Lesson 3

Trainer’s Lesson Plan

Meeting 2

Understanding Poverty and the Poor Approximately 3 Hours

This gathering of your team is the time to lay the foundation for your team’s ministry. You’ll do this by helping them get comfortable with one another as a team, educating them about missions, and answering any questions they have about their mission.

Additional Reading can be found on the Resource CD for Lesson 3.

1. Getting to Know One Another Approximately 15 Minutes

Objective: Continue to develop the relationship between team members through open dialogue on the subject of poverty.

Learning Sequence: Arrange the group in a circle and ask the following questions?

·  What does it mean to be poor?

·  What do the poor really need or want?

·  Why do the poor have a low self-esteem?

Encourage dialogue among the team by asking these questions. Let them know this session is not meant to develop answers. It is an exercise to learn from each other about today’s topic.

Materials Needed: Team Leader copy of the three questions above.

2. Corporate Worship Approximately 15 minutes

Objective: Establish a natural pattern of prayer and worship among your team members in order to model sincere prayer and worship on the mission field.

Learning Sequence: Using instruments available or voices alone sing worship songs together. Choose a team member to open and close the time with prayer.

Materials needed: Instruments and Songbooks

3. Spiritual Formation through Bible Study Approximately 30 Minutes

Objective: Establish the reality that God does care for the poor.

Learning Sequence: Bring up the Bible verses (Lesson 3 Spiritual Preparation on your Resource CD) on your projector. Have different team members read the verses out loud to the rest of the group. If you

have Bibles available you can omit the projector and ask individuals to read the verses that are

found on page 66-67 of your manual.

Ask the group if this changes any previous thoughts that were discussed in the Getting to Know

One Another segment? Ask why? Make it clear to the group that God does care very much for

the poor and we are not to judge them.

Materials needed: Lesson 3 Resource CD

Spiritual Formation


4. Knowledge Builder Approximately 30 Minutes

Objective: Unpack poverty by explaining the dynamics of poverty and how a mission team with a lack of understanding of poverty can actually be harmful.

Learning sequence: Using Lesson 3 Power Point slides walk your team through this lesson. Use the slides for brief discussions.

Materials Needed: Lesson 3 Power Point

Knowledge Builder

5. Culture Learning Approximately 20 Minutes

Objective: Begin to study the culture of the country in which you will be ministering.

Learning Sequence: Give each team member a copy of the Culture Gram you have ordered

from using the information for Culture Grams located under Culture Learning Lesson 3 on the Resource Disk. Order individual reports online or by phone.

Go through the categories of your host culture but don’t read each category. Encourage your team members to take their copy home and read each category in order to participate in future team training discussions.

Materials Needed: Lesson 3 Resource CD

Culture CultureGrams

6. Language Study Approximately 20 Minutes

Objective: Experience sounds and written words of a foreign language in a comfortable and humorous environment.

Learning Sequence: Follow the lead of your language teacher. Practice saying the names of your team members in your host language. Begin to add new words and repeat the words to one another to become familiar with their sound.

Materials Needed: Name sheets developed during previous training sessions.

7. Practical Preparation Approximately 15 Minutes

Objective: Update team members about the status of your fundraising. Remind them of their

paperwork responsibilities. Determine the Passport and Visa process for those who need them.

Provide information about project

Learning Sequence: Report to team any funds you may have received from the church or

other gifts. Report how the amount may have changed the budget you explained at the last

training session.

Collect Waivers and check Passports. Make 5 copies of each team members’ passport and keep

them. You will disperse them before the team leaves. Update team members about any changes in the

project or logistics.

Materials needed: None

8. Project Preparation Approximately 15 Minutes

Objective: Maintain cooperation among team members in the development of the project.

Learning sequence: Continue to develop the project implementation by discussing with the team the arrangements you have made with your on site coordinator.

Materials needed: Whatever means you have available for example, photos, tool, Vacation Bible School program packages that will educate your team about the project.

9. Debriefing and Closing Approximately 20 Minutes

Objective: Continue to develop camaraderie and trust among team members through sharing ideas, asking questions, and worshipping together.

Learning sequence Ask each team member what they think about the preparations for the mission. Take any questions they might have and answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you don’t know the answer write it down on newsprint and tell them you don’t know but you will find out and answer their questions at the next training sessions.

Materials needed: Newsprint


Music leader

Close each training session with one or two songs and a time of open prayer.