6.Manage the use, storage, and disposal of all hazardous substances and materials.

  1. Assure that all specific obligations under Federal and State laws and regulations regarding safety and accident prevention are satisfied.
  1. Reduce the number of accidents and their severity, and make the work environment safer in a manner that promotes efficiency and economy.
  1. Identify mechanisms/communication channels for employees to discuss safety


  1. Return injured employees to work as soon as possible.


  1. A Safety Program Manager will be appointed by the Chief Facilities Officer to develop and implement an effective safety program.
  1. Safety Committees will be formed to assist in identifying and analyzing safety problems, to develop safety rules, standards and programs, and to recommend safety training.

a.A Senior Safety Committee will be comprised of upper management representatives from each of the following groups:

Utilities Department

Facilities Planning & Construction

Health System Physical Plant

Business Management Services

Operations Department

Deputy Chief Facilities Officer (Chair)

Human Resource Manager

Safety Program Manager

DIRECTIVE NO. 263CApril 12, 2002

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  1. Departmental Safety Committees will be formed for each of the divisional groupings listed below:

(1)Facilities Maintenance (Operations and Utilities Department, Business

Management Services).

(2)Building Services

(3) Health System Physical Plant


  1. Each individual employee is responsible for complying with applicable safety requirements, wearing prescribed safety equipment and preventing avoidable accidents. Each employee is responsible for their personal safety and that of their fellow employees.
  1. Supervisors at all levels have primary responsibility for the safe conduct of all work under their direction and are the key to a successful accident prevention program. Supervisors are expected to be highly trained and knowledgeable concerning safety practices and requirements of the trades for which they are responsible, and shall enforce safety rules and good safety practices by all employees under their direction. Specifically, supervisors shall:
  1. Provide personnel, under their direct supervision, worker safety training designed to identify the following:

(1)Policies, procedures, and programs that apply to their work areas.

(2)Hazards and safety precautions for all machines, tools, chemicals, equipment, and work processes that they use or are potentially exposed to in the performance of their jobs.

(3)The need for, and proper use of safety equipment, clothing, and other personal protective equipment necessary to protect workers working in potentially hazardous or unhealthy environments.

(4)Accident Reporting Procedures.

  1. Stop work under their control, if necessary, whenever serious infractions are observed.

DIRECTIVE NO. 263CApril 12, 2002

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  1. Develop a working knowledge of accepted general safety practices for construction and maintenance work and of all specific safety rules and standards established by their department.
  1. Oversee the proper use and storage of tools and equipment and maintain good housekeeping practices within all assigned work areas.
  1. Direct a weekly walkthrough survey of their area(s) of responsibility to detect and eliminate any unsafe or unhealthy condition.

f.Conduct monthly safety meetings.

  1. The Safety Program Manager shall have the following responsibilities:
  1. Responsible for the planning, organizing, and managing the Facilities Management Safety Program.

b.Serve as a Member of the Senior Safety Committee.

c.Publish Safety Directives for Facilities Management.

d.Advise and coordinate with each Department Safety Committee.

e. Establish and maintain a safety library.

f.Conduct annual inspections of all department work areas and routinely inspect work activities for safe work practices.

  1. Advise the Deputy Chief Facilities Officer and Directors on matters of safety.
  1. Serves as Facilities Managements liaison with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
  1. The Senior Safety Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

Conduct semi-annual meetings to:

  1. Recommend safety policy and provide guidance and oversight for the safety

and health program.

b.Review accident data for the previous six months.

  1. Follow-up on any missing Departmental Safety Committee minutes, investigation

forms or self-inspection forms.

DIRECTIVE NO. 263CApril 12, 2002

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  1. Review accident investigations for serious lost time accidents or unusual hazardous conditions. Discuss recommendations submitted and determine how they can be most effectively completed.

4.The Departmental Safety Committee Members shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Act as a mid-level management action group to interface with the shops.

b.Present and review safety standings for previous month.

c.Review accident reports/investigations and departmental self-inspection reports to generate recommendations for safety standards and rules and assign responsibilities as well as target dates for implementation.

d.Follow through on previously submitted recommendations.

e.Request and coordinate safety training seminars for all employees.

f.Recommend specific items of personal safety equipment for provision to employees, and recommend rules and standards for use of the equipment.

g.Discuss new assignments and new safety and health policies.

  1. Report any unsafe practices or unsafe situations observed to the responsible supervisor.
  1. Directors of Facilities Operations, Utilities, Health System Physical Plant, Facilities Planning and Construction and Business Management Services shall have the following responsibilities:
  1. Responsible for the conduct of the overall safety and health program within their department.
  1. Ensure that safety is an integral part of all work planning and performance.
  1. Include in job elements and performance expectations the requirement for evaluation of safety performance for all superintendents and supervisors.
  1. Budget for all safety related equipment and training within their departments.
  1. Ensure that shop safety rules are written by all shops/sections within their department.

DIRECTIVE NO. 263CApril 12, 2002

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  1. Ensure that all personnel receive monthly supervisor conducted worker safety and health training.

Robert P. Dillman, P.E.

Chief Facilities Officer