Saturday, February 17, 2018
8:00am – 8:00pm
Milt Lunda Memorial Arena
388 Melrose Street (Hwy 54 West)
P.O. Box 853, Black River Falls, WI 54615
90’ x 200’ rink
Registration includes a T-Shirt!
Entry Deadline: January 19, 2018
A Registered Wisconsin CompeteUSA Series Competition
Compulsory, Freestyle, Spins, and Jumps Events:
Snowplow Sam – Basic Skills – Untested to Preliminary
Compete USA Synchronized Skating
For a complete set of rules, application forms, or a link to register online, visit our website:
For questions, please contact Karen Koenigs @ or 715-299-4220 or Danielle Dougherty @
or 715-896-4327
The competition is open to ALL skaters who are current eligible (ER 1.00) members ofeither the Learn to Skate USA Program and/orare full members of U.S. Figure Skating. To beeligible, skaters must have submitted a membership application or be a member in goodstanding. Members of other organizations are eligible to compete but must be registeredwith the host Learn to Skate USAprogram/club or any other Learn to Skate USA program/club.
Eligibility will be based on skill level as of closing date of entries. All SNOWPLOW SAM AND LEARN TO SKATE USA SKATERS THROUGH BASIC 6 must skate at highest levelpassed or one higher and NO official U.S. Figure Skating tests may have been passedincluding Moves in the Field or Individual Dances. Skaters in other events may skate at the highest level passes OR one level higher BUT not both levels in the same event during the same competition.
Online registration is available at and will close on January 19, 2018 at 11:59pm.
All paper entries must be postmarked no later than January 19, 2018. An additional $10 administrative fee will be charged for paper entries. There will be a $25 fee for returned checks.
Mail checks (payable to BRFFSC) and paper entry forms to:
P.O. Box 853
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Registrations will be limited to the first 150 individual applications received. Late entries will be accepted only if the limit hasnot been reached, at thediscretion of the organizers, and will be charged a $15 late fee.
Entry fees are $45 for the first event and $25 for each additional event for individuals and $50 per Synchro team and $10 per team member. NO refunds after closing date unless event is canceled by the Black River Falls Figure Skating Club’s Competition Committee.
ENTRY FORMS MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY and submitted with all fees paid in full.
A free t-shirt will be given to each competitor. Please indicate skater’s size on the registration form. Note: an individual skater who is also competing in the synchro team event will only receive one t-shirt.
Everyone will receive an award. All events will be final rounds. Medals willbe awarded to all places (1stthrough 6thplace). Allawards will be given at appropriate times throughout the competition.
Skaters’ names and event times along with directions to the arena will be posted on the Black River Falls Figure Skating Club’s website ( approximately four to five days prior to the competition. An email will be sent when the schedule has been posted.
Practice ice will be available on Friday evening, February 16, 2018 for Synchro teams and for individual events from 6:00-9:00pm and on Saturday morning, February 17, 2018 for individual events from 6:00am-7:40am. Synchro teams will have priority for times on Friday evening.
Practice ice will be sold in advance for $6 per 20 minutes for individuals or at registration for $8 per 20 minutes for individuals and in advance for $50 per 20 minutes for Synchro teams. A maximum of 20 skaters will be allowed on the ice during any one session for individuals.
You may sign up for NO MORETHAN TWO SESSIONS on a first-come, first-served basis. Skaters’ names and practice times will be posted on the website ( approximately four to five days prior to competition.
The registration desk at the Milt Lunda Memorial Arena will be open during all practice and competition sessions. Competitors should arrive at the arena at least 45 minutes before the scheduled time of their event. All schedules will be posted on an official bulletin board at the Milt Lunda Memorial Arena. It is the responsibility of each competitor to check this board for official schedules and notices.
The music for all free skating programs must be provided onCD’s by the skater. CD’s should be clearly marked with the name of the skater, evententered, length of music (not skating time), must contain only one track, and should be recorded on CD-R media (no CD-RW’s due to compatibility problems). Competition music is to be turned in atthe time of registration. Time duration is always +/- 10 seconds. CD’s will be returned to the registration desk shortly after each event. CD’s not collected prior to the end of the competition will only be returned to the participant at the participant’s request and expense.
A professional photographer (Buckley Studios) will available for award pictures. All skaters should report for award pictures even if no purchase will be made. You may bring your own camera or video camera for action shots but please no flash photography during an event. Only the professional photographer will take the award pictures.
Lost and found items may be claimed at the registration desk.
See our website, for a list of hotels nearby.
Postmark Date:
Last First
Phonetic pronunciation ______
City ______State______Zip______
Date of Birth ______Age ______Sex ______
Area Code/Phone Number ______
LTS USA/USFS Number ______Highest Snowplow/LTSLevel Passed______
Highest Level Moves Passed ______Highest Level Freestyle Passed ______
Program/Club Affiliation ______
Coach Name______Phone Number______
Coach Email ______
Please check the event(s) you are entering:
Basic Elements Event (no music):Basic Program Event (w/music):
______Snowplow Sam ______Snowplow Sam
______Basic 1 ______Basic 4______Basic 1 _____Basic 4
______Basic 2 ______Basic 5______Basic 2 _____Basic 5
______Basic 3 ______Basic 6______Basic 3 _____Basic 6
Free Skate Compulsory Event (no music):Free Skate Program Event (w/music):
______Pre-Free Skate______Pre-Free Skate
Introductory Compulsory Event (no music):Introductory Free Skate Program(w/music):
______Beginner ______Beginner
______High Beginner______High Beginner
Compulsory Moves Event (no music):Well Balanced Program Free Skate
______No TestEvent (w/music):
______Pre-Preliminary______No Test
______Preliminary______Pre-Preliminary Free skate
______Preliminary Free skate
Test Track Free Skate Program Event:
Spins Event:Jumps:
______High Beginner______High Beginner
______No Test______No Test
T-shirt size:
______Youth Small______Adult Small
______Youth Medium______Adult Medium
______Youth Large______Adult Large
______Youth Extra Large______Adult Extra Large
First Event $______($45)
Additional Event(s)$______($25)
Practice Ice$______($6 per session, up to 2 sessions)
Late Fee$______($15)
Paper Registration Fee$______($10)
Competition Program$ ______($2)
The completed entry form, with fees, must be postmarked no later than January 19, 2018.
Make check or money order payable to Black River Falls Figure Skating Club or BRFFSCand mail to: BRFFSC, P.O. Box 853, Black River Falls, WI 54615. Late entries will be charged an additional $15 late fee and will only be accepted at the discretion of the organizers.
Foradditional information email: Karen Koenigs at .
Certification of Competitor: The Competitor is eligible to enter the events checked. It is agreed thatthe competitor and family holds the Black River Falls Figure Skating Club and the Milt Lunda Memorial Arena harmless from anyand all liabilityeither during practice or the competition, and from any and all liability for damagesto or loss of property.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Competitor Signature______Date______
Program Director/Club Officer______Date______
I have reviewed and approve the entry of this skater in the indicated events. With my signature I certify that I have complied with ALL U.S. Figure Skating coach’s requirements as they relate to membership, coach compliance, and CERs.
Instructor/Coach Signature______Date______
February 17, 2018
ENTRY FORM 1: Team Information
Team name ______US Figure Skating # ______
Club (if applicable) ______
Team contact person ______
Daytime phone number ______E-mail ______
Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Primary coach ______US Figure Skating # ______
Daytime phone number ______E-mail ______
Number of skaters ______Number of alternates ______
Please check the level and/or event entered:
[ ] Synchro Skills 1
[ ] Synchro Skills 2
[ ] Synchro Skills 3
Entry Fee: Enclosed is
$ ______for Synchro Skills event ($50 per team / Synchro Skills event)
$ ______for _____ competitors ($10 per skater / Synchro Skills event)
$ ______for _____ practice ice session ($50/20 min session; limit 2 sessions)
Checks should be made payable to Black River Falls Figure Skating Club or BRFFSC.
Please send all forms and fees to: BRFFSC, P.O. Box 853, Black River Falls, WI 54615.
All fees and entry forms must be postmarked by January 19, 2018.
Compete USA teams may choose to represent either a full member club or a U.S. Figure
Skating Learn to Skate USA school / program.
February 18, 2017
ENTRY FORM 2: Team Roster
Name of the team ______
Name of the club or program represented ______
TEAM ROSTER (Please list skaters in alphabetical order. It is not necessary toindicate who is an alternate).
Date of
Skater’s name Membership # Birth Signature of skater / parent ifunder 18
February 17, 2018
ENTRY FORM 3: Liability Waiver/Certification by Club Officer
U.S. Figure Skating and the clubs or organizers of competitions undertake no responsibility for damages or injuries suffered by the skaters or officials. As a condition of and in consideration of the acceptance of their entries or participation therein, all entrants, their parents and guardians and officials shall be deemed to agree to assume all risks of injury to their person and property resulting from, caused by or connected with, the conduct and management of the competition, and to waive and release any and all claims which they may have against any officials, U.S. Figure Skating, the club hosting the competition, and against its officers, and their entries shall be accepted only on such condition.
T-Shirt Size* Skater’s name Skater signature or parent/guardian in alphabetical order signature if under 18
*Note: a skater will only receive one t-shirt if registered for both an individual event and a synchro team event.
Club officer or skating school director: All of the skaters listed on the team entry form are to the best of my knowledge, eligible members in good standing and eligible to compete under U.S. Figure Skating or Skate Canada rules.
Print Name ______
Signature ______Title ______
Club or Learn to Skate USA Program Name______
Singles athletes begin with the Learn to Skate USA program, then progress to the “introductory levels,” and finally choose whether to follow the test track or Well Balanced program category. Athletes may choose to move between test track and Well Balanced program at any point.
Format choice of the host: Each skater will perform each element when directed by a judge or referee or have the option to perform one element at a time in the order listed below (no excessive connecting steps). Referee driven format examples: all skaters perform first element before moving on to the next and so on, or each skater performs all of the required elements before moving on to the next skater.
- To be skated on 1/3 to 1/2 ice.
- No music.
- All elements must be skated in the order listed.
Level / Time / Skating rules/standards
Snowplow Sam / 1:00 max. /
- March followed by a two-foot glide and dip
- Forward two-foot swizzles, 2-3 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles, 2-6 in a row
Basic 1 / 1:00 max. /
- Forward two-foot glide and dip
- Forward two-foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
- Beginning snowplow stop on two-feet or one-foot
- Backward wiggles, 6-8 in a row
Basic 2 / 1:00 max. /
- Forward one-foot glide, either foot
- Scooter pushes, right and left foot, 2-3 each foot
- Moving snowplow stop
- Two-foot turn in place, forward to backward
- Backward two-foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
Basic 3 / 1:00 max. /
- Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade
- Forward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, either clockwise or counter clockwise, 4-6 consecutive
- Forward slalom
- Beginning backward one-foot glide, either foot
- Moving forward to backward two-foot turn on a circle
Basic 4 / 1:00 max. /
- Backward one-foot glides, right and left
- Forward outside edge on a circle, clockwise or counter clockwise
- Forward crossovers, 4-6 consecutive, both directions
- Beginning two-foot spin, maximum 2-4 revolutions
- Backward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, one direction only
Basic 5 / 1:00 max. /
- Backward outside edge on a circle, clockwise or counterclockwise
- Backward crossovers, 4-6 consecutive, both directions
- Advanced two-foot spin, maximum 4-6 revolutions
- Forward outside three-turn, right and left
- Hockey stop
Basic 6 / 1:00 max. /
- Forward inside three-turn, right and left
- Bunny Hop
- Forward spiral on a straight line, right or left
- Beginning one-foot spin, 2-4 revolutions, optional free leg held position and entry
- T-stop, right or left
Format: The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times the element is executed or length of glides, number of revolutions, etc., unless otherwise specified.
- To be skated on full ice.
- The skater may use elements from a previous level.
- A 0.2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level.
Level / Time / Skating rules/standards
Snowplow Sam / 1:10 max. /
- March followed by a two-foot glide and dip
- Forward two-foot swizzles, 2-3 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop
- Backward wiggles, 2-6 in a row
Basic 1 / 1:10 max. /
- Forward two-foot glide and dip
- Forward two-foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
- Beginning snowplow stop on two-feet or one-foot
- Backward wiggles, 6-8 in a row
Basic 2 / 1:10 max. /
- Forward one-foot glide, either foot
- Scooter pushes, right and left foot, 2-3 each foot
- Moving snowplow stop
- Two-foot turn in place, forward to backward
- Backward two-foot swizzles, 6-8 in a row
Basic 3 / 1:10 max. /
- Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade
- Forward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, either clockwise or counter clockwise, 4-6 consecutive
- Forward slalom
- Beginning backward one-foot glide, either foot
- Moving forward to backward two-foot turn on a circle
Basic 4 / 1:10 max. /
- Backward one-foot glides, right and left
- Forward outside edge on a circle, clockwise or counter clockwise
- Forward crossovers, 4-6 consecutive, both directions
- Beginning two-foot spin, maximum 2-4 revolutions
- Backward ½ swizzle pumps on a circle, one direction only
Basic 5 / 1:10 max. /
- Backward outside edge on a circle, clockwise or counterclockwise
- Backward crossovers, 4-6 consecutive, both directions
- Advanced two-foot spin, maximum 4-6 revolutions
- Forward outside three-turn, right and left
- Hockey stop
Basic 6 / 1:10 max. /
- Forward inside three-turn, right and left
- Bunny Hop
- Forward spiral on a straight line, right or left
- Beginning one-foot spin, 2-4 revolutions, optional free leg held position and entry
- T-stop, right or left
EVENT: Pre-Free Skate Compulsory Event
Format: In simple program form, using a limited number of connecting steps, the skating order of the required elements is optional.
- To be skated on ½ ice.
- No music is allowed.
- The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use any additional elements from previous levels. Bonus skills from the same level or below are allowed but will not be judged elements.
- A 0.2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level.
- Time: 1:15 max
Level / Time / Skating rules/standards
Pre-Free Skate / 1:15 max /
- Forward inside open Mohawk from a standstill position (R to L and L to R)
- Two forward crossovers into a forward inside Mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into one backward crossover and step to a forward inside edge, clockwise and counterclockwise
- One-foot upright spin, optional entry and free-foot position (minimum three revolutions
- Mazurka
- Waltz jump
EVENT: Pre-Free Skate Program Event With Music
Format: The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times an element is executed, length of glides, number of revolutions, etc., unless otherwise stated. Connecting steps and transitions should be demonstrated throughout the program.
- To be skated on full ice.
- The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use but is not required to use any additional elements from previous levels.
- A 0.2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level.
- Time 1:40 max.
Level / Time / Skating rules/standards
Pre-Free Skate / 1:40 max /
- Two forward crossovers into a forward inside Mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into one backward crossover and step to a forward inside edge, clockwise and counterclockwise
- One-foot upright spin, optional entry and free-foot position (minimum three revolutions
- Mazurka
- Waltz jump
EVENT: Introductory Levels Compulsory
Format: In simple program form, using a limited number of connecting steps, the skating order of the required elements is optional.
- To be skated on ½ ice.
- No music is allowed.
- The skater must demonstrate the required elements and may use any additional elements from previous levels.
- A 0.2 deduction will be taken for each element performed from a higher level.
- Skaters may have the option to skate one level higher in compulsories than their free skate program.
Level / Time / Skating rules/standards
Beginner / 1:15 max. /
- Waltz jump
- ½ jump of choice
- Forward two-foot or one-foot spin - minimum three revolutions (free leg position optional)
- Forward or backward spiral
High Beginner / 1:15 max. /
- Toe loop jump
- Salchow jump
- Forward scratch spin - minimum three revolutions
- Forward or backward spiral
2018 Black River Falls Compete USA Competition