Present:Councillor G. Reams(Chairman)

Councillor P.Burton(Vice Chairman)

Councillors S.Elwood, S.Bartlett, J.Cooper

E. King, J. Deane. G.Royce

Also Present:Mrs.P.D. Cooper(Parish Clerk)

Mr.J.Badley RSPB

Mrs.N.Beeson. Frampton Handbell Ringers

Mr &Mrs.K.Scott. St.Michaels Church Hall

Mrs.W. Cope Frampton United Charities

Mrs. V. Jamieson, Focus on Frampton

Mr.Ray Harding Gardening Club

Mrs.Carol Patrick, Frampton W.I.

Mr.RexHalgarth Friends of Frampton Church

Apologies:Lincs. Police

County Councillor A. Austin

Boroough Councillor C.Rylott

Councillor D.May


Mrs. V. Halgarth

Mrs.C. Smith


Mrs Garwood –Kirton Secondary School.

The Chairman opened the Meeting by welcoming fellow Councillors and guests to the Annual Parish Meeting.

35/16 Notes of the last Meeting (23/4/15)

Resolved, that the Minutes were a true record of the meeting and signed accordingly.

36/16 Matters arising.

No Matters arising.

37/16 Chairman’s Report.

It is a privilege to welcome you to our Annual Parish Meeting, the 25th under my Chairmanship, where we receive reports from organisations in the Parish about their year’s activities.

I start by welcoming back as our Clerk, Mrs. Pat Cooper, who has been dropped in at the deep end sorting us out for this meeting.

Later this evening after the reports we are proposing to gather at the Beacon which we will light to celebrate our Queen’s Birthday, and have some food and drinks around it, so if you

can please come and join us, I don’t want to be on my own.

This year we have finally received our electronic speed signs which need to be fastened around the Parish to make drivers aware of their some times excessive speed and move them around to other places after a time when they have been recharged.

The Council has again been able to support with grants around the Parish, but our funding has been reduced, and also being told by the Borough that we are going to be responsible for our Street Lighting, and if we need one, a Parish Election. So we as a Parish, without we request for a larger Precept to cover the extra expenses, will be on our Budget.

We have as I think you know obtained a ceramic Poppy from the Display at Windsor Castle for each soldier from Frampton who’s names are on our War Memorial. They will be placed in a permanent display in St. Mary’s now that our shelves are in place in the new Cabinet on Remembrance Day we carried the flower parts down the Aisle to be blessed and one ladypoignantly said tearfully that she had carried a man’s life in her hands. We have now placed them in an Oak Cabinet and the Arch Deacon will come on Sunday to take part in our morning Service where they will be blessed along with the one from St. Michaels.

Frampton is lucky in that its Parish Councillors are spread the total length of the Parish from Hubberts Bridge to church Endmaking it easier for seeing and reporting crime or other problems which accrue and again I thank them for being good attenders at the monthly Meetings.


Mrs. Joan Ashton presented councillor Reams with a Picture from the Parish Council Marking his 25th year as Chairman, and thanked him on behalf of everyone for all his dedication and hard work in the Parish.

Reports from organisations within Frampton.

Reports were read by:

Councillor J. Cooper – St. Mary’s Church

Mr. R. Halgarth – Friends of Frampton

Mrs.N. Beeson – Frampton Handbell Ringers

Mrs.C. Pattrick Frampton W.I.

Clllr. G. Reams – Hubberts Bridge Community Centre. Sir Thomas Middlecott

Mr. Ray Harding - Gardening Club

Mrs. Wendy Cope. Frampton United Charities, Church House Village Hall

Mrs. Myra Scot - Church Hall , Frampton West.

Mr. John Badley– RSPB

Mrs. V. Jamieson - Focus on Frampton

There was No Other Business, and the Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 9 p.m and

thanked everyone for coming and giving their reports.

The Next Meeting will be the Annual Council Meeting which will be held on Thursday May 19th 7.30 p.m. at Church House Village Hall.