Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone
Minutes of the Annual Meeting, July 18, 2012
Place: AMICA
Present: Roland Gauvin, Bob Charpentier, Mike Scalzi, Joe Pailthorpe, Frank Matta, David Conway,
Sandra Belliveau, Ron Belliveau, Frank Geary, John Marsland (presiding), Bryce Jackson, Ray Pado, Kevin Burns, David Coutu, Patrick Naughton, Edward Ferreira, Alice Clemente, Peter Coffin
The minutes of the June meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report – The report was distributed and is attached to these minutes.
Elections – The nominees were: Vice President, Sandra Belliveau
Treasurer, Joe Pailthorpe
Board members – David Conway and Bryce Jackson
There being no further nominations, a motion was made and passed that the secretary cast a single vote for the entire slate.
Vandalism at Kelly House and an attempted break-in at Sycamore Landing were reported. Police will beef up patrols. People at the Ashton Mill will be contacted and asked to keep eyes and ears open.
It was reported that a pile of rubble had been found near Central Falls Landing. On investigation, it was determined to be the result of city work in the area.
The deplorable overgrown state of the grass at Manville Landing was discussed. Some contracted work in the area is still pending. BRWC/FOB has cut the grass in the past but per contract between BVTC and DOT, maintenance there is now the responsibility of the town of Cumberland.
BRC report – Peter Coffin reported that the control gate at Blackstone Gorge has been damaged and is not holding water. But water is also low because of near drought conditions.
Roland Gauvin will be working with Trout Unlimited in MA on connectivity. UMass Amherst will provide training.
The Woonsocket Storm Water Task Force has unanimously approved two proposals for the use of this year’s SEP money. The money is in place. 50% will be distributed up front, 40% after the half way report and 10% after the final report. Peter Coffin is manager of the projects.
BRC representatives and others will meet to strategize over the environmental agenda for the Corridor.
A Fourth Annual River Users’ Conference is being organized for September. Due to the unsatisfactory quality of earlier ones, BRWC/FOB is reluctant to participate. After much discussion, it was decided that members of the Council will attend but will await more information. Peter Coffin will be working with Bob Cox in an attempt to improve the conference.
Fish Ladder update—Frank Geary reported on a meeting held at DEM to review the current status of the project. DEM has received FERC permission to go forward but still needs a building permit from the city of Pawtucket. Once that is in place, an RFP will be issued and construction begun. It is believed that the work at the Main Street Dam will take from 2 ½ to 3 years; Slater Mill will take several months. Cameras will be mounted to film the work. In a later phase, the fish ladder at Valley Falls will go through the raceway on the Cumberland side and come up behind the dam. Elizabeth Webbing is still being reviewed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
TAG – BRWC/FOB is currently reviewing a draft archeological report of the OU2 portion of the Peterson/Puritan Superfund Site, covering the full pre-and post-contact Native American and European eras. Certain areas, including those identified on the National Historic Register, have clearly been identified as areas of historical concern. The potential for finding archeological artifacts in the many layers of sediments has also been identified. The TAG Committee will comment as needed.
An Open House has been scheduled for the Friends of the Blackstone River Environmental Center for July 21 from 9:00 to 2:00. Plans were detailed.
The Tree Grant for Sycamore Landing has been approved. A planting schedule is being worked out.
The issue of signage along the river was briefly discussed. Information is expected from the Corridor.
It was noted that a sign on the street for the new building is very much needed. It might be a movable one.
Joe Pailthorpe will distribute tickets for the annual duck race in the next few weeks. It is hoped that more will be sold this year than last.
Frank Geary showed a good picture of the old Manville Jenckes mill that had been given to him by his sons. We might have a copy made for the building.
July 29 has been designated as Bay Day. There will be an event at India Park. The Council has been asked to participate.
The Blackstone Valley Outfitters want to organize a camp out at Sycamore Landing; however, they are not members. John will call them to discuss the matter.
Frank Matta announced that in the law suit discussed at the April meeting, Ferreira won and Paolino lost.
Pursuant to many meetings held over the last two years, the state has issued a fine portfolio entitled Watershed Counts. It will be available for members to see at the new building.
Sandra Belliveau and Roland Gauvin have attended state sponsored meetings on alternative energy, including hydro. The organizers have put out a report for comment. Sandra will be preparing comments.
DEM is not necessarily pro hydro. Flow is an issue. Could the river stand so many hydros in such a short space without suffering serious damage?
Finally, it was announced that there will be a walkabout at Elder Ballou Cemetery on July 19 at 6:30.
The August Board meeting will be at AMICA on the 15th.